

By Viciyoung in 6 Jun 2016 | 10:44
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Chidi came out from his room about entering the entrance of the sitting room when he heard his name called he turned and saw his sister walking toward him,she was coming from her room .
chidi was a 24 year old boy who is studying chemical engineering in the university of port-Harcourt he was in 300L,he was good looking,light chocolate and tall unlike Judith his younger sister who was fair in complexsion that u will think she is am outcast.she was smiling as she walk up to chidi
Judith :good morning big bro
chidi seeing her happy always gives him joy for she was the world to him
Chidi:good morning,what's up
Judith :cool ,so where are u off to this morning
Chidi:am going back to school
Judith surprised )to school, but u just came back yesterday, how come you are leaving today
Chidi:well something came up that's why I need to go back to school
Judith kay no problem just take care of yourself okey
Chidi:I will you too (kissed her on her cheek and left)
Judith went back to her room as soon as chidi left.
Amara came out of the house with her parents ,the house was an old building which you can call a village house, Mr uche amara father who was just a farmer was on his 50's and amara mother Mrs uche was a trader,Amare was the only child of Mr and Mrs uche they all live in the eastern part of the nigeria in a small village in imo state.
Mrs uche carring a luggage,she was looking sad)Amara
Amara with a smile)mama
Mrs uche :I will miss you
Amara:mama am only going to the city for my studies and nothing more,so please don't feel sad (consoled her)and beside I will be coming from time to time and u can always reach me okey
Mr uche :don't mind your mother you know women and their things,so Amara
Amara :yes papa
Mr uche :make sure you face your education, you know the family you are from and our belief always remember our Christian faith please don't disappoint us okey
Amare: I will not papa
Mrs uche :and I also heard that the university is a very dangerous place please do be careful okey don't keep bed friends alright
Amara:no mama,I will always be the daughter you raised I promised
Mr uche :you will manage the money I gave to you for now I will send you another one very soon
Amara :ah papa this one will be enough don't worry yourself all I want is your prayers and I will be fine and take care of mama for me
Mr uche give out a loud laugh
Mr uche f course I will
Amara :I should start going now before I miss my bus
Mr uche h yes I will see you off at the motor park
Mrs uche h my daughter take care of yourself
Amara :I will mama
they hug eachother
Amara key bye
Amara took her luggage from her mother
Mrs uche :bye bye
Mr uche and Amara left ,Mrs uche went inside the house.
At the university of port-Harcourt compound Emma,jude, Godwin and chidi where sitting outside one of the class Window
Godwin upset) guys,I don't understand that lecturer oh,I really don't understand him everything you do is a problem
Emma:don't mind him that's how all of them behave they always want to get you upset so that they will us it against you but you know me ne I already knows all their tactics
Chidi laughing )you guys and your lecturers it's one problem to another don't you people gets tired I mean you guys know what they want just give it to them and they will all stay off you backs
Jude:it's easy for you to say is it not because no one is disturbing you because of your father influence
Chidi:come on yes I know that's one point but I also know what to do so that they can be pleased with me and if you follow my step I tell you all,your problems will be solved..
Jude hisses
Emma:anyway dat one ne ur own,least I forgot i saw Frank yesterday and he said the things we ordered for has arrived.
Chidi smile )that's good news I mean it's been long
Jude confused )Frank is something oh
Godwin:what do you mean
Jude:I called him today and he told me that it has not arrived
Emma surprised )what do you mean, are you trying to say he is playing with us
Chidi angry)when you guys were recommending this Frank of a guy I asked about him but you said he was good in things like this
Godwin raising the tone of his voice )I mean this Frank need to be questioned ah,this is getting too much.
Emma:is he at home
Godwin :I don't know but he told me that he will be around for the time been
Jude:why don't we go and see him that's more better .
Godwin :I think you are right, let's go now
Chidi key if you want us to go
Emma:let's go.
They all left.
6 Jun 2016 | 10:44
Who loves me most Episode 2 Amara is now in the university premises, she was excited that her dreams are finally coming true,the day was so hot and Amara was so tried after the journey for a long hours ,without being told she knew she needed to find her apartment,after about some few hours of asking some students around the university premises for direction she arrived at a storey building,the open the gate and went in,the house was printed in white and up to 10 difference flats in it ,Amare search for the flat number that could match the on her paper and finally she arrived at flat 8,she knocked at the gate but no response, the third time she knock a voice answer from inside. Voice :who is that A tall ,beautiful,dark in complexsion girl came out. Voice :yes how can I help you Amara :good evening Voice :good evening Amara :my name is Amara please is this flat 8 just making sure she is at the right flat Voice :yes any problem Amara :not at all ,i just gain Admission into the university and I was told that I will be staying here Voice smile )oh you must be our new room mate (she open the gate)am Sandra by name. Amara smile back )nice meeting you Sandra :come in( giving her way to pass) Amara :thanks She entered and Sandra closed the gate behind her,Sandra showed Amara her room. Amara :thanks Sandra :you are welcome do feel at home Amara key Sandra left Amara, Amare likes her room so neat and clean, it seen like the first owner before her was good in tidying things, she quickly opened her luggage and started to put things in order,few minutes later her phone rang she took her phone and found the the caller was her mum. Amara smiling )hello mama Mrs uche :Amara my daughter Amara :yes mama ,mama how are you Mrs uche :am fine look,how are you Amara :am okey Mrs uche :are you in school now Amara :yes mama I am even in my room now,Am arranging my things,mama the flat is a four bedrooms so am occupying one all to my self. Mrs uche :that's good,hope you have eaten. Amara :I will soon mama,how is papa Mrs uche :he's fine ,he went to see his friend. Amara key Mrs uche :let me leave you since you are busy,I will call you later. Amara key mama bye bye (she Huge up) Amara continued with what she doing. ------------------------------- Chidi was inside his room browser with his phone when Emma walked in. Read next episode leave your comments [hr] [color=red]LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES[/color] episode 3-6 (scroll dawn) episode 7&8 epsode 9-12 episode 13 epsode 14&15 16-final episode Season 2
6 Jun 2016 | 10:51
ride on
6 Jun 2016 | 11:10
I never knew it's a story until I saw season 2... ride on bro...( I don't even know if u r a man or a woman) anyway we dey ya back
6 Jun 2016 | 11:31
Who love me most Episode 3 Emma:guy how far they gave themselves an handshake Chidi:yes (till focusing on his phone ) Emma:non be human being I dey talk to,chidi Chidi dropped the phone )am all ears. Emma:you and Facebook, may looking at you could tell me that there's one little witch that you are chatting with am I right he gave that look that make it seen he was sure,chidi laugh out loud that you could hear him from afar. Chidi:why do you call them names you don't even know them Emma:that doesn't mean anything, I know their type you hear mtcheeew. giving out a loud hisses,chidi was a lover of women,or should I use the word a player,he never really take any girl serious his good looking and money could get any girl begging to have him just for one night. Chidi:yes sir,I have heard you. Emma gave that I don't care look . Chidi:where have you been I came to your room but you weren't around, I even try calling you but not available. Emma sign)yea my phone went off,any problem. Chidi:you and problem,nothing really I just thought I could have a little chat with you. Emma:chat,is that so Chidi:yeah Emma:I went to Sandra house Sandra and Emma has been dating for 5years now since their secondary school days,their love was inseparable,every students in the school knows they are together they both find it difficult no to see each other for just one day. Chidi:how is she Emman:she is fine,guess what Chidi confused )what Emma:when I went to see Sandra, I was in the sitting room waiting for her to dress up cause we were going out,I was just there and blood of Jesus behold an Angel (hitting his two foots down to make it seen real) Immediately chidi laugh hard so hard that he nearly fall off his bed chidi:Angel for real Emma:if you see this girl,if not that I controlled myself only God knows what could have happens to me. Chidi:you don't mean it,who is she Emma:I asked Sandra and she said she is their new room mate chidi:if this girl is as beautiful the way you are singing about her,you know me Emma got up laughing and shouting Emma:bad guy chidi smile in unpleasant way Chidi:let me see her first,then leave the rest to me. Emma:chidi you and women, listen if you see this one you will know that God created a wonderful thing on earth. Chidi:let me see her,have you seen Godwin and Jude. Emma:no I haven't Chidi:do you have classes later or now. Emma look at his watch)no not now Chidi:why don't we go out am bored at home. Emma key but bill on you (chidi laughed)yes be Chidi:no problem chidi changed his clothes to something better in no second they went out of the room the both went into chidi range rover and drove off. ------------------------------------------ Back at the village Mrs uche was going to the market singing an igbo song when a car drove passed her and stoped,a short woman,dark in complexsion came down from the car she called Mrs uche, Mrs uche turned to see who was calling her to her greatest surprise it was her old time friend who travel out of the country with her husband and children some years back. Mrs uche :ada is that you the both hug eachother Mrs uche :look at you (admiring mrs ada Marcus beautiful body) Mrs Ada Marcus :how have you been Mrs uche excited )am fine ooooo am the way you left me Mrs Ada Marcus :my friend, (laughing )but you are looking good. Mrs uche :when did you came back. Mrs ada Marcus :last two weeks, I was In Abuja am just entering the village now. Mrs uche :how is your husband,hope he is fine. Mrs ada Marcus :he is fine ,he is till in the state's Mrs uche h okey and what about your children. Mrs ada Marcus :they are all okey and where is Amara. Mrs uche :Amara (smile like a proud mother )Amara is now in the university Mrs ada Marcus surprised )you don't mean it Mrs uche :yes ooooo Mrs ada Marcus :I have always see her as a bright child. Mrs uche :we thank God oooo (raising her hands to the heavens ). Mrs ada Marcus :where are you off too. Mrs uche :am going to the market to get somethings. Mrs ada Marcus :let's enter my car let me drop you. Mrs uche :if you say so. Mrs ada Marcus :let's go they both entered the car till laughing and talking,Mrs ada Marcus turned back to the direction that Mrs uche was going to and drove off. ------------------------------------- It has been some weeks and Amara has adjusted to so many things in the school and in her apartment,there were their more girls that live with her in the flat, Sandra,Annabelle and princess they were all nice to her and made her stay there a lot easier. She was in the sitting room watching movie title "Atlanta season 2" cause she had no tv in her own room yet , she heard a knock on the door quickly she went and open the door, there stoop Emma and chidi,chidi was looking at her like who just found a diamond in his bag as don't know what to do with it. Amara :hi good day (opening the door wide for them to come in) Emma smiling )good day is Sandra in Amara :she is inside please you can in (she left the door as soon as she ushered them in). Emma low tone)I told you,so what do you think. Chidi amazed)wow,you are so right. Emma:come on let's go inside they both entered the sitting room, Amare was already sitted Emma:you didn't go to lecture today. Amara :no I had no class . Emma:this is my friend chidi (pointing at chidi ) Amare:hi (with a smile ) Chidi:hi Emma:I will be in Sandra room,please make my friend comfortable. Amara key Emma gave chidi a go ahead signal and walked into Sandra room,chidi Sat on the couch starring at Amara who was concentrating on the movie she was watching. Chidi:it sees you are enjoying the movie. Amara :yeah it's interesting Chidi:so what's the name ,I mean your name. Amara :Amara Chidi:what a nice name (chidi isn't good at wooing a girl on like every other girls that always want to be around him but in this case he knows he need to try)you must be new in this school. Amare faced him)yeah,I just started the school not up to two weeks now. Chidi:you are beautiful I must confuse, you know that. Amara smile )I know just where you are driving at but please an not really interested the word not interested was like a slap to his face but till he has to stand his ground. Chidi:no,no,no,no I am not driving at that direction, Am only letting you know how beautiful you are,please don't get offended. Amara felt bad as she has use the wrong words on him. Amara :am sorry if I got you wrong, I thought. Chidi cut in)there's no problem it's normal for every lady to feel insecure so nothing is wrong. Amara :thanks Chidi:you look just like my friend way back. Amara:is that so Chidi:yeah for real Amara:guys i sometimes don't understand you people. Chidi confused )how do you mean. Amara :nothing am just saying Chidi h no problem since you said nothing . chidi wanted to hear all she had to say but he just don't want to force the word out of her mouth, just about then Emma and Sandra came holding eachother playing like the two love birds that they are. Emma:my man my man (patting him one his shoulder ) Sandra:chidi hi Chidi gave Sandra a quick smile Emma jokefuly)leave chidi oh, he is enjoying himself. Chidi:please let me be. Sandra :Amara Amara :ha Emma :hope you took care of my friend. Chidi spoke as Amara wanted to utter a word Chidi:yes she did ,she did a prefect job Sandra :I can see that Chidi:should we start going Emma:yes (chidi got up ). Sandra :you guys should take care of yourself. Emma :are you not seeing me off come on. Sandra :alright let's go. (They both laughed) Chidi:alright nice talking with you. Amara :the pleasure is mine. Chidi key bye. Emma:bye Sandra :am coming. Amara key Chidi,Emma and Sandra went outside while Amara continued with her movie. It was morning, the cry of the birds can till be heard from afar .Mrs uche was sweeping her compound when a car drove into her compound, she was surprised and she stoped sweeping, a young boy on his 20's came out of the car he was looking smart and handsome too. young boy :good morning mam mrs uche :yes good day,may I help you. young boy :mam, it's like you don't recognize me. Mrs uche try to picture the face but it was till blank Mrs uche :no I don't know you and I don't think we have meant before. Young boy :it's me Maxwell. Leave your comments and read the next episode
7 Jun 2016 | 09:17
Who love me most Episode 4 Mrs uche :Maxwell I don't think i remember that name. Maxwell :am Maxwell Marcus , second son of Ada Marcus just then she began to recall Maxwell :the one that left for the UK 14yrs ago. now she remembered the little max that use to run around with Amara all over the house playing hide and seek but now that little boy has because a man. Mrs uche gland at him amazed )maxwell. Maxwell smiling )yes mam Mrs uche hugged him)may the good Lord be praised,look at how you have grew so big ,when did you returned. Maxwell :just yesterday mrs uche :how is everything Maxwell :everything is fine Mrs uche :I saw your mother some day back but she didn't tell me you would be coming back too. Maxwell :even my mum was not aware of my coming, she was even surprised to hear I was at the airport in Lagos where she came to pick me. Mrs uche :how is studied Maxwell :studies are fine but I am done now. Mrs uche :you don't say Maxwell :yes mam,please where is Amara I have missed her so much. Mrs uche:Amara is now in the university Maxwell happy)nice,that's good please mam I could really love to see her Mrs uche :that's not a problem let me go inside and get you the address to her place. Maxwell excited )you have it Mrs uche :yes I have it,the last time my husband sent Money to her she sented the address to us,Am coming let me bring it she went into the house,Maxwell waited impatiently as he wanted to see the first girl he has fallen for all this years,just then he remembered all the promise he made to her before he left for UK,after kissing her that night,Amara hide her face with her hands ,she was only 8 and Maxwell was 13,he removed her hands from her face and ask if she liked it she nodded which means yes, he has always keep that memory in his head,he came to reality when he heard his name been called, mrs uche brought out a piece of paper there was an address number written on it. Mrs uche :this is it (gave the piece of paper to Maxwell,he collected it) Maxwell :thank you mam Mrs uche :there is no problem Maxwell;:I will take my leave now. Mrs uche :no problem greet your mother for me ooooo Maxwell :I will Mrs uche :drive safely. Maxwell key mam he immediately went inside the car and drove off,Mrs uche waved Maxwell goodbye. Mrs uche;:look at max,children of now a days,they grow up very fast,we thank God ooooo and she continued with her sweeping. In the school campus students where busying with different activities, Sandra was in the class reading when Emma walked in. Emma gave Sandra a big kiss on her cheek )my baby how are you doing he sat beside her placing his hand round her ,Sandra smile back at him. Sandra :am doing fine. Emma :what are you doing Sandra :I am trying to complete this assignment I need to surmit it today. Emma :is it difficult for you can I help. Emma was an accounting student he wasn't that brilliant but he was ok unlike chidi who was so intelligent. Sandra :no,Am just copying it,Amare helped me with it I just need to rewrite it with my hand writing so that the lecturer won't suspect a thing. Emma surprised )Amare did it for you ,but both of you are from different course so how come. Emma :that is what amazed me about that girl,she is very brilliant and well behave. Emma :nice, and talking about Amara I think chidi likes her and want to have her. Sandra didn't buy the idea at all Sandra :listen Amara is a different kind of girl that won't be easy to play to his tone. Emma :come on,just try I mean you never can tell. Sandra :even if I decide to help,hope he will treat Amara differently not like all those girls he hang out with cause she is too nice for that,and I won't forgive myself if he breaks her heart Emma:don't worry about that okey. Sandra keep quite for a while then spoke. Sandra key I have heard you I will try to talk to her. Emma :that's my baby (he huged her and kiss her again)thanks, so now let's go have lunch Sandra :I need to finish what I am doing. Emma he got up and started packing up her books.)You will do it at lunch (he smile at her she smile back) Sandra ooooo why don't I always refuse you. Emma :that's because you love me (They both laughed ) Sandra :get away from here (got up and push Emma away ) Emma key come on let's go. they both left the class both holding hands. It was the same day that evening Amara came back from lectures , she entered the sitting room ,Sarah, princess and Annabelle was sitting on the couch all were busy with different things. Amara passed them)hello girls. they all response. Princess :you are back Amara:yeah am back Annabelle :how was lecture Amara :it was fine,I need to go in and freshen up. Sandra :Amara please can you sit down i will like to have a word with you. Amara key (she sat down )what is it. Sandra smiling )do you remember that guy who came with Emma here the other day. Amara:yes I remember him Sandra:well he told me he likes you and wants me to let you know of his intention Annabelle curious )who are you bebes talking about. Sandra :chidi the sound of chidi shocked both Annabelle and princess. Princess :chidi,are you serious. Sandra :yes I am and I think he is serious about it. Amara was a little bit confused. Amara h God, any guy could walk down to me and say he is serious about me but deep down he is lieing. Princess :no,no (surprised )not chidi, you know he can never get serious with a girl even if she was the most beautiful being on earth but I can credit him for knowing his ways around a woman he sure know how to make a woman feel special. Annabelle :and he is handsome too he is so intelligent,that guy is something. Princess :how I wish he could just look my way I won't wait a second to say yes. Amara was now confused the more. Amara :you guys are getting me confuse,awhile ago princess was condemning him,and now this. Sandra :what princess said are true I won't lie to you he can't get serious with any girl because he haven't found any one he loves, all girls are either going for his money or because of popularity so he can't have anything to do with people like that. Princess :Amara, I nevered condemned him,I only said what was called the truth but I didn't mention it was his fault,Who know he might be your God sent only her knew the meaning of the word,as Amara was trying to figure out what princess meant Annabelle walk up to her and seat close to her. Annabelle :ah baby girl,let it not seem like we are begging you to date him but we are just trying to help you get a guy that will be good for you not those stupid young students that cannot even feeds themselves. Amara :the chidi has not even approach me yet. Sandra :are you giving him a go ahead. Amara smiled)I don't know Annabelle r are you already inlove with him but you are keeping it from us. Amara h please don't say that. Sandra :so what do you say Amara :I don't know if I am ready for guys now. Annabelle :see you ooooo we are trying to help you make a future partner here. they all laughed Amara :you are not serious (she got up and walked to her room) Sandra :Amara you haven't given me an answer. Princess :leave her she will soon know what she is missing. They couldn't stop themselves from laughing. --------------------------------- THE NEXT DAY Amara was about going out as she passed a young man close to the gate,amara didn't even notice she passed some one cause she was last for her lectures, she didn't wake up early cause of the late night reading she did. Maxwell saw her walked pass)good morning miss(she stoped and looked at him,she was surprised to see a boy at that place that early cause the hostel was only for girls ,maybe he is one of the girls boyfriend she thought) Amara :good morning (she turned to take her leave) Maxwell :sorry to disturbed you (she stoped to answer him)but I am looking for some one. Amara :who may that be Maxwell :please is this address correct (showed Amara the address number ) Amare was surprised to see it was her address that was written on it Amara :yes you are at the right place I actually live in flat 8 who are you looking for. Maxwell h am looking for a girl by name Amara uche. Amara felt some coldness in her,hope nothing has happened to her mother or father God please let this be a good new she prayed in her heart. Amara:hope no problem Maxwell :no not at all I just want to see her. Amara :am Amara uche. Maxwell was speechless he couldn't fine words coming out from his mouth,Amare just look at him with confusion that was killing her,"o my God "Maxwell shouted out with excitement"you are grew big" Amara :excuse me Maxwell laughing )oh am so sorry forgive my manners I am over excited, it's me Maxwell, don't tell me you don't remember me please. Amara could not control her excitement as she jumped on Maxwell. Amara :Maxwell, look at you Maxwell :no you take a good look at yourself what have you been feeding on. Leave your comments here and read episode 5
7 Jun 2016 | 09:20
Who love me most episode 5 Amara :please stop that I should be the one asking you that Maxwell :I missed you so much That was hard for Amara to believe Amara:hmmmmmm,I can't believe that,if you missed me you could have sent me a message or called. Maxwell :am sorry about that but you have always been in my head. Amara felt some relief as maxwell held by the hand Amara:for real (looking into his eyes)maxwell said "yeah with a smile on his face. Amara:come to think of it how did you get my address number. Maxwell :your mother give it to me,she said you left for the city for studies, to be sincere you have really done well for yourself Amara:you too,(they both laughed ) Just then Amara remember she had lecture to attend that morning and she was dead late. Amara:I was going for lecture before you came Maxwell key let me drop you off Amara: thanks (with a smile on her face) Maxwell :this way They walk like two newly wedded couples who was going to their honey moon,maxwell open the passager sit for Amara she entered and he close the door after that he ran to his own seat,when he was seated he starts the car engine and hit the road. ************************************** The school activities was over for chidi and his friends as they enter the car and drove off suddenly chidi brought a conversation out. Chidi feeling unusual )emma(turned to him)I really don't know what to do,ever since I meant that girl i no longer understand myself. Emma confused )how do you mean. Chidi:I am having sleepless night, as am talking to you now i haven't slept the way a normal human being should. Suddenly Godwin who was seated at the back burst into uncontrollable laughter Godwin :sleepless night you (pointing at chidi) Chidi anger arouse Chidi:what's funny Godwin :sorry boss,but the chidi that I know will not have any sleepless night because of any girl,come on men please don't tell me that. Chidi calmed)yes I know but this one is different, believe me i really need to have this girl else i will go mad,it a must. They were all surprised at the effect that just one girl has course their high and mighty chidi and they knew it was serious. Emma:then relax your mind in no time she will be yours just chill. Jude:ne so this girl fine. Chidi:you need to see this girl,when emma told me about this girl i was doubting him but when I saw this baby,she is the replicate of beauty, her backside fit turn any wise man to mumu, her front backageing fit make you cross the red Sea without the water non divide, I have never seen any girl so spiritual. They all brust into laughter that never end. Jude:I can't wait to see this girl,I really need to see the girl that has turned my baddest guy to lover boy chai. Chidi:jude if you see this girl just hold your own ooooo Godwin :ah ah ah ne so. Chidi:yes oooo I non use this one play oooo Emma:don't worry in fact she is yours forever. Chidi :I believe you. They couldn't control the fun they where having they continue to tease him with it. Princess, Annabella and Sandra were walking in the campus ,they have just finished their lecture and are going home they don't usually wait for Amara because she always attached a student lessons to teach themselves more. Princess :what is Amara saying about the issue we discussed concerning chidi. Sandra :she hasn't said anything yet. Annabella :have you asked her. Sandra :no i haven't (slience for a while)you know she a lucky girl Annabella confused )why say so Sandra :don't know i just know she is. Princess :if chidi successed in having Amara, I mean taking her to bed what do you think he will do to her cause as far as I am concern chidi is a big time play boy. Sandra; sign)well that shouldn't be our problems she is not a kid. Princess upset)of course it should be,Amara is a nice girl and she haven't done anything wrong to us awwwwwwww. Annabella : princess is right, for me i don't think chidi is right for Amara, come on she is now like a sister to us,we won't see any of us trying to burn ourself and the other do nothing not to talk of we trying to burn her ourselves. Sandra :I know, but you never can tell things might change. Princess h please stop that you know that can never happen not in this school Sandra :I think chidi is seriously in love with her. Princess :well that is your own i till think it's not right. Sandra :then what do you want me to do you know that if chidi is bented on doing something he will,he can get Amara with or without my help you all knows that. Princess :then what ever happen don't interfer just allow him do it himself and let amara make up her mind herself so incase things goes wrong you or any of us will not be blame. Annabella :it's true ooooo Sandra key no problem i won't interfer in their business, so now can we hurry up am hunger. To Be Continued Drop your comments and Read episode 6
7 Jun 2016 | 09:22
Who love me most episode 6 Continue part Maxwell and Amara were always on each other, maxwell was always on his phone either chatting or talking to Amara, there was not a passing day that he won't go to visit her,maxwell rested a place in port-harcourt close to the university so that it won't be difficult to reach or see was a Sunday evening Amara did go to church that day because she wasn't feeling to we'll, maxwell later came to see her that day,maxwell was in the sitting while Amara was in the kitchen preparing dinner, princess, Sandra and annabella walk into the sitting. Maxwell smiling )hi ladies They were all surprised to see a guy sitted comfortable in Thierry sitting room. Princess :who are you Maxwell :am a friend to Amara Annabella : oh I see (seductively ) Just then Amara entered the sitting room Amara :you are back Sandra :yes we are (they all sat down)God is am so tired. Amara :tired was the service bored today Princess :no it was okey ,we all left this morning without breakfast,is there anything in the kitchen (taking off her shoes) Amara :well thank God for you guys because have just finished preparing something Annabella excited )you are a life saver. Amara :you guys came back late today . Sandra :yeah after service we went to see a friend of ours ,so won't you be so kind to introduce us to your friend. Amara laughed )oh sorry, this is maxwell, he's my childhood friend,maxwell these are my good and lovely friend,. Annabella :nice meeting Maxwell :me too Sandra :you are welcome to our home Maxwell :thanks Princess :Amara you have never mention him to us how come Amara :well he left for UK when we where little,it be for a long time,he just came back some weeks ago that's why you are seeing him now. Princess :that's great,so hope you won't be leaving soon Maxwell :not really Sandra :Amara where is the food ne Amara :I was about dishing it out Sandra :ne you till dey ne abi make it go eat (she got up ) Princess :i join oooo(she followed Sandra to the kitchen ) ************************************** The next day was Monday Amara left very early in the morning to school because she wanted to read a little because the day lectures will start, she was heading to her class when she heard her name been called at first she couldn't recognised the person until she gave a closer look and found out it was emma friend. Chidi smiling as he approached her)hi beauty Amara smiled back)hi Chidi:how are you doing Amara :asmara fine thanks for asking Chidi:that's nothing, exactly is was in the cafeteria when I saw you pass(pointing at a small bar where food and drinks are been sold) Amara :you must be enjoying yourself this early hours of the day. Chidi:not really just doing so paper work,where are you off to. Amara :class Chidi:this early Amara :yeah need to do somethings Chidi :if am not disturbing you,if could love to have some few words with you. Amara :isn't that what we have been doing Chidi laughed )of course (waited for a while )ifsnf you don't mind me asking, do you have a boyfriend Amara was shocked with the question. Amara :no, I don't Chidi :would you love to have one Amara smiling )that's if I see someone in like and will be faithful and honest to me, now why are you asking. chidi take a cool breath )Amara, I know this will sound so crazy to you but the truth is that from the first day in set me eyes on you i liked you and everyone since then I didn't know how to express it to you,I really want you,I can't promise you gold or silver but the only thing I can promise is that I can try my best to make you happy,I will never try to do any to hurt you (Amara signed )I see you as a gentle girl and I will keep it that way,your emotions will not be played with that in can swear with my life.just give me the chance to be in your life. Amara :it is easily said then done,you know that. Chidi :that's why I said I will try my best to keep my promise. Amara :but promises now a days are meant to be broken. Chidi :not for me Amara answer chidi starred at each other, chidi heart was beating so fast cause he wouldn't want a wrong answer. Amara :I will be sincere with you, am not really into this thing called relationship, it's not about the heart breaking thing,it's just that too much problems comes with it. Chidi :it's will give you time to think about it,it's don't want to rush you,maybe when next week see you will give me an answer, how about that. Amara :alright Chidi :let me walk you to you class Amara :no thanks just continue with what you were doing Chidi:are you sure Amara :yeah I am Chidi key if you say so Amara :I will be on my way now. Chidi :you take care or yourself till we meet again Amara gave a quick smile and went her way,and fierce the day lectures amara went room,she took her bath ate the food and went to bed,she was waken up by the vibration coming from her phone she looked at her well clock it was few minutes pass eight,she didn't know she has slept for five hours, the phone rang again she took her phone to see who the caller was,it was maxwell,she sat upright on her bed and picked the call. Amara :hello maxwell Maxwell :hi, how are you Amara;:am cool and you. Maxwell :am okey, hope am not disturbing you Amara :no, not really. Maxwell :I thought you were busy cause I have been calling for a long time. Amara :I was sleeping, but I am awake now,cause I have to read my books later when am done talking to you. Maxwell smiled )always with her book,hope you do rest Amara :I do rest,but I have to be very serious with my studies so that I can be successful in life,I want to be able to give my parents comfort when they grow old,I want to have enough money to take good care of them. Maxwell :that's good but what if you get married to a wealthy man,you know like it am,you don't need to work hard for money then. Amara (laughed )oh maxwell don't be silly but in any case that happens that won't stop me from working,now let stop imagining things that won't happen. Maxwell :what can never happen Amara :you and me getting married Maxwell :but you know sometimes good things do happen Amara :talking about marriage, when are you getting married because you haven't told me about any one that is in your life or don't you want to get marry Maxwell :I love to but she is not ready yet Amara happy )that means you have some one already. Maxwell :not really, we are just close friends and I believe one day she will understand my feelings and she will see how much I love her and she will know that I can go to any length to get what she desire. Amara :you talk about this girl with so much love,if you love her the way you say you do why don't you let her know. Maxwell sad)am shy Amara :you have to try Maxwell :i know, I see her almost every day but don't have but I just can't tell her Amara :you have to,she will understand you. Maxwell :Amara, will you understand, if you will understand then I will take a step. Amara shocked and confused )me Maxwell :yes you and no one else Amara:maxwell, you know if love you but only like the brother that I never heard. Maxwell :and I love you more then my sister Amara was now speechless Maxwell :i just thought I can make you understand, you have never left my mind,you said she will understand but you are wrong, you can never know how it feels,I shouldn't have said this out yet because I know you wasn't ready but an glad I did,goodnight amaretto answer sweet dreams(he huge up) Amara was so confused, she wouldn't imagine what she just heard ,she was doing lost in thought,how can her best friend be in look with her,what is she going to do,she already thinking of what chidi told he and now this,she laid there on her bed wandering in thoughts. Drop your comments and Read the next episode
7 Jun 2016 | 11:23
Chidi came out from his room about entering the entrance of the sitting room when he heard his name called he turned and saw his sister walking toward him,she was coming from her room . chidi was a 24 year old boy who is studying chemical engineering in the university of port-Harcourt he was in 300L,he was good looking,light chocolate and tall unlike Judith his younger sister who was fair in complexsion that u will think she is am outcast.she was smiling as she walk up to chidi Judith :good morning big bro chidi seeing her happy always gives him joy for she was the world to him Chidi:good morning,what’s up Judith :cool ,so where are u off to this morning Chidi:am going back to school Judith surprised )to school, but u just came back yesterday, how come you are leaving today Chidi:well something came up that’s why I need to go back to school Judith kay no problem just take care of yourself okey Chidi:I will you too (kissed her on her cheek and left) Judith went back to her room as soon as chidi left. ——————————————— Amara came out of the house with her parents ,the house was an old building which you can call a village house, Mr uche amara father who was just a farmer was on his 50’s and amara mother Mrs uche was a trader,Amare was the only child of Mr and Mrs uche they all live in the eastern part of the nigeria in a small village in imo state. Mrs uche carring a luggage,she was looking sad)Amara Amara with a smile)mama Mrs uche :I will miss you Amara:mama am only going to the city for my studies and nothing more,so please don’t feel sad (consoled her)and beside I will be coming from time to time and u can always reach me okey Mr uche :don’t mind your mother you know women and their things,so Amara Amara :yes papa Mr uche :make sure you face your education, you know the family you are from and our belief always remember our Christian faith please don’t disappoint us okey Amare: I will not papa Mrs uche :and I also heard that the university is a very dangerous place please do be careful okey don’t keep bed friends alright Amara:no mama,I will always be the daughter you raised I promised Mr uche :you will manage the money I gave to you for now I will send you another one very soon Amara :ah papa this one will be enough don’t worry yourself all I want is your prayers and I will be fine and take care of mama for me Mr uche give out a loud laugh Mr uche f course I will Amara :I should start going now before I miss my bus Mr uche h yes I will see you off at the motor park Mrs uche h my daughter take care of yourself Amara :I will mama they hug eachother Amara key bye Amara took her luggage from her mother Mrs uche :bye bye Mr uche and Amara left ,Mrs uche went inside the house. —————————————- At the university of port-Harcourt compound Emma,jude, Godwin and chidi where sitting outside one of the class Window Godwin upset) guys,I don’t understand that lecturer oh,I really don’t understand him everything you do is a problem Emma:don’t mind him that’s how all of them behave they always want to get you upset so that they will us it against you but you know me ne I already knows all their tactics Chidi laughing )you guys and your lecturers it’s one problem to another don’t you people gets tired I mean you guys know what they want just give it to them and they will all stay off you backs Jude:it’s easy for you to say is it not because no one is disturbing you because of your father influence Chidi:come on yes I know that’s one point but I also know what to do so that they can be pleased with me and if you follow my step I tell you all,your problems will be solved.. Jude hisses Emma:anyway dat one ne ur own,least I forgot i saw Frank yesterday and he said the things we ordered for has arrived. Chidi smile )that’s good news I mean it’s been long Jude confused )Frank is something oh Godwin:what do you mean Jude:I called him today and he told me that it has not arrived Emma surprised )what do you mean, are you trying to say he is playing with us Chidi angry)when you guys were recommending this Frank of a guy I asked about him but you said he was good in things like this Godwin raising the tone of his voice )I mean this Frank need to be questioned ah,this is getting too much. Emma:is he at home Godwin :I don’t know but he told me that he will be around for the time been Jude:why don’t we go and see him that’s more better . Godwin :I think you are right, let’s go now Chidi key if you want us to go Emma:let’s go. They all left. TO BE CONTINUED
8 Jun 2016 | 15:56
Who loves me most Episode 2 Amara is now in the university premises, she was excited that her dreams are finally coming true,the day was so hot and Amara was so tried after the journey for a long hours ,without being told she knew she needed to find her apartment,after about some few hours of asking some students around the university premises for direction she arrived at a storey building,the open the gate and went in,the house was printed in white and up to 10 difference flats in it ,Amare search for the flat number that could match the on her paper and finally she arrived at flat 8,she knocked at the gate but no response, the third time she knock a voice answer from inside. Voice :who is that A tall ,beautiful,dark in complexsion girl came out. Voice :yes how can I help you Amara :good evening Voice :good evening Amara :my name is Amara please is this flat 8 just making sure she is at the right flat Voice :yes any problem Amara :not at all ,i just gain Admission into the university and I was told that I will be staying here Voice smile )oh you must be our new room mate (she open the gate)am Sandra by name. Amara smile back )nice meeting you Sandra :come in( giving her way to pass) Amara :thanks She entered and Sandra closed the gate behind her,Sandra showed Amara her room. Amara :thanks Sandra :you are welcome do feel at home Amara key Sandra left Amara, Amare likes her room so neat and clean, it seen like the first owner before her was good in tidying things, she quickly opened her luggage and started to put things in order,few minutes later her phone rang she took her phone and found the the caller was her mum. Amara smiling )hello mama Mrs uche :Amara my daughter Amara :yes mama ,mama how are you Mrs uche :am fine look,how are you Amara :am okey Mrs uche :are you in school now Amara :yes mama I am even in my room now,Am arranging my things,mama the flat is a four bedrooms so am occupying one all to my self. Mrs uche :that’s good,hope you have eaten. Amara :I will soon mama,how is papa Mrs uche :he’s fine ,he went to see his friend. Amara key Mrs uche :let me leave you since you are busy,I will call you later. Amara key mama bye bye (she Huge up) Amara continued with what she doing. ——————————- Chidi was inside his room browser with his phone when Emma walked in. Read next episode leave your comments
8 Jun 2016 | 15:58
Who love me most Episode 3 Emma:guy how far they gave themselves an handshake Chidi:yes (till focusing on his phone ) Emma:non be human being I dey talk to,chidi Chidi dropped the phone )am all ears. Emma:you and Facebook, may looking at you could tell me that there’s one little witch that you are chatting with am I right he gave that look that make it seen he was sure,chidi laugh out loud that you could hear him from afar. Chidi:why do you call them names you don’t even know them Emma:that doesn’t mean anything, I know their type you hear mtcheeew. giving out a loud hisses,chidi was a lover of women,or should I use the word a player,he never really take any girl serious his good looking and money could get any girl begging to have him just for one night. Chidi:yes sir,I have heard you. Emma gave that I don’t care look . Chidi:where have you been I came to your room but you weren’t around, I even try calling you but not available. Emma sign)yea my phone went off,any problem. Chidi:you and problem,nothing really I just thought I could have a little chat with you. Emma:chat,is that so Chidi:yeah Emma:I went to Sandra house Sandra and Emma has been dating for 5years now since their secondary school days,their love was inseparable,every students in the school knows they are together they both find it difficult no to see each other for just one day. Chidi:how is she Emman:she is fine,guess what Chidi confused )what Emma:when I went to see Sandra, I was in the sitting room waiting for her to dress up cause we were going out,I was just there and blood of Jesus behold an Angel (hitting his two foots down to make it seen real) Immediately chidi laugh hard so hard that he nearly fall off his bed chidi:Angel for real Emma:if you see this girl,if not that I controlled myself only God knows what could have happens to me. Chidi:you don’t mean it,who is she Emma:I asked Sandra and she said she is their new room mate chidi:if this girl is as beautiful the way you are singing about her,you know me Emma got up laughing and shouting Emma:bad guy chidi smile in unpleasant way Chidi:let me see her first,then leave the rest to me. Emma:chidi you and women, listen if you see this one you will know that God created a wonderful thing on earth. Chidi:let me see her,have you seen Godwin and Jude. Emma:no I haven’t Chidi:do you have classes later or now. Emma look at his watch)no not now Chidi:why don’t we go out am bored at home. Emma key but bill on you (chidi laughed)yes be Chidi:no problem chidi changed his clothes to something better in no second they went out of the room the both went into chidi range rover and drove off. —————————————— Back at the village Mrs uche was going to the market singing an igbo song when a car drove passed her and stoped,a short woman,dark in complexsion came down from the car she called Mrs uche, Mrs uche turned to see who was calling her to her greatest surprise it was her old time friend who travel out of the country with her husband and children some years back. Mrs uche :ada is that you the both hug eachother Mrs uche :look at you (admiring mrs ada Marcus beautiful body) Mrs Ada Marcus :how have you been Mrs uche excited )am fine ooooo am the way you left me Mrs Ada Marcus :my friend, (laughing )but you are looking good. Mrs uche :when did you came back. Mrs ada Marcus :last two weeks, I was In Abuja am just entering the village now. Mrs uche :how is your husband,hope he is fine. Mrs ada Marcus :he is fine ,he is till in the state’s Mrs uche h okey and what about your children. Mrs ada Marcus :they are all okey and where is Amara. Mrs uche :Amara (smile like a proud mother )Amara is now in the university Mrs ada Marcus surprised )you don’t mean it Mrs uche :yes ooooo Mrs ada Marcus :I have always see her as a bright child. Mrs uche :we thank God oooo (raising her hands to the heavens ). Mrs ada Marcus :where are you off too. Mrs uche :am going to the market to get somethings. Mrs ada Marcus :let’s enter my car let me drop you. Mrs uche :if you say so. Mrs ada Marcus :let’s go they both entered the car till laughing and talking,Mrs ada Marcus turned back to the direction that Mrs uche was going to and drove off. ————————————- It has been some weeks and Amara has adjusted to so many things in the school and in her apartment,there were their more girls that live with her in the flat, Sandra,Annabelle and princess they were all nice to her and made her stay there a lot easier. She was in the sitting room watching movie title “Atlanta season 2” cause she had no tv in her own room yet , she heard a knock on the door quickly she went and open the door, there stoop Emma and chidi,chidi was looking at her like who just found a diamond in his bag as don’t know what to do with it. Amara :hi good day (opening the door wide for them to come in) Emma smiling )good day is Sandra in Amara :she is inside please you can in (she left the door as soon as she ushered them in). Emma low tone)I told you,so what do you think. Chidi amazed)wow,you are so right. Emma:come on let’s go inside they both entered the sitting room, Amare was already sitted Emma:you didn’t go to lecture today. Amara :no I had no class . Emma:this is my friend chidi (pointing at chidi ) Amare:hi (with a smile ) Chidi:hi Emma:I will be in Sandra room,please make my friend comfortable. Amara key Emma gave chidi a go ahead signal and walked into Sandra room,chidi Sat on the couch starring at Amara who was concentrating on the movie she was watching. Chidi:it sees you are enjoying the movie. Amara :yeah it’s interesting Chidi:so what’s the name ,I mean your name. Amara :Amara Chidi:what a nice name (chidi isn’t good at wooing a girl on like every other girls that always want to be around him but in this case he knows he need to try)you must be new in this school. Amare faced him)yeah,I just started the school not up to two weeks now. Chidi:you are beautiful I must confuse, you know that. Amara smile )I know just where you are driving at but please an not really interested the word not interested was like a slap to his face but till he has to stand his ground. Chidi:no,no,no,no I am not driving at that direction, Am only letting you know how beautiful you are,please don’t get offended. Amara felt bad as she has use the wrong words on him. Amara :am sorry if I got you wrong, I thought. Chidi cut in)there’s no problem it’s normal for every lady to feel insecure so nothing is wrong. Amara :thanks Chidi:you look just like my friend way back. Amara:is that so Chidi:yeah for real Amara:guys i sometimes don’t understand you people. Chidi confused )how do you mean. Amara :nothing am just saying Chidi h no problem since you said nothing . chidi wanted to hear all she had to say but he just don’t want to force the word out of her mouth, just about then Emma and Sandra came holding eachother playing like the two love birds that they are. Emma:my man my man (patting him one his shoulder ) Sandra:chidi hi Chidi gave Sandra a quick smile Emma jokefuly)leave chidi oh, he is enjoying himself. Chidi:please let me be. Sandra :Amara Amara :ha Emma :hope you took care of my friend. Chidi spoke as Amara wanted to utter a word Chidi:yes she did ,she did a prefect job Sandra :I can see that Chidi:should we start going Emma:yes (chidi got up ). Sandra :you guys should take care of yourself. Emma :are you not seeing me off come on. Sandra :alright let’s go. (They both laughed) Chidi:alright nice talking with you. Amara :the pleasure is mine. Chidi key bye. Emma:bye Sandra :am coming. Amara key Chidi,Emma and Sandra went outside while Amara continued with her movie. It was morning, the cry of the birds can till be heard from afar .Mrs uche was sweeping her compound when a car drove into her compound, she was surprised and she stoped sweeping, a young boy on his 20’s came out of the car he was looking smart and handsome too. young boy :good morning mam mrs uche :yes good day,may I help you. young boy :mam, it’s like you don’t recognize me. Mrs uche try to picture the face but it was till blank Mrs uche :no I don’t know you and I don’t think we have meant before. Young boy :it’s me Maxwell. Leave your comments and read the next episode
8 Jun 2016 | 15:59
Sorry .. The reposting.. Was a mistake
8 Jun 2016 | 17:27
Who love me most episode 7 It was week end, chidi went home as he normally do most of the time,his father Mr Jonathan who was a full time business man,Mr Jonathan wasn't always around because he is always travelling from one country to another on business,Mr Jonathan was in his sitting room reading a news paper as he always does each time he comes back from a trip to know what has been happening in the country. Mr Jonathan with a loud voice )Mary,mary Mary came into the sitting room)yes sir you called me Mary was the senior maid in the house,most times you will mistake her as the older sister to chidi because of the way she dresses, she is beautiful down to earth and her english is very neat. Mr Jonathan :where is my son Mary:he is in his room sir Mr Jonathan :go tell him I want to see him now Mary key sir She left to call chidi,not long chidi walked into the sitting room Chidi :dad you sent for me(he sat down on the couch) Mr Jonathan dropped his news paper)yes I did (he cleared his throat) report came to me while I was till in China that you took a loan of one million naira from first bank and you didn't pay back,I had to pay with my own money to save other embarrassment that my own son will take a loan from a back when I am capable of more then that,if I may ask what did you use the money for. Chidi:I won't ask you how you found out because I know it was that stupid P.A of yours that told you. Mr Jonathan upset)are you stupid,I just asked you a question and am till waiting for an answer. Chidi :I just needed money for some things you wasn't around and mum wasn't too So I did what I thought was best. Mr Jonathan :what happened to your allowance, I put five thousand naira into your account every month so that you will not lack anything, you are not the one taking care of your school expensive, so tell me what was the money for. Chidi:dad,you are taking this issue too far,I didn't collect the whole bank just one million naira. Mr Jonathan angrily )will you shut up your mouth, shut up look at you,all you know how to do is to spend money on alcohol, cigarette, women and parties, you are wasting your youth. Chidi upset)dad,it my life and I will do with it the way I pleases. Mr Jonathan : oh,then not with my money,chidi I am warning you be careful or else you will regret i being your father, nonsense. Chidi:am sorry dad,it won't happen again Mr Jonathan :yes sorry, that's what you always say,till you go out there to spoil my repetition, you know who I am,why can't you behave like your younger sister,you are brilliant and that is why I am even trying to advise you,you don't have any common sense. Chidi:I will try,can I go now Mr Jonathan :leave my presence Chidi got up and left *************************** FOUR DAYS LATER Amara was coming out from her class when she saw chidi close to her class, she was surprise to see him standing there looking at her smiling, she walked up to him. Amara smiling )what are you doing here,if I could remember you are not in my class. Chidi :no,I was waiting for you Amara :I thought as much Chidi :here (handing her a package )I bought this for you Amara greatful )you bought this for me Chidi :yes and I know you will like it. Amara took the package from him)thanks ,am impress,I have not been seeing you around. Chidi :yeah,I went home,I just came back yesterday, so how about my proposal what do you say. Amara :chidi,you are a nice guy no doubt but I need some more time,why don't we just be good friends for now. Chidi disappointed )I don't want to be friends, if I wanted to be your friend is could have asked for friendship, I want you to be my girl and I believe you can give me an answer, just tell me yes or no,if you don't want me i will let you be (took her by the hands)look into my eyes and tell me you don't want me and I will let you be (both starred at each other and Amara was speechless )I will make you happy in promise you. Amara :I want you but I just need a little time Chidi key,you want time and time you will get (smile )you must be famished, let's go to the restaurant and have some thing to eat. Amara nodded,chidi place his hand around her shoulder and left. ********************************** Emma came back from school as he opened his room door he found Sandra on his bed,he was shocked and surprise Sandra smiling )hello baby Sandra got up and embrace him Emma:you didn't tell me you were coming (placing his hands round her waist) Sandra :were you expecting someone Emma laughed )please don't be ridiculous who will i be expecting (left Sandra and drop his school bag and books on the table) Sandra :you must be tried Emma :no am not Sandra :why don't you take your bath while I prepare the table so that you can eat i cooked something for you. Emma :mmmmm good housewife, always taking care of me Sandra :i am not your housewife Emma :very soon you will be Sandra key sir let that time come Emma :that time will soon come (Sandra got up and was about leaving )how is Amara, princess and annabella Sandra:they are all fine. Emma :chidi and amara are getting really close and it was so fast,they even talked today. Sandra surprised )when was that Emma :this afternoon after lecture, I was with him waiting for Amara before I left to my other lecture, I later called him and he said they had lunch together, but she till haven't given him any replies. Sandra : oh maybe she doesn't like him Emma :i doubt that,chidi said she confess of her likeness for him and wants to be his girlfriend, he said maybe she is bothered with some thing Sandra :i don't know but I feel I should tell you Emma :what is it Sandra :well there's one guy his name is maxwell, she said he is her childhood friend that just came back from UK,but believe me they are really close, I think their relationship has passed beyond friendship, everytime I see them together in always observe the connection between them and the guy eyes are full will love and passion,it is written all over him. Emma thought for a while Emma:do this for me,try to ask her if she is in love with this guy and any thing she tells you let me know. Sandra key I will,now go take you bath am coming. Sandrawalked out of the room,and emma took his clothes off remaining his boxer, he took his towel and went into the bath room.
8 Jun 2016 | 17:28
Who love me most episode 8 It's been three day since maxwell talked with amara, he was upset about the replied he got from amara. He travelled back to lagos where his mother is staying to cool his head for a while,he was inside his room browsing on his computer when his mother knocked on the door. Maxwell :come in, the door it not lock (his mother entered )hi mum Mrs ada m smiling )you and this your laptop (she sat down on this bed)can I have a word with you. Maxwell :sure (close the laptop ) Mrs ada m:maxwell tell me ,are you okey Maxwell confused )I don't understand the question Mrs ada m:since you came back from port -Harcourt I have been observing you and I noticed something is wrong with you so tell me what is the matter. Maxwell was not use in keeping any thing from his mother, to him his mother was his best friend,he spend more time with his mother more then any one else. Maxwell :you are right mum everything is not okey with me Mrs ada m:so what is the matter Maxwell :it's amara,she won't just understand me,i have tried so hard for her to see reasons with me but it's not working out. Mrs ada m:you have told her about your intention Maxwell :i have and all she could tell me is that she only have a brotherly love for me Mrs ada m:when was this. Maxwell :few days ago,I called her to let her know how I feel about her but she turned me down. Mrs ada m:and I know you haven't called her since then cause you are angry with her. Maxwell :yes mum. Mrs ada m:that's wrong,if you need something you need to work hard for it,you don't expect her to say yes at once,come one she is a lady and have her pride to protect, try and call her or better till go and see her and talk things over with her,if you sit here down and explain better she will understand you and in no time she will come around, can you do that. Maxwell key I will try. Mrs ada ,:that's much better, so cheer up ,okey I will you now to continue with what you were doing (she got up) Maxwell :alright mum thanks ******************************* Chidi and amara are now getting really close, they could go to school together, read together, help each other with assignment,Amara came to find out that chidi is very brilliant undermining his behaviour,Amara haven't given chidi her answer yet but chidi is patiently waiting for her,at least now he is buying her trust. Chidi went to see amara at her house and found her with a small travelling bag,he was surprised. Chidi:where are you going Amara :am travelling Chidi:to where Amara :to the village to see my parents, it been long since I left them Chidi:your parents live in the village, you never told me Amara :you never asked Chidi :sorry, you mean you grow up in the village. Amara :what, you don't like a village girl Chidi :no not that,you don't look like a village girl to me,am just saying. Amara laughed )that's because most of my friends are from the city Chidi:so when will you be coming back Amara :i don't know for now but I know i won't spend up to a week,you know i need to help my parents with somethings Chidi :so if I haven't met you now I couldn't have know you were travelling and you call me your friend Amara :well that's because I don't have your contact Oh I forgot to mention, chidi and amara were always around each other but they don't have each other numbers well I know you will be wondering how come, chidi always knows the time she leaves the house and go to meet her in her class after lectures, he was playing a gentle guy and probably forgot asking her for her digit, how does that sound. Chidi smiled )are you asking me for my number Amara :please stop it am just saying . Chidi:well you are right why don't you give me your number Amara :your phone Chidi brought out his phone from his side pocket and handed it to Amara, she took it and type her number on the phone then gave it back to chidi,he collected his phone looked at the number and smiled, in his mind he knows his plans are working Chidi:hope it not a wrong number Amara laughed )no and how can I give you a wrong number, is that what you think of me Chidi :just kidding, I will give you a call later today Amara key no problem Chidi :let me be nice and drop you at the motor park (help her with the bag) Amara :thanks Amara got to the motor park and boarded a bus going to improve state, after some hours she arrived at her village, she had to take a taxi that will take her to her house, when she arrived she found no one at home she tried calling her mum but the number was not going through, she went inside dropped her bags and went outside to wait for then, it was close to an hour but yet none of them has returned just then it occurred to her that her mother might be at the farm, she then decided to go to the farm to check on her getting there she found her mother standing at the side of the farm, cassava were planted on the farm . Amara :mama Mrs uche excited )look at my daughter oh (embraced her)when did you come back Amara :am just coming back now I came to look for you here because I found nobody in the house Mrs uche :yes oh I just came to check on the farm. Amara :mama hope you are not over working yourself Mrs uche :no oh,you remember maxwell your friend ,the one I told you I gave your address to Amara :yes ,what about him Mrs uche :God will bless that boy for me,do you know that he has been paying some boy to work on this farm,he told them to always keep it neat,that they should be maintaining its until I harvest my cassava. Amara looked around with surprised Amara :maxwell payed for all this. Mrs uche :yes ooooo,ever since he returned,he has been a life saver he always bring provisions for us when ever he comes to the village. Amara :hmmmmmm, that's very nice of him,so mama what did you cook Trying to change the discussion, she knows her mother,if you don't end the topic she is ready to say it till night falls and beside she don't want the issues to go deeper because her mum might start asking questions she won't be able to answer . Mrs uche key i forgot ,you must be hungry, let's go home so I will make something for you to eat Amara key They both headed home,Amara kept wondering why maxwell could do all what her mother said but didn't let her know, she felt hurts inside of her that she didn't even bother to call him ever since that day they talked on the phone, she knew she had to do something about it fast,chidi later called that night and they both talked for some while before he ended the call,then she went to sleep. Drop your comments and Read episode 9
8 Jun 2016 | 18:43
Ride on!
9 Jun 2016 | 03:48
9 Jun 2016 | 03:48
Nice story
9 Jun 2016 | 03:59
nice story
9 Jun 2016 | 04:52
9 Jun 2016 | 05:28
@viciyoung... Are you the owner of dis story....
9 Jun 2016 | 05:56
Nice write up
9 Jun 2016 | 08:22
interesting more pls
9 Jun 2016 | 08:23
thumbs up.... Ride on.... Am following
9 Jun 2016 | 09:07
This story in soo intresting
9 Jun 2016 | 09:54
Wow!!! Continued bro
9 Jun 2016 | 11:11
9 Jun 2016 | 11:15
9 Jun 2016 | 12:17
Enjoyin dis story like kilode mylove @chrisgold come o
9 Jun 2016 | 12:20
Another story don land gidigba for here oooo u guys need to check it out!! @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @vibratingwind @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @roes @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1@ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @gamanuel @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112
9 Jun 2016 | 12:34
nyc one...frm what i see amara will chose wit d influence dat maxwell knws d parents will make lyf tough for amara....ride on bro.....nxt plz.
9 Jun 2016 | 16:15
Who love me most episode 9 Amara spent almost a week at the village, all through her stay there chidi has been calling her,Amara finally returned back from the village, as she entered her compound on arriving at her door she found maxwell sitting at the side of the entrance to her flat,she gaze at him surprisingly, maxwell immediately stood up on seeing her. Maxwell with a sad look)hi amara Amara :hi maxwell, have you been here for long Maxwell :not really, how are you Amara :am okey, you should have called me before coming Maxwell :i didn't know if you will respond to my calls Amara :why shouldn't it, we are friends right Maxwell:stop calling me that,i hate it when you do that,i love you Amara, I really do,why don't you just give me a chance Amara interrupted ) that why you have been doing everything for my parents, why, to make them love you Maxwell :no amara, am just doing that because I want to,they are like my parents too,what are you trying to say that am trying to buy their love. Amara :am sorry Maxwell :Amara I love you ,I love you very much and I can do anything for you,why don't you want to see reasons with me ,why can't you feel the same way,what can I do to show you that my love for you is endless. Amara :is not that I don't love you ,I do, is just that I can't love you more then the way I feel about you already, you will always be my one close friend, please just let this go. Maxwell : oh please amara (hold her close to himself )please, give me a chance to be in your life,help me out. Just then chidi walked in and saw them,Amara was shocked to see him because she never expected him to come,she quickly separate herself from maxwell, maxwell on the other hand wasn't happy on how amara pull herself from him. Amara :chidi,you didn't tell me you were coming. Chidi looked at Amara and maxwell trying to picture what is happening there. maxwell :who is he Amara :ah,chidi can I see you private please Held chidi by the hand Chidi :why,no tell me why do you want to see me private, don't you want to introduce your friend to me,i mean that's what you should do (she was silent )get your hand off me (Amara was shocked on hearing this)you heard me (Amara quickly remove her hand from him) Maxwell :what is going on here,who are you Chidi : (angry )are you mad,how dare you ask me sure a stupid question, your miss is standing right in front of you why don't you ask her. Maxwell :why are you mad,i only asked asked a question Chidi shouted )you are till talking just stup up and let me think Now maxwell has had it and could not longer hold his temper. Maxwell :ah look here you better respect yourself Amara could see where this is heading to she quickly step in between them Amara :you guys should stop, just stop, what's wrong with the both of you Chidi:you are everything that is wrong here Amara :chidi you are over reacting Chidi: oh I am over reacting Amara :yes, he is just a friend also with you ,you both are just my friends. Chidi:you said it just fine Chidi turned to take his leave Amara :chidi Chidi :don't you dare come close to me ever again, am not a fool amara,am not Chidi angryly left,Amara was so hurt that chidi could talk to her that way Maxwell :Amara, tell me the truth, is he your boyfriend Amara upset)no he's not Maxwell :then why did he look mad on seeing us together Amara :i don't know Maxwell :is there something you are not telling me Amara :nothing, he is not my boyfriend okey,maxwell i really need to be left alone now She opened her door Maxwell :why are you acting this way She didn't respond to him,she went in and lock the door. maxwell :Amara, Amara Maxwell was also angry,he later left there. Amara entered her room and lay on her bed ,she tried calling chidi but he didn't pick up,Amara couldn't imagine chidi has sure temper ,there where so many things on her head.she open her eyes and looked at the well clock, wow she may might have slept off while thinking about what happened earlier on in her house,she picked up her phone and tried calling chidi again but till no response.just then she heard her name been called buy Sandra, she got up tidy her self and went to the sitting room. Amara :yes, She saw princess, Annabella and Sandra they were all watching movie,she sat down looking unhappy, princess observed her behaviour. Princess:what's wrong with you,you don't look fine to me,are you okey Amara :am fine Princess :but you don't look fine Sandra :Amara, chidi called me Amara surprised )he called you Sandra :yes,and he sounded so angry on the phone, i couldn't even hear all he was saying because he was at the top of his voice, what's happened Amara :i have no idea,he only saw maxwell here today and he became upset,i don't understand Sandra :he said he saw both of you holding each other passionately, any guy seeing that will get jealous Amara :why will he get jealous, is not like we are dating Sandra :but he asked you out and you told him confidently to wait, he thinks you are trying to play a smart game on him Amara :am not trying to play smart game on any one,it just happened Sandra :he said you were unsettled when you saw him ,why Amara :i was confused Princess :confused Annabella :hope they didn't engage in a fight Sandra :i think they almost did,cause from the way chidi was sounding on the phone he was crazy. Princess :Amara, what about max,is he okey Amara :is don't know, i don't just know what to do,i have been trying to call chidi but he is not picking up my calls Annabella :he won't pick up your calls, you don't really know chidi do you,when you get him mad you are asking for trouble Princess :i want to ask you a question, apart from maxwell being your friend, is there more to it Amara :he's asking me out They looked surprised Princess :i thought you said he's your childhood friend Amara :yes but he's asking me out and he is serious about it,that's why I was confused I didn't want to offend any of them Annabella :this is serious,so what are you planning to do about it Amara :i don't know Sandra :Amara, just be sincere who do you want to date, chidi or max,you have to choose one of them to stop all this drama. Amara:i love maxwell but just like a brother i have no other feelings for him Sandra :and chidi Amara :i like chidi, but Sandra interrupted )there is no but,you have to let max know Annabella :and give chidi his answer and let max deal with himself simple Princess :Amara you have to be wise in deciding. Amara :i think chidi is better for me, i just know it inside my heart Sandra :i will be going to see chidi later this evening and talk things over with him Amara :thanks Sandra gave a quick smile, Amara was sure about her decision and also thinking on how she will deal with maxwell but she knows she had to make a choice and that is what she just did ,she just hope it was the right time to do,later that evening as Sandra has promised her,she went to chidi house, after knocking at the door chidi opened and she entered. Chidi :hi,emma isn't home yet,did you call him Sandra :i did he said he's on his way Chidi key Chidi was about to enter his room Sandra :chidi, are you angry with me. Story continue Drop your comments and Read next episode
9 Jun 2016 | 18:53
Who love me most episode 10 Chidi :why should I be Sandra :maybe because of what transpired between you and amara this morning Chidi :don't be silly that's amara and you are Sandra Sandra :but you don't seen happy to see me Chidi laughed not because it was funny but was kind of surprises to hear that,coming from his best friend girl,"i am not your boyfriend "he thought Chidi :i wasn't angry with you,am not just in a good mood,so are you happy now Sandra :it's because of what happened right Chidi smile Chidi :i don't want to talk about it Sandra :i talked with amara today and she is really sorry about what happened, she wants me to help her talk to you,she said you are not picking or returning her calls,she is really sorry she wants you to forgive her. Chidi :Amara told you that. Sandra :yes,chidi amara likes you so much she told me this her self, i think both of you should sit down and talk things over. Chidi :what about the other guy. Sandra :she has nothing to do with him,he's just a friend Chidi key,i have heard you,i will see want it can do,i just wanted to be by myself for some time Sandra :you are hurt right Chidi : of course I am hurt Sandra :i know,so is there anything in the kitchen Chidi :don't think so. Sandra smiling )you boys will never cook Chidi :that's why we are guys cooking her might for girls They both laughed Sandra :let me prepared something then. Chidi :alright, thanks Sandra: okey. Chidi return to his room while Sandra went to emma room. It was the next day afternoon, Amara just finished her lecture, she was so hoping to see chidi, chidi has not picked or returned her calls,she went to a bar that they usually meet to see if she could meet him there,and just as she expected chidi was there having some drinks, she walked down to him. Amara :hi chidi Chidi looked at her,it took a little while before he answered back. Chidi :hi amara ,can you please sit down, you are standing like my personal assistant Amara sat down Amara :am sorry about what happened yesterday, i never intended to make you get mad at me. Chidi :how did you know i got mad,you don't want to see my mad,i didn't get mad did i,you made me feel stupid, why didn't you tell that I have a raver,i could have taken it slow, i don't like when my emotions is being tempered with,and when you told me you needed more time in thought there were something you are trying to figure out about me,i never knew there were some one else. Amara :am sorry, he's just my friend Chidi :i know he's your childhood friend, emma explained every thing to me yesterday but why didn't you tell me the may reason you were putting my request on suspension was because your best friend is wooing you. Amara :i thought it wasn't necessary Chidi : oh God,Amara am tired, am tired of trying to win your heart but yet it seems so far away,i asked you a question before if you want me around you yes or no and I want to get the answer now Amara :i want you chidi Chidi :i don't believe you,it doesn't seems like you want me (he got up)all this is a waste of time goodbye As he was about to leave Amara got up and hold him on his hand Amara :i love you He couldn't believe his ear he turned and looked at her wondering if it just came from her mouth, it's too good to be ture then he laughed Chidi :Amara go to max and just let me be Amara :chidi i have loved you,i was just waiting for you to ask me again but you never did, i really do feel something for you. Chidi :are you really sure. Amara :yes,i want to be your woman. With excitement he lift amara up,he was so happy that at last he has gotten what he has ever wanted,they both left the bar and he took her to his house, he told her that he wanted her to know where he lives so she can come anytime she want,they both sat down in chidi sitting room having a good time, Amara :tell me are you a cultists Chidi laughed at the question Chidi :why do you ask Amara :nothing just want to know Chidi :do you want to know the truth Amara :yes Chidi :am not really a cultist but most of them are my friends, i pay them to over sees my affairs in this school. Amara was content with the answer he gave ,they were till on their conversation when chidi heard his phone ringing from his room,he excuse himself and went to his room to check the caller, not about some minute he left Sandra and emma entered the sitting room, Sandra :Amara Amara :hi Sandra Sandra and emma were so shocked to see amara . Sandra :what are you doing here Emma smiling )obviously she isn't here alone, where is chidi Amara :he's inside the room Sandra quickly sat down with amara Sandra : come on gist me Amara laughed )nothing Sandra :what do you mean nothing, talk to me jor Chidi walked back to the sitting room Chidi :why are you guys disturbing the queen of my heart Emma with a loud voice Emma :chi chi you too much, oh boy forget,new you be the man way sabi They all were laughing Sandra :i want to hear from the horses mouth, Amara tell me is he the king of your heart Amara looked at chidi who was smiling Amara :yes and more then that Emma :it is settled They continue laughing, emma and Sandra are very happy that finally both pair are happy together Sandra :now compensation hour,you guys need to compensate me for a job well done. Chidi :really, so what do you want,tell me ,cause you deserve it Sandra :now you are talking, well it just small thing oh ,it need a house Chidi:house,(jokefully )if I buy you a house which one i go bye for my woman ne They laughed again Amara :don't worry i will compensate you myself Sandra :i trust you,this comes for celebration Emma :before we start celebrating i need to first full my stomach, so please baby if you don't mind run up something for us, chidi we get talk oh serious one. Chidi :i understand, no wahala, i dey ne Sandra :look at them ,i thought they said gossiping is for women. Chidi :ne that one consign you Emma and chidi went to chidi room Amara :let me join you in the kitchen new Sandra :thanks we till get our own talk but that will be later Amara :no problem They both entered the kitchen. Drop your comments and Read episode 11
9 Jun 2016 | 18:55
Who love me most episode 11 It was the next day and max decided to go look for Amara at her house since her line wasn't going through, ever since he left amara house they haven't spoken to each other ,he was driving to her house when he saw her along the road ,he park his car. Maxwell :Amara, come in Amara entered the car and he continued driving, maxwell was happy to see her,it doesn't even seen like anything ever happened,Amara on the other was just not ready to face maxwell but now that she was with him, she have no choice but to explain everything to him. Maxwell :how have you been Amara :am okey and you Maxwell :i have been trying to reach you but it not going through, why Amara :well I changed my line Maxwell :why Amara :nothing, just didn't want to use it any more Maxwell : oh okey. Amara :maxwell, am really sorry about what happened the other day,and for the way I walked out on you,am really sorry. Maxwell smiling )it's okey, that was nothing, i have already gotten over that Amara relieved )does that mean we are good Maxwell : of course we are,you know i can't get mad at you. They both laughed, Amara was now happy that at least maxwell understood. Amara :maxwell, there is something I need to tell you. maxwell :what Amara :that guy the other day,he is my boyfriend Maxwell heart was now beating so fast,and made him feel like exploding Maxwell :then why did you lie to me Amara :no i didn't lie to you, i actually accepted him yesterday Maxwell mistakenly hit the break of the car and the car stop,Amara was so scared while maxwell was looking at the wheel confused, he couldn't believe what just happened, he looked at Amara who was starring at him too,suddenly he gave out a loud laugh Maxwell :look at you face,hahahahaha Amara gave a deep breath )you got me scared Maxwell :am sorry, so you finally have someone Amara surprised on his reaction )won't you get angry Maxwell :no i mean why should I, or aren't you happy with him Amara :yes I am Maxwell :if you are happy so am I. Okey Amara :thanks Maxwell start the car and drove off,maxwell was boiling inside but he really needed to stay clam,not for long they arrived at Amara house. Amara :thanks for the ride and your understanding Maxwell :isn't that what friends is all about Amara :i will call you later with my new line okey Maxwell key I will be waiting Amara key you take care now Maxwell :you too (they both huged)you have a nice day Amara came down from his car Maxwell :make sure you call me Amara :i will. They both wave good bye and she entered her house and close the gate,maxwell angrily hit the starring of his car screaming out loud in pain,he rested his head on the sit breathing heavily. Maxwell :i must have you back, i must,i swear to God i will kill him,f**k He starts his car again and angryly drove off,maxwell was trying so hard to control himself, he was driving very fast and countless time hit the car starring, he arrived home and parked the car,he entered his sitting room and went to open a bottle of drygin and started drinking up,his body was on fire ,he was so lost in thought, he didn't know what to do,he pick up his phone and called his mum. Mrs ada m :hello maxwell Maxwell :mum mum (shouting) mum Mrs ada m was so confused and worried Mrs ada m :maxwell listen to me,why don't you clam down and tell me what the problem is Maxwell :mum,Amara is daring me,she is so pushing me Mrs ada m knew from the tone of his voice that he is really angry and maxwell has a bad temper that he can't control, he can end up breaking things or even kill.he has been hospitalised for lost of control, he is now going through medical treatment, and he is also on medical drug that can help him to maintain his metal balance. Mrs ada m:maxwell relax okey Maxwell :mum i am relax Mrs ada m key now tell me what happened Maxwell :how could she choose him over me,is he better them me Mrs ada m :choose who over you Maxwell :you know i told you everything that happened at amara place the other day,that is the guy am talking about, she told me today that she has accepted him as her boyfriend,mum amara now has a boyfriend, that fool. Mrs ada m :hope you didn't do anything stupid to her Maxwell :mum i tried mum,i know i did (he began to cry)but how can she do this to me,you know i love her,mum. Mrs ada m heartbroken )maxwell that shouldn't be a problem, Amara will be yours okey just relax and everything will be fine Maxwell :mum come on she is leaving me mum,and i can't let her go. Mrs ada m :maxwell are you in your room Maxwell :no Mrs ada m :get up and go to your room ,okey just go to your room Maxwell did as he is told Maxwell:am in my room Mrs ada m :now I want you to lay down and have some sleep. Maxwell :mum,i don't want to sleep Mrs ada m :i know but trust me on this okey get some sleep and when you wake up you will feel much better,i your mother knows what to do, just sleep. Maxwell clamed down a little bit,he laid down on his bed ,just few minutes he slept off,Mrs ada m later ended the call,she was not happy about what happened,she knew she needed to do something to help her son who is madly in love with amara, she knows she has to act fast before he losses it. Drop your comments and Read next episode
9 Jun 2016 | 18:57
Who love me most episode 12 It been two weeks now since chidi and amara has been dating,maxwell was trying to play cool with the relationship between chidi and amara, on countless times they have come across each other at amara house,there was one particular day maxwell went to see amara to take her out when chidi called her to inform her that he is on his way to her house to take her for lunch, she then told maxwell that she couldn't go with him anymore that chidi is coming over,maxwell was so angry but pretended to be okey with it,Amara even went further to visit him too but he declared,this has been happening mostly every time and it was really getting to him,he could call his mother who is his ture friend to complain to her and each time this happens his mother will feel sad and pity for her son,she then decided to take a step by going to meet Amara parents,she drove her car into the compound of Mr and Mrs uche, she came door from the car and knocked at the door,knock,knock,knock. Mrs uche :am coming oooo She opened her door and saw Mrs ada Marcus, she was very happy to see her friend Mrs uche :ah ada it's you (they hugged ) Mrs ada Marcus smiling )yes it's me,how is everything Mrs uche :we thank God,this one you came to visit us hope all is well Mrs ada Marcus : of course all is well,so where is your husband Mrs uche :he is inside Mrs ada Marcus key please i need to have a word with the both of you Mrs uche curious )hope no problem Mrs ada Marcus :no not at all,i just wanted to have a little discussion with you people. Mrs uche key ,please come in Mrs ada Marcus :don't worry here will be just fine we can sit down here to talk Mrs uche key ,sit down let me call him Mrs ada Marcus sat down on a wooden beach close to the front door while Mrs uche quickly went in to call her husband, after a while Mrs uche came to meet Mrs ada Marcus. Mrs uche :he is coming Mrs ada Marcus key Just then Mr uche came,they exchange greetings and Mr uche sat down but Mrs uche decided to stand. Mr uche:my wife told me you want to see us ,hope no problem Mrs ada Marcus :no sir,but I have good news and bad news Mrs uche :bad news Mrs ada Marcus :let me start with the good news, Mr uche key Mrs ada Marcus:well you all know my son maxwell,he told me that he has found a beautiful flower in your compound that he could love to puck it and plant it in his household,so that is why I came to meet you people because I can not give a good ahead except you approve of it,that why I came to meet you. Mr and Mrs uche was happy Mr uche :this is indeed a good news,well that's not a problem, Amara is no longer a kid,so if maxwell intention is to make amara his wife there is no problem but has maxwell and amara dicuss about this. Mrs ada Marcus :i won't lie to you sir they have not,because of some things that are going on between them,that is the bad news i was talking about. They were confused Mrs uche :what is it Mrs ada Marcus :i shouldn't be the one to tell you this but I have to because it's involves my son,Amara is having an affair with one of the university boy Them were so shocked on hearing this,how can she think of having a relationship when she is sent to study. Mrs uche :are you serious Mrs ada Marcus :i am,so that is why I am here to find out if both of you are aware of this, if you are aware,then I will tell my son to back off and look for someone else,because this guy in question is a guy that shouldn't be seen around amara, he will not be a good influence at all. Mr uche :this is a shock to me,i have no idea about this,she has not introduce any body to us not to talk of knowing who he is. Mrs uche :Amara, Amara, why will she be doing this. Mr uche :you shouldn't worry about Amara, i will call her and talk to her,you have done the proper thing by coming to her father's house to ask for our permission,so that show that maxwell your son is the ture son of his father, you have done your part,you leave the rest for me. Mrs ada Marcus :please try to put her in other before things get out of hand, i would love to have this family as an inlaw,please talk to her. Mrs uche : don't worry we will do that and after we do she will come back to her senses. Mrs ada Marcus key,i believe what you can do Mrs ada open her hand beg and brought out an envelope. Mrs ada Marcus :please you people should manage this,when everything is settled ,i will not come here alone but with our kinsmen. Mr uche surprised )all this for us He collected it and thanked her so much and also assured her that she will hear from them,after that Mrs ada Marcus took her leave and left. Mrs uche :that girl will not kill me Mrs uche :i will break her,is she not my daughter, look at a good suitor that she want to lose all because she wants to enjoy what they call youth, she don't know the kind of father she had. Mrs uche :please my husband you need to do something. Mr uche assured her that every thing will be fine and they both went inside the house. *********************************** In just a short time chidi and amara is now the new gossip in the university, their love was going stronger at every passing day,it's not up to a month they have been dating but it since like ten years, chidi could take her for lunch, shopping, to school and any where that he can think of,chidi found himself falling so deeply for Amara but he didn't care because for the first time in his life he has felt what love is all about, Amara on the other hand feel the same way for him,most people who knew chidi and his attitude towards women knew that something has changed about him cause he barely late up to one week with any girl but in Amara case it was different,it was even difficult to believe the the all mighty play boy is now a woman tool but there was so lot of things that amara till need to know about chidi. Amara always feel uneasy each time she is alone she always feel some one is either watching her or following her,she has told chidi and her friends about how she feels each time she is alone but they keep telling her it's her imagination. It was an Thursday afternoon amara, Sandra, princess and annabella were all seated at a restaurant in the school premises having lunch, when seven boys entered the restaurant, most people that was there eating got up immediately and left,the seven boys was walking up to were amara and her friends were seated,Amara saw them and taped Sandra. Amara :Sandra, i think those guys are coming to us That was when they observed that the whole restaurant was empty,Sandra,princess and annabella knew who the middle guy is,he was a tell and dark skinny, his name is dare and die,he is the leader of a cultist group. Dare and die smiling )hi ladies They all response back Dare and die:you ladies must be enjoying yourself They were all scared except amara who did know who he was. Sandra :actually we were about leaving. Sandra signaled amara to get up which she did, they all got up,he light up the cigarette in him mouth. Dare and die: you sit down(pointing at amara ) They all gaze at him . Dare and die:i want to have a little chat with you Amara :well as you can see am about leaving maybe some other time Dare and die:she said some other time, (smile )well I don't want some other time,(now looking upset)now you get your ass back on the sit (shout)now Amara sat down with fear,dare and die then sat down beside her. Guy 1:make three of une dey go if our boss don finish with une babe she go come meet une. Sandra :but we came together Guy 2 shouting )you dey craze see this girl if une non disappear from here now ah une go collect oh Guy 3:make une bounce Amara told them to go for she didn't want they to get hurt,as they where about to leave chidi,emma, Godwin, jude and other two boys that amara didn't know walked in,Amara was relieved to see chidi but at the same time scared because she knew that the guys are very dangerous,she don't want anyone to get hurt for her sake. Chidi angry)Amara get up and leave Dare and die:you know say you no go fit get up ne, or you want make your leg break. Chidi :dare and die,no try oooo,ne falling things go happen to you ooo Dare and die got up shouting Dare and die :you non fit ,you fit fall me,ne me dey run this campus. Chidi :ne you said only this campus,me i dey run both the campus and town, non make me remember your error, or else ne inside your body you go hear am. Dare and die:who dey fear you you, (laughed )ne me go waste you,i swear Chidi smile)children of this days,une dey get liver oooo,now dare and die make i tell you,you see all this girls way dey this campus you fit do anything way you wan do with them but you see this girls so,non try am,mostly this one (pointing at amara who was till sitting down freaking out)ne my investment, i non use am play, see non let this your new post way they give you come sweet you reach your head you non con know your boundary, ne warn i dey warn you ooooo.dare and die, dey your own make i dey my own,before you go cross paths with me make you ask around then you go kw waytin dey happen to people way dey cross my path,non say I non tell you,Amara let's go Amara quickly got up and chidi took her away,dare and die wouldn't fine the words to say as he watch them leave. Chidi :emma i will see you guys later Emma key Chidi took amara and they entered his car and he drove off,Amara was silence, she wouldn't tell what just happened, there were lots of things running through her mind, chidi observed this. Chidi :are you okey (trying to hold her hands) Amara upset)don't touch me,just drop me at home i want to be left alone Chidi :what's the matter, why are you mad at me,Amara Amara :what just happened, like what happened,chidi do i really know you,do I Chidi :come on amara, what i did back there was to protect you Amara :by calling me your investment. Chidi :is that why you are angry with me,mmmmmm Amara :are you a cultist Chidi:i thought we have been through this Amara :no we have not because of what just happened there i need some explanation,And if you don't tell me what i needed to know, as soon as I get down from your car that will be the end of us,and you won't ever come close to me again. Chidi saw the seriousness in her eyes. Chidi :fine,okey just calm down i will tell you, (he stopped the car)I am the number 1 of a cult group,but we keep ours very low,it even difficult for you to know what we are. Amara : oh my God Amara couldn't believe what she is hearing. Chidi :but that won't effect us Amara :do you know you put me at risk Chidi:that's why I am trying my best to protect you,nothing is going to happen to you because am always with you,i love you so much to let anything happen to you. Amara :and how are you going to do that Chidi :just the way I knew you needed me today,and i was there, so I will always be there. Amara :i haven't really thought about this,how did you know where to fine me cause I never told you. Chidi :i have eyes on you,so you are not always alone Amara :i said it,i knew i was being followed be you took me for a fool Chidi :i can never do that,please don't just make this hard for me. Amara :emma is also in involved Chidi :he's second after me,please,i love you Amara I really do,and i promise I will take a bullet for you. They both starred at each other, chidi draw close to amara and kissed her,that will be the first time that they have kissed since they start dating, Amara :i love you chidi Chidi:i love you more Amara smile and chidi smiled back, Chidi :so do you till want me to take you home,i could love to stay with you for sometime Amara :if it won't be long Chidi smile and start the car and drove off. Drop your comments and Read the next episode
10 Jun 2016 | 08:11
Must u date her? @maxwell
10 Jun 2016 | 08:33
10 Jun 2016 | 18:52
When mother is involve
10 Jun 2016 | 20:20
Still following
11 Jun 2016 | 02:51
Shay na by force to date her... u no serious
11 Jun 2016 | 03:08
Dis story make sense . . Ride on i dey ur back like hunchback . . Dnt 4get to give us today's dose
11 Jun 2016 | 04:33
i love dis mem,keep it up dude
11 Jun 2016 | 05:15
Am enjoying this story....i knew chidi was hiding something
11 Jun 2016 | 07:04
interesting bring it on
11 Jun 2016 | 07:34
No be by force 4 person to love u @maxwell.. as for u amara be kiaful
11 Jun 2016 | 07:51
well i knew amara will chose chidi over maxwell....max kip calm if amara u wil stil ve her....amara b kiaful... ur mum nd dad re mad @ u...amara.
11 Jun 2016 | 08:03
u father wil soon spoil ur relationship
11 Jun 2016 | 08:32
11 Jun 2016 | 13:46
Cari go ma broda
11 Jun 2016 | 16:40
O boy this guy day try oo., guy u sure say u day sleep 4 night. Writing and posting like say na crayfish @frankkay @victoriouschild @tenniebenson @onahsunday631 @ele1 @invincible ... Abeege make una come see this horse in posting...chai chai chai some people no day do something for life oo..
11 Jun 2016 | 16:47
waow! Incredible. The dude try @macrex
11 Jun 2016 | 17:34
11 Jun 2016 | 17:46
hmmm......who love me most
11 Jun 2016 | 17:48
Uhmmm Followin
11 Jun 2016 | 19:03
WHO LOVE ME MOST EPISODE 13 It has been more then a week now and amara haven't heard from maxwell, maxwell was trying to avoid amara for some time cause seeing amara with chidi makes him angry. Amara called maxwell,it was about the third time it rang then maxwell picked up. Maxwell :hello Amara :hi,long time Maxwell :yeah long time,how have you been Amara :cool,haven't been seeing you around lately Maxwell :been busy Amara :too busy to check on me Maxwell :sorry, Amara :where are you Maxwell :home Amara :can we hang out Maxwell :you want to hang out with me Amara :yes Maxwell :hope your boyfriend won't come around Amara :he's out of town Maxwell :well that's why you remember me Amara:it not like that Maxwell :i understand, you are in love (both laughed )you want me to come pick you up Amara :yeah, Maxwell:am on my way Amara key am waiting She huge up Maxwell came to pick amara at her house,Amara insisted that they go to maxwell house, together they prepared jollof rice and chicken,they eat with a bottle of red wine,they talk about so many things,they spent a little longer there before headed back home,Amara took her phone that she kept on her bag and discovered missed calls on her phone,she open the phone and found that chidi has given her twenty two miss calls,she called back. Amara :hello Chidi upset )where are you Amara :am sorry, i didn't know my phone was ringing, it was on silent. Chidi :where are you Amara :am with a friend Chidi :maxwell right Amara :is there any problem with that Chidi :there's a big problem with that,of all places you choose to huge out with him in his house and you wasn't picking my calls, and why will you spend so long in his house. Amara :am already on my way (she ended the call) Maxwell :are you okey Amara:yeah (with a smile ) They arrived at amara house,Amara came down from the car also with maxwell. Amara :thanks for the meal Maxwell :i think it's the other way round They both laughed, they were till on their conversation when chidi arrived,he parked his car and came down. Maxwell smiling )your man don't seen happy Amara :i think you should start going, i will call you later Maxwell :i could love to say hi to him before I leave. Chidi got to where they are standing, Maxwell :hi chidi Chidi angry )say my name one more time and that will be your last Maxwell :chidi ,oh no i think I just mentioned it again Just then chidi wanted to hit him but amara quickly hold him back. Amara shouting )that's enough Chidi :nice one bro,really nice one Amara :maxwell please go,please Maxwell :good bye amara,i will give you a call later he looked at chidi and smiled again, he walked to his car,entered and drove off. Amara angryly walked inside the house, chidi followed her calling her but she didn't answer, she opened her door and went inside, chidi also followed her in. Chidi:amara Amara shouting)what Chidi :what were you doing at his place, am talking to you Amara :he is my friend, and i can go to his place and he can come mine,i don't see any thing wrong with that Chidi :everything is wrong with that Amara :you should stop monitoring my movement, i hate it Chidi :even more then I hate that guy. Amara :why,what has he done Chidi :i just can't bare to see you around him, he was my raver remember Amara :and I choose you over him,does that not tell you I love you Chidi :it not about you,it about him,do you think he has given up on you hell no he hasn't. Amara :chidi,what are you sacred of,that is will leave you for him Chidi :that is my worst fear Amara :i love you chidi and you knows that and I can never leave you for anything. Amara tried to calm him down, she later succeeded in putting his mind at rest,she took him to her room,and tried to make him happy, in no time chidi and amara were back to normal, they sat down on the bed facing each other. Chidi :amara you know i love you right (amara nodded )i really do Chidi then kissed amara who responded back,they continue kissing deeply,they rested on the bed and chidi came on her,amara was breathing heavily, he kissed her neck and began to massage her waist,from her neck he kissed down to her chest, he was about to pull off her clothes. Amara :stop Chidi stopped and looked at her Chidi :why Amara :am not ready for this Chidi felt disappointed ,he got up from her and sat back on the bed,Amara sat back too,she places her hand on his back. Amara :i can't do this with you,not until we get married. Chidi :are you scared that if I have sex with you i will leave you for another. Amara :not that Chidi :then what is it,you don't trust me Amara :chidi,i love you so much but I can't break the vow i made to God Chidi :which is Amara :that no man will see my nakedness except my husband, i can't break it Chidi surprised )you mean you are till a virgin,(Amara nodded shyly )wow Chidi couldn't believe what he just heard,he was so amazed Chidi :why didn't you tell me this, (he held her hands)it's okey,i think I can do with the kissing for now,then when we graduate we are going to have the best wedding ever, (they both laughed )you are amazing, and i am blessed i have you (he kissed her again) Chidi laid down the bed and amara lay with him resting her head on his chest Amara :talking about graduation, when are you graduating. Chidi :i think next year Amara :can I ask you a question Chidi :yes Amara :is it ture that you have been in this school for a long time. Chidi :who told you that Amara :no one just heard Chidi :not really,i have only been in this school for just eight years. Did he just call eight years just she wondered,she was shocked and surprise to hear that he has spent so long in the school, he was intelligent and hard working, he is not a medical student so what is he till doing in the school. TO BE CONTINUE DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ THE NEXT EPISODE
11 Jun 2016 | 19:45
Who love me most episode 14 Continue part.... Amara :i don't get you ,is it that you can't graduate or what Chidi:nothing i just don't want to leave the school for now Amara :why Chidi:am not just prepared to face what the outside world holds for me. Amara till couldn't understand him,she just then decided that on the right time he will explain better Amara :tell me about your childhood Chidi :there's nothing special about my childhood Amara :but I want to hear or you don't want me to know about you. Chidi key what do you want to know Amara key (sit up)tell me about your family Chidi :hmmmmmm, well am from the family of four,my dad ,my mum, my little sister and me Amara :you have a sister Chidi :yeah Amara :how old is she Chidi :she is 19 years old Amara :if your sister is 19, how old are you then Chidi :24 Amara was surprise Amara :i don't believe you Chidi :why Amara :you have spent eight years in this school and you are 24 how come Chidi sit up facing her)let me say God blessed me with the gift of intelligence,(Amara was confused,chidi notice this)it seen you are lost let me explain better, when I was in Jss1 i was counted as one of the best students in that schools even in my class,one day i was passing through Jss3 classroom and i saw an mathematics equation written on the board, and it was solved wrongly, i entered the classroom and after I greeted them all,i told the teacher that the answer was not correct, she doubted it at first but when I was done with the calculation i got the right answer. Amara :wow you must have made the teacher look stupid Chidi: oh yeah she was,and that changed every thing, they informed my father about what happened,my father was proud of me and in no time i was promoted to Jss3. Amara :how old were you then Chidi :12 year Amara :continue Chidi :i wrote my Jss3 examination and i went to ss1,then from ss1 to ss2,I then told my dad i wanted to take Wace with the ss3 students, my dad agree,in no time i got am admission into this university, so here am I. Amara :how old were you when you got admitted Chidi laughed )15, Amara :what Chidi laughing )they wouldn't have admitted me if not for my dad. Amara :hmmmmmm ,then how did you end up being a cultist Chidi :stop making it sound that way,it makes me feel bad Amara :well I have no other name to call it Chidi :call it a social groups Amara gaze it him with her eyes wide open Chidi :yes at least that is better then calling it a cultist Amara key,how did you end up being in a social group Chidi :much better, well I was in my first 200L i met a guy name jacob,we became friends, then we started living together, he was this kind of a guy that has no auto of fear,he speaks with so much guts,i asked him one day what was his source of his strength, he told me he could show me and I agree, that was how I was made a member. Amara :hmmmmmm,and after that Chidi :nothing, jacob was the leader then so when he graduated and left,they made me their new leader not because I was the most dangerous of them all but because of my money, influence and so lot of things and they needed someone that has connections,so that is where I am till today. Amara :and how did emma and the rest of your friends come in Chidi :jude and Godwin became a member after me then when I became the leader that was when emma came in,and ever since then he has been my best friend, end of story. Amara :how did you get so influential, your dad right Chidi :that will be a story for another day,cause right now I have to go Amara wasn't happy that he was leaving but he told her that he has important things to do,she made him promise that when next they see he will continue from where he stopped,he agreed and he kissed her and left. Amara was happy that at least she is getting to know a lot of things about him. ************************************ It was the next day morning, Amara was getting ready for school, she woke up very early because she needed to read before going to school, as she was about to leave her room her phone rang, it was her father she ended the call then called him back Amara :Good morning papa Mr uche :yes my dear,how are you Amara :am fine papa and you Mr uche :am fine Amara :what about mama Mr uche :she is fine,i have been trying to reach you but your number is not going through Amara :maybe it the network Mr uche key,Amara Amara :yes papa Mr uche :when are you coming to see us,it's been long since your last visit, your mother is very worried Amara :it's not like I don't want to come and see you and mama,exam is around the corner and i can't miss any lecture . Mr uche :you are right but can't you find out time to come, we really need to see you,we have something to tell you. Amara key papa what is it that you want to tell me you can say it on the phone Mr uche :i cannot say it on the phone, we want to see you and you have to be fast. Amara : papa, i can't give you any assurance for that,you might not see me for a very long time,so just tell me cause I can't leave the school now. Mr uche was silence for so time Mr uche :Amara,you know that I am not a rice father and a time might come when I will not be able to pay for your fees,and my prayer for you is to see you become a successful person in life. Amara : papa why are you telling me this now Mr uche :I must tell you this,because I don't want a situation whereby I can't be able to continue paying for your fees in school. Amara : papa let that time comes,and when it comes we will cross it. Mr uche :no my daughter, i want us to start planning towards it now Amara key papa what are your subjection Mr uche :i want you to get married Amara was shocked Amara :marry, now (laughed )papa ne but I don't have any one now Mr uche :that is why I called, some one has asked for your hand in marriage,and he has promised to further your education. Amara : hmmmmmm, so who is he that thinks he can marry me Mrs uche :you already knows the person Amara : papa just tell me his name Mr uche :it maxwell At first amara thought her ears were deciving her but her father repeated maxwell name again,Amara got angry Amara :what,get married to maxwell, papa,papa just stop,why will you be telling me this now, even if i want to get married it can never be maxwell,why maxwell of all people. Mr uche :because he is responsible and realisable, he's a man that can take good care of you Amara :wait oh papa,maxwell actually told you he want to marry me Mr uche :yes and he is serious about it Amara : papa, maxwell and i are just friends and nothing more,and am okey the way we are Mr uche shouting )but I am not okey with it,do you have any idea what that boy has been doing for i and your mother,do you Amara :please papa if this is a joke just stop, it's not funny. Mr uche :don't you know when your father is serious. Amara started crying Amara :but I don't love maxwell i don't have any feeling for him,how can you tell me to do that Mr uche :then you should work on that,everything i am trying to do now is for your own good,or you think I can let you end up with that stupid fool you call your boyfriend,you think I don't know, i heard everything, now you better end want ever thing you think you have with him and focus on maxwell who will soon be your husband, and try to come home quickly cause if I wait for you and i don't see you before the end of next week I will come to meet you myself and you know what that means. Amara till crying )papa please Mr uche :you better stop crying, i have said my own ,let me not see you,nonsense He huge up,Amara was so speechless, she cried bitterly, she never knew maxwell could do sure a thing,she didn't go to lecture that day,chidi tried calling her but she didn't pick up,chidi called Sandra that amara wasn't picking his calls, when Sandra came back from lecture she check on her but her door was locked, she even tryed knocking but no response,she called chidi to inform him but chidi knew she was inside because report came to him that she hasn't left the house, it was just about thirty minutes after Sandra knock at her door,she got hold of herself, wash up her face and tidy herself up,she opened her door and slowly walk out of the house because she didn't want anyone to see her,she took a taxi and headed to maxwell house. TO BE CONTINUED DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
11 Jun 2016 | 19:51
Who love me most episode 15 The voice of Mr uche keep echoing in Amara head,there was lots in her mind as she was seated at the back sit of the taxi heading to maxwell place, her phone began to ring again it was chidi,she silence the phone, chidi calls continue to enter the phone but amara didn't even notice because it was on silence, she got to maxwell place, payed the driver and told the driver to wait till she return promising him to add to his money when she comes back,the driver agreed and amara came down from the car and went to maxwell door and knocked,she was knocking at the same time calling out maxwell name,maxwell ran and open the door,he saw amara who was standing at the door looking angry. Amara :how dare you She slapped maxwell, maxwell on the other hand was so shocked and surprise,he couldn't believe amara just slap him,he gaze at amara with slience Amara at the top of her voice )is that how you look at me,so cheap,i thought you were my friend but how can you do this to me Maxwell was lost and confused Maxwell :i don't get you,what is it,what did I do Amara :why will you go to my parents to discuss marriage with them,why Maxwell :amare He raise his hand to hold her Amara :don't you dare touch me,why would you hurt me this way Maxwell :Amara, whatever i am doing is for the good of you Amara :it for the good of me,you are froceing me to marry you and you say it for the good of me Maxwell :Amara you and i know that chidi is not the one for you,chidi is not worthy to be with you Amara :and you are,when did you became a judge over my life,you have no right to tell me who to love and who i will spend the rest of my life with Maxwell :Amara,i love you and i can't just stop myself from loving you. Amara:and i told you that I can never love you not in this life or the next,and i thought you were cool with that Maxwell :i was not cool,do you know how it is to love someone Amara h maxwell i do, because right now I am so in love with chidi,and i will better marry thousands of chidi before thinking of marring just one of you, Maxwell :don't say that Amara h i will,yes chidi has all the negative attitude you can think of but he is better then you,at least he is not a lier and a pretender like you, maxwell this marks the end of our friendship,so what ever you and my parents has discussed about marriage will never work,not with me, do you hear me. Maxwell :Amara (drawing close to amara but she push him back ) Amara :get away from me, i don't want to ever see you again,you better stay away from me. She said those words and left,maxwell tryed to say something but he couldn't find any words to say, he was so mad with both himself and amara, Amara entered the taxi who has been patiently waiting for her,she try to hold her tear but she found herself crying,she couldn't believe that was the end between herself and maxwell she was so hurt inside, she open her phone and saw chidi missed calls and a message from chidi,she opened the message and saw"YOU LIED TO ME"she then knew he knows she want to maxwell place, she told the driver to take her to chidi house,she paid the driver as she has promised and entered chidi house ,she opened the door,she didn't bother to knock because she has the key,chidi gave one of the key to her,chidi was seated opposite the door, an open bottle of remi-Martins was on his table and a packet of Benson on the table, he was holding a glass of drink and a cigarette, Amara surprised )what are you doing But chidi didn't give her any notice,he continued to drink and smoke, Amara could feel the pain in his eyes,she was standing looking at him. Amara :i know you are angry with me,am sorry that I wasn't picking your calls and i know you already knows i went to maxwell place, and am so sorry. Chidi:do you love him Amara :how can you ask me that,you know i don't Chidi :hmmmmmmm (he smile)when did you leave your house Amara :this afternoon Chidi:so what was stopping you from answering my calls,Sandra calls, even if you lie to me that you were sleeping, fine you woke up and you didn't bother to call back but went to your so call childhood friend place, and even if you said you were in an hurry,i called again, so tell me,why didn't you pick your phone. Amara:please don't get mad at me Chidi angryly stood up Chidi :you are making me lose my mind(noticing how reddish was amara eyes)have you been crying Amara :no Chidi :amara am not that stupid, what did he do to you,did he touch you(drop the glass of drink and put off the cigarette then Went close to amara, holding her two arm's)answer me (Amara started crying )i swear amara if he has done anything to hurt you i will kill him,so tell me did he hit you Amara :no,my father Chidi key what happened Amara :my father wants me to marry maxwell Chidi was dumbfounded Amara :i was getting ready to leave the house this morning when he called me saying that maxwell came to ask for my hand in marriage, that was why I went to maxwell house to comfort him,i didn't pick up your calls because I was devastated Chidi looked at Amara like someone who a lot was going on in his head Chidi :that bustard, what did you tell your father Amara :i told him no, i can't marry maxwell, it's you i love and i will want to spend the rest of my life with,i don't just know what to do Chidi :then let's get married Amara looked at him and seat down Amara :we can't, not now, Chidi :why not,do you want them to take you away from me Amara :no one will,nothing will make me leave you. Chidi:i could just kill him Amara :chidi Chidi :what,that will be much better Amara :please don't do that,don't kill anyone for my sake, we will work this out i promise you Chidi sat close to her holding her hands )i don't want to lose you,i love you Amara like craze. Amara :you won't, i have told maxwell to stay away from me,so you won't be worried about him anymore Chidi :he better do that Amara rested her head on his chest and he held her,Amara didn't know how to go about the whole thing but she knows everything will be better very soon. ********************************* Maxwell tryed everything possible to apologise to amara but all prove abortive, mrs ada Marcus even tryed calling her but she didn't pick neither of Their calls,maxwell needs to do something, so he decided to go pay chidi a visit, he got to the house and press the boor bell that was placed on the gate side. Leave your comments and Read next episode
11 Jun 2016 | 19:52
Hmmmm, serious issue...
12 Jun 2016 | 04:06
U jhs signed ua dead warrant @maxwell
12 Jun 2016 | 04:20
Following... Nice story
12 Jun 2016 | 04:36
maxwell is entering d lion's den
12 Jun 2016 | 05:29
Kai this love is strong
12 Jun 2016 | 08:13
dis guy de look for trouble ooo,make una tell am how e de go
12 Jun 2016 | 08:28
hmmmm nyc one...kip it up...
12 Jun 2016 | 08:31
Who love me most episode 16 Chidi heard the gate bell ring,he quickly got up and went to the gate ,he looked through the small hole from the gate and saw maxwell, he wondered what maxwell will be doing in his house,he opened the gate,he came outside and close the gate behind him. Chidi :you Maxwell smiling )yes me,i can see you are not doing bad for yourself, you have really changed on like the last time I saw you,it seems amara is doing a grate job on you. Chidi :just stup up and tell me what you are doing in my house. Maxwell :so rude, is that how you treat your guest,can't you at least let me come in. Chidi:you must be sick in the head to think I will allow you into my house Maxwell h chidi,don't be like this,we are matured lets stop behaving like kids,let's go in and talk man to man Chidi :hmmmmmmm,on a second thought I think you are right, i could also offer you a drink, right Maxwell :that would be nice Chidi:now if you don't leave here ,i will be serving you your own blood Maxwell :chidi,am not as gentle as you look,am just being a nice guy so you should do the same. Chidi :nice you say,define nice,maxwell don't you get tried, can't you see your are ceasing your own shadow, you know you amaze me,going to a woman's family to ask for her hand in marriage when she hasn't given you her consent,buddy this is the 90's century, who does this now a days, oh I just see you can't accept defeat, Amara doesn't want you and you knows that,she is in love with me so what her you really after. Maxwell :i haven't come for a fight,i came in peace, i want to make a deal with you,you let amara go and i will give you what ever you want,name it Chidi laughed )this guy is really crazy, for real,you paying me off,this is good,so tell me maxwell how much money do you have,because the last time I checked my us account i have 3 million us dollar waiting for me there,so how much do you think you can give me that can beat that,you just insulted my integrity (angry )maxwell money cannot buy love,amara didn't love me because of my money but because she want to so please do give her some respect,now get lost before you start regretting why you came here. Maxwell :what do you know about respect and love,now listen don't even try to do what you pull the other day at amara house, believe me i can be very quiet but deadly,i only allowed you to intimidated me because she was present so don't try it now cause it might just be your blood i will be drinking. Chidi laughed Maxwell :you can laugh for all i care,but leave amara alone, she is mine and always will be, am warning you stay away from her else Chidi interrupted )else what,you have the gust to come to my house to warn me,i can't believe this,well for your information amara is going no where, and i will make sure of that Maxwell :don't be too sure about that,cause you might not know what hit you,don't say I didn't warn you,like I said I am here in peace. Chidi :if you don't leave you might go in pieces, so the choice is yours. Maxwell looked at him gave a deadly smile and walked away,chidi opened his gate and went inside, he was not happy, as usual he went and took his cigarette and began to smoke and add an glass of alcohol drink and sat down in the sitting room,few minutes later jude,Godwin and emma entered, they were talking and laughing when they came in and saw chidi in the sitting room, judging from him mood they knew all was not well with him,they all sat down starring at him confused. Jude:boss u dey ok Godwin :what's going on,why are you like this Jude:stop keeping us quite ne,waytin happened Emma :come on men,what's up with the attitude Chidi:you guys won't believe what happened here today Godwin :what happened Chidi :that bustard maxwell, came here today Emma :maxwell, Amara friend,came here Chidi :yeah Jude :who is this maxwell Emma :maxwell was the guy that we were telling you guys about, that was the friend of amara. Godwin :ah I remember, her so called childhood friend, mmmmmm Jude :what was his visit for Chidi laughing )well he came to pay be off so that is can leave my woman for him Jude:u say waytin Chidi :he even warn me join am Emma got up annoy )you no blow am for mouth, he dey craze Godwin :wait oh you mean say he get the liver con dey warn our boss,that boy get mind ooooo Jude:the boy well so Chidi:i asked am the question but he answered like person wan dey well Jude:boss that boy need to fall,he go fall Godwin :i support am,e non know who you be Emma :chidi,tell us waytin we need to do,he need to be punished Chidi :no,i non want do anything for now Godwin :boss ne you dey talk this one so Emma :but why ne Chidi :i have made a promise to my girl that I won't do anything to him so I want to keep it that way for now. Godwin :this one ne fuck up Chidi :so am just going to relax like nothing happened Emma :what about Amara is she aware of this Chidi:no,I don't want to get her involved, she has been through a lot already, i will let this pass. Godwin :for me we go for mess this guy up oooo Jude :abi just teach am small lesson. Chidi :make une blood clam down Emma :so you go do nothing abi Chidi :i want him to make the first move,then I will make mine Emma :sorry to say this but what if his first move becomes a smart one Chidi :then I will try to be smarter then him. Godwin :ne because say ne you talk am oh if not,i for put am ten fit underground Chidi:i really need fresh hair ,so that i go think well,une game Emma :you know am always with you ne Chidi got up ,went inside his room to change his clothes Jude:that guy get luck say I non dey i go for chop am raw Godwin :i dey tell you Chidi came out all dressed and ready Chidi :une ready to spoil this town They all shouted say they are ready Chidi:make we bounce then They all left to have fun. Now the question is What will maxwell do next, Will he be that smart to make a move Was he just trying to scare chidi Or was he serious Let find out in the next episode LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ THE NEXT EPISODE
12 Jun 2016 | 09:49
Who love me most episode 17 FORWARD TO ONE WEEK LATER chidi was with emma in the car driving, they were coming from a party they attended in the next town,it was around 6pm,they got to a three junction and they took the road by their left, they haven't drive for five minutes was they met a red card parked in the middle of the road,chidi had to stop the car. They both looked at each other,they were both suspicious Emma :just go back Chidi was about to revise when another car blocked him from behind. Chidi:fuck,it a trap. Chidi look under his sit and brought out a gun,emma also did the same,that was where they always keep their weapons each time they are driving because of the police,they were already preparing themselves for what ever will happen when maxwell and one other guy came out behind the red car, the boy that is with maxwell was holding a cutless while maxwell was holding a gun,another also came down from the car behind chidi car also holding a gun. Emma :speak of the devil Chidi smiled Emma :what should we do Chidi:am going out Emma :what Chidi :are we really just going to sit down here like a coward, they are just three of them,you got my back right Emma :you know i always got your back Chidi and emma came down from the car,they immediately point gun at each other, emma was facing the one at the back while maxwell and chidi was facing eachother,chidi went closer to maxwell. Chidi :i can see you came well prepared, maxwell, so now you are here what are you going to do Maxwell :kill you Chidi laughed Chidi :impressive, and how are you going to do that,maxwell i don't want you dead if I wanted it you could have been gone by now. Maxwell :but I want you dead,i gave you a warning but you ignored it Chidi :you don't scare me maxwell, how about you do it this way,you have a gun and i have mine,you shot and i shot, then we both die and no one gets to have amara or you tell your baby boys to get lost and we all leave peacefully,you choose. Chidi was a very good shooter,he is so fast and have never missed a shut,emma was not bad also they were both determine to kill them and stay alive,emma was waiting for a signal to shot. Maxwell :i think i choose the part that said I killed you Just them chidi shot at maxwell gun and it fall from his hand, at the sound of the gun shot emma shot the other boy and he fell and died,the boy with the cutless was coming towards chidi when emma also put him down,maxwell wanted to pick up the gun again but chidi got there before him,chidi quickly pick the gun and throw it far from maxwell, he gripped maxwell on his collar and began to punch him angryly. Chidi :i told you stay away from me He throw him down and began to kick him,maxwell kept on shouting in pain. Chidi :do you know i can waste you here right now Hit him again, maxwell was now bleeding all over his face, Chidi :but I won't kill you,let me warn you if you try this again in swear you will be dead, He took a knife from his pocket and put it through maxwell left hand Maxwell cried in pain)awwwwwwww fuck Chidi :that will keep the memory of today in your head forever, next time you won't be this lucky He punch him again,chidi entered his car while emma quickly went to the car behind them,the car key was till there so he start the car and drove it aside enabling chidi to pass,chidi stopped and emma entered and they drove soon as they left maxwell manage to crawled to where chidi throwed his gun he use the side of the jacket he was putting on to collect the gun,he put his hand in his pocket and brought out his phone and called the police,and then ended the call,he then point the gun at the right side of his stomach, maxwell is a training doctor in UK, so he knows everything about the human body, he knew if he shot himself at that side it will take him more then two hours before he could die,he was ready to take the risk,at least the police will be here anytime soon. Maxwell :this is for you Amara He gave a deep breath and shut himself, not up to thirty minutes the police arrived and they quickly rushed him to the hospital,he has gaven the police mens the informetion them needed about him before he shut himselt so it was very easy to contact his mother Mrs ada Marcus and amara number was not left out. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
12 Jun 2016 | 09:50
Who love me most episode 18 It was the next day morning, mrs ada Marcus was already in the hospital,she was with maxwell who was till unconscious,she rushed down to port Harcourt as soon as possible when she heard what has happened to her son,she was sitting close to maxwell bed,one of the nurse walked in holding a tray injection,a cotton wool, and a small bottle was seen in the tray. Nurse :good morning mam Mrs ada Marcus :good morning The nurse drop the tray beside the bed of maxwell, took the injection, she them draw some liquid from the small bottle into the injection and then inject it into the drip fixed on him. Mrs ada Marcus :how is he Nurse :he will be fine,he is responding to treatment. Mrs ada Marcus key As the nurse was about to leave maxwell started murmuring,Mrs ada Marcus draw closer to him,so that she can hear what he is saying. Mrs ada Marcus :i think he is trying to say something Just then maxwell slowly opened his eyes,mrs ada Marcus was so happy Mrs ada Marcus :ah he has woken up,maxwell, maxwell, thank God The nurse quickly ran to get the doctor,few minutes later the doctor came in Doctor :madam, please excuse me Mrs ada Marcus gave way for the doctor to pass,after examininghim,he turned to mrs ada Marcus Doctor :his blood pressure is normal, your son was lucky the bullet didn't hit the wrong position, so in no time he will be okey,and meanwhile the police said if he wakes up i should inform them so that they can heard from him what happened Mrs ada Marcus :no problem, thank you Maxwell :i am so tried Doctor :yes you are,you will be okey, madam he really needs some food any thing light for now,so you should work on that. Mrs ada Marcus :that's won't be a problem Doctor :i will come check on you later, Mrs ada Marcus thanked the doctor and the doctor left, she held maxwell by the hand Mrs ada Marcus :how are you feeling Maxwell :fine, It was so difficult for maxwell to speak because he was so tried Maxwell :where is Amara Mrs ada Marcus :i will call her,as soon as I leave here okey,i have called your father and siblings we were all worried about you,your father will be coming down to nigeria very soon,please be strong for me okey.let me get you something to eat, what would you like to eat. Maxwell :anything Mrs ada Marcus key Just wait, let me go get them. she got up and left,maxwell close his eye to sleep, some minutes later Mrs ada Marcus came in with the food and some fruit, she added one more pillow to the one on maxwell head so that he can be able to eat cause he can't sit up now,maxwell finished eating with the help of his mother, he drank some water and lied back on the bed,three police men walked into the room followed by the doctor. They all exchange a pleasant greetings,the police mens introduce themselves and told Mrs ada Marcus that they could love to ask her son some questions so she agreed. Meanwhile amara entered the hospital and went to the nurse at the reception. Amara :good afternoon nurse Nurse :good afternoon Amara :please am looking for a patient, i was told he was rushed here yesterday by some police men Nurse :yes he is in ward five,take this entrance then by you right you will see him Amara :thanks you. She entered the entrance leading to ward five as she approach the room she heard people talking, she them went close to the door so she could heard what they were saying. Police 1 key now tell us what happened Maxwell :well,i was in my car driving when a black car over take me and blocked me,there was also another at my back,then the two boys came down from the car behind me one was holding a gun and the other was holding a cutless, another boy came down from the car that blocked me,i recognised him,i knows him. Police :what is him name Maxwell :his name is chidi Jonathan, yeah Amara heart was now beating so fast when she heard chidi name mentioned Maxwell :he told me to come out of the car,which i did,i came down from the car because I thought he has come to warn me again the way he did the last time we met. Police 3:what was it he warned you about. Maxwell :he is dating a friend of mine and he thinks i am his raver, he has come to warn me once that i shouldn't be seen around her so he said i was been stubborn that he has come to fits me,i told him that he should let me go,i pleaded with him but he didn't care he then ask the two boy to beat me up,after numerous beating,he told them to stop,that was where he shut the both of them you told me that he has to kill them so as to leave no trace, that was when he shut me and left,it was with my last breath i made the call. Mrs ada Marcus angry )so that good for nothing boy wants to kill my son all because of a woman, Amara it will never be well with you. Maxwell :mum please she has nothing to do with this stop doing that,she is a victim as I am,she really don't know anything about this But till Mrs ada Marcus didn't stop because she was so mad,she keep promising that he will make chidi pay for what he did,Amara who was till standing at the door was full with pain and guilt, she was bitterly crying, she couldn't believe chidi could go that far,she wouldn't bear all what she was hearing any more, she left the hospital till in tears, she headed to chidi house, when she arrived there she opened the gate because the gate wasn't locked, she went to the door and push it open,chidi came out of the kitchen to see who it was and he was so surprised to see amara crying, he was so worried,chidi then walk up to her trying to comfort her Chidi :what's wrong, baby tell me But amara angryly push him away, chidi was shocked Amara at the top of her voice )stay away from me. ****TO BE CONTINUED **** LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
12 Jun 2016 | 09:52
Who love me most episode 19 Chidi couldn't understand what was going on Chidi :why,what's wrong Amara :how could you,how could you do such a thing all because of me,or because of your selfish desire Chidi :i am lost ,i don't know what you are talking about. Amara :stop pretending, what did he ever do to you,what did you do to receive such treatment from you,are you that heartless. Chidi :wait,are you talking about maxwell, because if he is the reason you are crying then suit yourself. Amara :really, you are a monster Chidi h really you think I am, Amara :but I pleaded with you,and you promised me you won't lay your hands on him,you went too far Chidi :he pushed me,what was it suppose to do,let him go Amara :them trying to kill him was the bad solution, you know maxwell was always right you are indeed dangerous, God,i was so blind that I couldn't see it,you are evil chidi Chidi :look you are really taking this too far,why don't you relax and calm down then I will explain everything to you. Amara :i don't want to hear anymore of your lies,i hate you chidi,why did you do this to us,shooting him was not the best idea,and you went that far to kill your accomplish,they were human being not dog. Now everything was now making sense to him Chidi :wait, wait ,wait,what did you just say,i shoot him Amara :you heard me right Chidi :this is unbelievable, but I didn't shoot him,i never did,yes I mess him us a little but didn't shoot him,Amara you have to believe me,i never wanted all this to happen (holding amara by the hands)you know i won't do anything to hurt you,i don't understand, is this what he told you. Amara :i didn't have to ask him,and the two other guys Chidi was speechless,Amara remove chidi hands from hers Amara :i don't know if I can do this,i don't even think I know you anymore, your hands is so full of blood and i don't even know how many innocent people has fallen by your hands. Chidi :amara please stop saying this,don't tell me you believe what he is saying Amara till crying )why won't i,give me one reason why I shouldn't, when he is laying down there at the hospital,and two more dead. Chidi goes down on his knees Chidi :please, i didn't shoot him and for the two other i did it to protect myself, you have to believe me for goodness sake Amara :am sorry chidi, i am trying to but I just can't, chidi you were so nice to me and i loved you so much but this relationship is really hurting people around me and it not helping me at all,it over chidi,please just leave me alone Chidi :no no,please don't do not this to me i beg you,i love you so much i beg you. Amara:am sorry Amara turned to leave but chidi got up and quickly went in front of her to block her from leaving, Chidi :please amara please i beg you But amara push him shouting at home to let her be,chidi tryed everything he could to stop her but he couldn't amara walked out of the house, chidi kept following her, Chidi :i thought you said you will never leave me not matter what happens Amara :Yes I thought so too,but I just can't anymore,so please get out of my way,there is nothing you can do to stop me ,my mind is made up. Chidi :you really want to do this,if you leave me this way my heart can never be amended again. Amara looked at him and left, he turned and watch her leave, he was so hurt and was deeply in pain,he went inside the sitting, took a bottle of drink and cigarette and began to drink himself to stupor,Amara went back to the hospital, mrs ada Marcus has left at that time . maxwell was so glad to see her Maxwell :ah I thought you will never come, Amara :i was here before Maxwell h maybe when I was asleep,are you crying Amara :i heard everything, i was just behind the door when I heard you talking with the police mens today,i am so sorry that you wanted to lose your life for me,am really sorry. Maxwell :no please don't cry,you know it hurt me to see you like this and beside you didn't wrong me in any why, if any body should be apologising it should be chidi Amara :but I was the reason for his action Maxwell :who said you are,you know what they say love is blameless, if it wasn't for love i myself would have stayed away after the warning from him but I know you needed me to stay even if you didn't see the need of it. Amara:then why didn't you tell me all this Maxwell :come on the last time I tryed to do something i know what happened, you were happy with him and i thought it wise to let you be Amara :even at the point of your life Maxwell smile and told amara to come closer which she did and maxwell hold her hands Maxwell :i will always keep my promise to you Amara, i love you so much even if you didn't, i don't care losing my life just for you,you know bringing with you always gives me joy and happiness. Amara:what can I do to remedy this pain that I have caused you Maxwell :i want you to always be by my side,but you can't do that because he is always around. Amara :i broke up with him Maxwell was shocked and at the same time happy, he didn't really thought it could be that fast Maxwell :why,because of me Amara :no not because of you,i just realised I have been very stupid to choose a man over people that have always been there for me even before he came around Maxwell :am sorry Amara :you don't have to be. Maxwell :so what's next Amara :i don't know you tell me Maxwell :be mine amara, so I can be able to fight for you more,just in case he comes back,cause I know he can't let you go just like that. Amara was confused, she looked at maxwell, her head was telling her to say yes but her heart wasn't ready, but she used her head. Amara :if that will make you happy, i am yours Maxwell was so happy and excited he has now gotten what he ever wanted now is to make it remains so. *****TO BE CONTINUED **** LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
12 Jun 2016 | 09:53
Who love me most episode 20 It was about 6pm the same day amara was coming back from the hospital,she has left maxwell while he was asleep,she was in the taxi when her phone began to ring,she looked to see the caller it was Sandra,she picked Sandra :amara Amara :yes Sandra :where are you Amara :am on my way home any problem Sandra :no,how fast will you be here Amara :very soon Sandra key,are you alright Amara :i am fine,i know you have heard. Sandra :just come home let's talk okey Amara :alright Sandra end the call,some minutes later amara arrived home ,she open the door and found emma,sandra and chidi in the sitting room ,chidi immediately stood up when he saw amara, Amara was shocked and at the same time angry to see him,she looked at them and walked to her room without saying hi to any of them,Sandra immediately followed her. Sandra :amara, you have to hear him out Amara :please,don't Sandra :amara you can't just end the relationship just like that,what if maxwell is lieing Amara :if he is lieing then who shut him,ooooo he shut himself Sandra :am not saying that,but you have to use your head in all this. Amara :am really not in the mood for this She took her luggage and started arranging her clothes in it,Sandra was surprise Sandra :where are you going Amara :i am going to where I can be away from here Sandra :amara am i bothering you Amara f course you are not but if I stay here now he will keep coming here and i don't want to see him ever Sandra was speechless, Amara :i really need to rest my head Sandra :this is becoming something else She left amara and went to meet emma and chidi Emma :what did she say Sandra :she is packing up her things Emma and chidi was surprise Emma :she is leaving Sandra :i don't know she said she needed some space that she needs to calm her head. Chidi went to meet Amara, Chidi :am sorry, Amara please just find it in your heart to forgive me,i love you Amara, you can't just leave me like that,i know i haven't always been the man you wanted but I am willing to change, just give me a second chance to make things right, (just then amara starts crying )i promise you none of this will ever happen again i swear . He kneel down holding her hands Chidi lease you are everything to me now, in just a short time i have come to love you so much,just this last chance please Amara :chidi,why,why did you hurt me this much, Chidi :i didn't know,please forgive me,if you want me to go apologies to maxwell i will,if you want me to do anything i will but please don't leave me,you are the different in me Amara, i beg you stay with me Amara looked at him and raised him up. Amara :chidi i love you too but we just don't fit,you have your own different world and i have mine, don't you see its not working Chidi put his hand on her cheek )i will make it work this time please, i love you,please They both starred at each other then chidi kissed her and she response Amara :i love you more then you can imagine chidi but I need to go,i just need to be by myself for sometime. Chidi :amara Amara :if you really love me and you want me to be happy then let me go,if you really want my happiness then let me go,please Chidi gave a deep breath )is that what you want Amara :yes Chidi:then go Amara looked at him till in tears, she took her luggage and walked to her door, she turned and looked at chidi but he didn't turn to look at her too,as she was about to leave chidi called her, she looked at chidi who also turned to her direction Chidi :always remember that I chidi Jonathan will always love you She signed and left,chidi Sat on the bed bending down his head,he was hurt inside and he didn't know if he could be able to endure this pain he is feeling inside ,emma came in and sat down next to him. Emma :she is gone Chidi :i know Emma :will you be fine Chidi :i don't know Emma :i think you need some rest Chidi:do you really think so Just then tear fell from chidi eyes,emma was so shocked because that was the first time he had seen him cry for so many years they have known each other, emma then knew chidi loved amara even more then he imagine Emma :you have to stop this Trying to console him Chidi :amara is gone emma and she is not coming back, (he got up)i messed up emma Emma :it wasn't your fault Chidi :i am down emma, and i don't even know if I will be able to stand again Emma got up)you will ,it will just take a little while. Emma and chidi later left and went home,chidi couldn't eat that night,emma, jude and Godwin tryed all they could to cheer him up a little but nothing they did works,they were so worried about him,how they wished they had a solution to his problem, the next morning three police men came to chidi house,one of them was not wearing a police uniform,the gate was not locked,they entered and knocked at the door jude opened the door,as soon as he saw the police men he knew what they came for. Jude:yes how can I help you Police man:we are from the state c.i.d Showing jude their ID card Police man:we are looking for chidi Jonathan who lives here Godwin who was listening quickly went to chidi room,emma was already with chidi Godwin :some police men are outside Chidi :we know Godwin :so what will happen now Chidi :nothing, He was already dresses he got up took his phone and his car key and walked out,emma and Godwin followed him. Chidi :i heard you are looking for me Police man 1:are you Chidi Jonathan Chidi :yes Police man 1:you are under arres.... Chidi interrupted )bla,bla,bla, i already know why you are here so save me the sermon and let's go The police mens were dumbfounded Chidi :i will be back soon okey They all nod Chidi :shall we The police gave way for him to pass . Chidi :i will be going with my car,so is either one of you drive me or i do the driving myself The police mens looked at themselves in amazement Police man 1:i will go with you while you do the driving Chidi :much better Chidi and the police man entered his car while the two other police men first open the gate for them, after then they entered the police van that was packed outside chidi house and they drove off,Godwin, jude and emma went inside as soon as they left, they all knew i no time chidi will return after all this is not his first crime they are arresting him for so his father will always get him out. DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
12 Jun 2016 | 09:53
WHO LOVE ME MOST EPISODE 21 FINAL EPISODE .: Stories Mr Marcus came down to nigeria, he was very angry about the whole incident, Mr and Mrs Marcus went to the police station,they were called by the D.P.O ,they arrived at the police station,they told the police attendant that they were on appointment, they were lead by one of the police man to the D.P.O office, after they exchange greetings they were all sitted. D.P.O :well I called both of you here because of the new development in the case of your son. Mr Marcus :i was told this morning that the criminal has been arrested, so I want to see the face of that idiot that wanted to kill my son,where is he. Mrs ada Marcus :we want to see him first before i will have anything to say D.P.O :that Is the reason why I called the both of you,yes we arrested the boy this morning but his lawyer came here to bail him,so we granted him bail Mr and Mrs Marcus was surprise and shocked about what the d.p.o was saying, Mr Marcus got angry Mr Marcus :what are you saying, that you allow a criminal to go,are you serious Mrs ada Marcus :this is unbelievable D. P. O:you have to calm down,i can understand your anger,but you see we had no choice. Mr Marcus :what are you saying, i mean there are enough evidence already, didn't his finger print matches with that on the gun,so what more do you need. D. P.O:but that's not enough evidence,there was no witness and beside they might turn the story around, this case is not as easy as you think,the people involved are very influential. Mr Marcus :what an insult, so because they are influential he can't be brought to book. D. P.O:yes he can,but it will be a wastage of your income and time,even if we charge the case to court, it will be dismissed, it is a fight you cannot win mr marcus Mrs ada Marcus :this is serious, so who is his father that is untouchable D.P.O:am sorry madam i can't tell you,his identity should not be disclosed at cases like this but he sent a message to you,he said he is very sorry for what his son did that he never supported him in anyway and he promise to deal with him his own way,he knows money cannot heal your son pain but he will have to hold responsibility for your son treatment till his recovering, he will also like to compensate your son with this sum of money. He brought out a big brown evalop containing money and he put it on the table. D.P.O:it's ten million naira,listen i am a father like you and i will know what I will do to any one that try to kill my son but if I was in your shoe now i will think about this offer because if he gave this money right here to any judge he won't think twice before accepting it,at least think about this, your son can do something better with this kind of money, you should drop the case and let this pass. Mrs and Mrs Marcus didn't know what to do or say ,they both thought about the offer and later accepted,they left the d.p.o office and went to see maxwell in the hospital, they told him everything that happened, maxwell was not happy that chidi was set free but he was till glad that at least all this brought him both money and the woman he loves. ********************************* It was now two day since chidi return from the police station, he was in the sitting room with jude,emma and Godwin, they were all smoking and drinking.they wasn't any joy on their faces. Godwin :dis tin dey surprising to me oh,why e go con talk dat kind lie say u shot am Chidi :ne so I see am oh Jude:nd everybody believe am Emma :everything just dey like shock to me and he non mention say i dey dere o Chidi:he thought he could lock me up ,hmmmmmm, well he tryed Jude:all this for one girl,wait o if une non shot am who go do am Godwin :ne wan for you oooo,see d kind question you dey ask, ne him shot himself ne Emma :i no fit imagine say maxwell go want kill himself, that guy ne devil Chidi:he non wan kill himself, he do am to get amara and he succeed Emma :i know you are till hurt that amara left you but you really need to forget that girl,look at all the mess she is making you go through, i blame myself, if I haven't introduce her to you maybe all this couldn't have happened, Chidi:come on,please don't blame yourself ,you were only doing something you thought will be good for me,it was all spoilt by that devil ,but I am more hurt because amara who should stand by me wouldn't even believe me,i wasn't expecting her to turn her back on me,i so much love that girl Emma :we know, but look around you she doesn't deserve you,you need someone better Chidi:emma,you know me,you know how many girls i have had,and you know that having any girl is not a problem but amara is different Godwin :guy if ne the way she take dey handle you for bed forget am,babes dey wan go do am pass her Chidi smile )that's where you get it wrong, i have never had sex with amara They were all surprised,because chidi wasn't a guy that won't want to get into a women honeypot Chidi :we do kiss and romance but it always ends there Jude:i till don't get,you mean all this months you have been dating nothing happened Chidi :no Jude:why ne Chidi :she is till intact Godwin :you non mean am Chidi :i was just waiting for the right time,she didn't want to be rushed, but now I don't think that time will come. Emma :you will till love again Chidi :but how emma how,i have already heard of being in love,each time I saw you and Sandra i thought to myself this people are being childish, remember when we went clubbing and i so wanted you to bleep one girl with me remember what you told me Emma :that i love my woman and won't want to cheat on her Chidi :yeah,i saw you that day like a fool that don't want to enjoy the things of life,but now I understand that feeling and am happy i did,all thanks to you men Godwin :i swear if I see that guy i go break he leg Chidi :make une free am a beg Jude :this was the same words you use the other time,now see where it has landed you Godwin :jude,u no go watch your language, u don forget who u dey talk to Jude:non vex,i dey vex Chidi :i know you are right but what ever you do to him ever now won't change anything, it will only increase my dad anger towards me,he is really upset with me and because of that he said i should go to London to complete my studies Emma :you are leaving us Jude :for how long will you be gone Chidi :don't know, i really don't Godwin hhhhh,why ne Chidi :i will till be communicating with you guys,okey Jude:when are you leaving Chidi :next week They were all sad that chidi will be leaving not even knowing when to come back, they could miss him so much because he was more then just a friend,chidi gave them most of his belongings. ******************************* It was the day that chidi was leaving for London, his luggage has been put in the car,his father and mother are in the sitting room,the driver that will take him to the airport is waiting for him outside, chidi came down from the stairs, Mr Jonathan was sitting down,immediately chidi knelt down before him and Mrs Jonathan. Chidi:dad,mum am sorry for everything i have done to both of you,dad please find a place in your heart to forgive me Mrs Jonathan looked at Mr Jonathan Mrs Jonathan :please darling forgive him,can't you see he is really sorry Mr Jonathan:get up Chidi got up Mr Jonathan :you are my son,and i love you so much,apologising is not the problem but keeping to your words are,as long as you behave yourself you won't have problem with me Chidi :i promise dad i will do the right thing and make you proud Then they hug,they all went outside and chidi left to the airport, it was a goodbye to everything he ever knows,he will miss everyone mostly amara. ******TO BE CONTINUED ***** LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND CONTINUE TO READ WHO LOVE ME MOST SEASON 2 • Season 2
12 Jun 2016 | 09:55
Love my foot .. U are a stupid fello @amara.
12 Jun 2016 | 11:12
Nice story dat chidi is really a nice guy
12 Jun 2016 | 11:45
Waiting for the next season
12 Jun 2016 | 11:46
Maxwell was my favourite bt he went too far, shey na amara be d only beautiful virgin on earth ? ..... I dnt believe in dis love of a thing . . Ride on writer
12 Jun 2016 | 12:03
Maxwell fuckup big time
12 Jun 2016 | 12:05
Dat visit to Chidi's house is dangerous.
12 Jun 2016 | 12:46
dis story is very interesting, in fact I love dis story, anyway chidi thanks to amara for changing ur life from bad to good and for Maxwell u Ar a big mess
12 Jun 2016 | 12:48
Can dis Maxwell trick sustain d love? Its gud dat Chidi is leaving d shores of d country.
12 Jun 2016 | 13:13
Maxwell is a big time fool Amara didnt believe Chidi d person she claimed to love Chidi thank God for changing ur lifestyle wen is season 2 coming out
12 Jun 2016 | 13:43
well max was my favourite bt whn d story goes further i get to lyk chidi...max amara didnt love u bliv me whn she finds out d truth of wot u did u will get urself to b blame.....
12 Jun 2016 | 14:11
Max i so much hate u now , u were my man b4, but u just fucked up.
12 Jun 2016 | 14:43
ehhh,Amara u will leta regret dis,pls start de 2 abeg
12 Jun 2016 | 15:03
Enjoyin d story
12 Jun 2016 | 17:43
Maxwell fucked up..chidi was d person i wanted for amara frm d start wen is season2
12 Jun 2016 | 18:41
Wow! Can't wait to read the season2
12 Jun 2016 | 19:21
Amara hope u won't regret dx at last... Maxwell not sure dx ur trick will sustain dx new found love.. Chidi happy u left in peace.
12 Jun 2016 | 20:38
See love
12 Jun 2016 | 20:38
@macrex Na Because The Guy Na Plagairist, He Dey Copy Person Story And Paste Am Here, This Story Na Ongoing Story For Naira Jokes By A Lady Named [b]Alice Keys[/b] , He For At Least Acknowledge The Lady
12 Jun 2016 | 21:10
@macrex d funiest thing b say him dey carry coolval stories post for there too
12 Jun 2016 | 21:15
Hmmm, can wait 4 D season 2 oh, please be fast with it...
13 Jun 2016 | 03:36
Why must you always jump to conclusion.. Cuz i take permission from d writers which is joy osamudiamen.. I even inform Alice Key.. Before posting this story.. And the story i posted on nairajokes am also d one dat posted it here which is fausat the fish seller... So always try to confirm before jumbing to conclusion..
13 Jun 2016 | 05:43
eleyi gidi gan o
13 Jun 2016 | 07:09
max u fuck up
13 Jun 2016 | 07:12
Oya na... Start Season two joor... Just Cant Wait... Kudos bro...
13 Jun 2016 | 09:14
Am very sure that Amara will soon regret her actions.. Chidi don't worry everything will soon be okay and as for Mr Maxwell you better fear God.. That's not love but lust
14 Jun 2016 | 10:53
Man this Maxwell is a smart dude!
14 Jun 2016 | 19:56
15 Jun 2016 | 08:23
wow, so so interesting
15 Jun 2016 | 08:23
Great story u have here
29 Jun 2016 | 12:56
Ride on bobo, i qet ur bck.... Jst imaging wht gonna end it all... Nd who is this chidi father is?
2 Jul 2016 | 11:48
Nice story
19 Jul 2016 | 11:52
Ride On Bro
28 Oct 2017 | 01:49
nice story
9 Sep 2021 | 16:43


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