Who love me most season 2

Who love me most season 2

By Viciyoung in 14 Jun 2016 | 07:57
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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in case you missed season 1 click this link


Episode 1

six years has passed and chidi is till in London, he has finished his studies and now working as an engineer in one of his father company in London, he was living with his aunt and her family,chidi has stoped his old life style and is now becoming a man,chidi return back from work, he parked his car at the garage and walked into the sitting room he meant his aunty rose who was sitting in the couch reading magazine,chidi also sat down
Chidi :hi aunty, how are you today
Aunty rose:as you can see i am doing great, how was work
Chidi:work was okey,there wasn't much to do at the office today,
Aunty rose :that's good,so what is your decision about our conversation last time.
Chidi :about me going back to nigeria
Aunty rose:yes
Chidi :aunty what's wrong with me staying here,i mean am doing well here
Aunty rose:chidi, i know you don't want to go back, but you have to,you staying here wasn't the idea at the first place, your father only brought you to stay with me because of the things going on around you,you were turning to something else and it was destroying your father reputation,and now that you have acquired what you can here for its best you go back.
Chidi :go back to do what,there is nothing for me to go back to,i like my life here
Aunty rose:chidi your mum wants you to always be by her side,she misses you,
Chidi :i don't want to go
Aunty rose laughed )okey tell me the truth what is it
Chidi sad)nothing
Aunty rose:is it because of that girl, what's her name
Chidi :amara
Aunty rose:yes
Chidi nod in agreement
Aunty rose:do you till love her
Chidi :everything single hour that passes, i just can't get her off my mind
Aunty rose:and do you want her back
Chidi :she probably could have gotten married by now
Aunty rose:and if she is not
Chidi was speechless
Aunty rose:chidi go on a visit to nigeria, stay there for sometime, try to find out things you don't know and if you see that there is nothing to stay there for then you can come back here and start your life here, no one will stop you you hear me.
Chidi thought about what his aunty said for a while
Chidi :i will think about it
Aunty rose:no i have heard about that for a very long time,decide now
Chidi :aunty
Aunty rose:am waiting, are you going
Chidi :alright i will
Aunty rose:when
Chidi :i don't know, i need some time to arrange somethings,then I will tell you
Aunty rose key i will ask again so make sure my answer is ready by then
Chidi :it will
They both laughed
Chidi :i will be in my room now okey
Aunty key
Chidi got up and headed to his room,while aunty rose continue reading her magazine.
Amara and maxwell are now engaged and soon to be married, Amara is now working in one of the company in nigeria,their relationship wasn't going the way maxwell has thought,Amara on the other hand wasn't really sure about marring maxwell but to her she has no choice, maxwell has always been there for her,he saw her through school and it was through his connection she is working now,maxwell to her was her life saver, maxwell called amara and told amara to come spend a night in his house which she did,she was in maxwell sitting room working on her laptop when maxwell walked into the sitting room,he was upset, he stood opposite amara.
Maxwell :you are really getting on my nerve,for the pass two hours you have been on that laptop doing only God knows, why you left me in the bedroom all by myself, is that fair
But amara didn't respond
Maxwell :am talking to you.
Amara :i thought i told you that I will be doing some paperwork at home but you insisted i come stay with you,now why complain
Maxwell voice was now high
Maxwell :you didn't tell me you will spend so much time on it,take a good look at the time
Pointing at the well clock
Maxwell :it 11pm,you should be sleeping by this time women are not supposed to be working at this time of the day,is this what you will be doing if you become my wife.
Amara :you are shouting,and beside what will I be doing at the bedroom at this time.
Maxwell calmly sat down close to her,
Maxwell :why are you doing this to me,we have been together for the pass six years now and till you won't allow me touch you,i don't get you.
Amara :we agreed no sex until marriage, we are not married yet are we
Maxwell :that's because you don't want to,you keep telling me you need time to put things in order, i don't understand the time
Amara :maxwell i am always busy with work, i don't want my work to be am issue when we get married, so you have to wait
Maxwell :quit your jod and let's get married
Amara was so shocked why will he suggested such a thing
Amara :you want me to quit my jod
Maxwell: you heard me
Amara :that's not possible and you know that
Maxwell :your jod and i who is more important to you
Amara :you are
Maxwell :then quite, i have enough money to take care of you
Amara :listen chidi.....
She quickly used her hand to cover her mouth,
Maxwell :why do you always sing that name each time we are on a conversation
Amara :am sorry chi...I mean maxwell
Maxwell is now angry
Maxwell shouted )just keep quiet
Amara was now silent and scared,maxwell look at amara with so much anger,Amare couldn't look at him
Maxwell :if i hear his name been mentioned around me ever again i will so beat the living day light out of you i swear,you better watch your mouth,amare do you hear me
Amara nodded
Maxwell :i give you one month amara to make up your mind or else i will drag you to the alter
He got up and walked to his room,Amara knew she had to be careful about everything and she knows maxwell meant everything he said,she quickly arranged everything she was doing and went to meet maxwell in his room.



Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4-9

Episode 10

Episode 11-13

Episode 14&15

Episode 16&17

Episode 18

Episode 19&20

Episode 21-23

Episode 24

Episode 25

Episode 26

Episode 27
14 Jun 2016 | 07:57
Bring It On!
14 Jun 2016 | 07:58
14 Jun 2016 | 07:58
14 Jun 2016 | 07:58
Wow.. Love it.. More wisdom and more ink to your pen
14 Jun 2016 | 08:20
hmmn..... u can force d horse to d river but u can't force it to drink
14 Jun 2016 | 08:54
Nxt episode abeg.............. Amara chidi z cumin bak 4 u......... Jhs wait a while longer........ U neva marry am, nd u wan beat am.............. Hmmmmmm...............
14 Jun 2016 | 11:10
Thank God i did'nt miss dis episode two
14 Jun 2016 | 12:39
I mean season two
14 Jun 2016 | 12:41
u don enter am
14 Jun 2016 | 13:23
Who love me most season 2 episode 2 Written by joy osamudiamen Chidi later agreed on going to nigeria, he told aunty rose the date he could love to go,he was going not because he loved to but because he thought about what aunty rose told him and wanted to give it a try,aunty rose called Mr Jonathan to inform him that chidi will be in nigeria in less then a week,Mr and Mrs Jonathan was so happy that he has finally agreed to come was the day that chidi was to leave his flight was 10:30pm,he has got prepared, he was in his room at about 7pm in the evening arranging his luggage when aunty rose entered. Aunty rose smiling )i can see you are getting ready Chidi :yeah,i am just making sure I don't leave any important things behind,aunty i can't pack everything so I don't know Aunty rose :that's not a problem, you just leave the ones you till need and i will send them to nigeria when you get there,that is if you have no intention of coming back. Chidi :hmmmmmm,well even if i decided to stay back i don't think i will need some many of them,it not much, i have already given some to my friends,so the remaining one you can keep them ,you can send me the wrist watched,necklaces and some shoes i keep at my wardrobe, if you open it you will see them. Aunty rose h that's okey,so have you called your dad Chidi :yes I did,they are preparing for my return, they even wanted to hold a party but I declined, i don't want anyone to know that i am in nigeria Aunty rose :well that's good,there is so much work to be done here Chidi :yeah,i don't even know how i got all this clothes Aunty rose :are you asking me,you love buying things and that is what you should work on,you till have some in the store house Chidi :you will do away with all that,i don't need them and beside they are all old. Aunty rose :i will do that,why don't you rest for now ,you till have up to an hour before you leave for the airport. Chidi :i know, i just don't want to forget anything, Aunty rose :if you say so,come and eat something before you go,the table has been prepared. Chidi key am coming Aunty rose :not okey let's go,because if i leave you here you won't come down stairs to eat so after you Chidi :aunty how come you know me so well Aunty rose :that's why I am your aunty, so shall we Chidi :you know you will always win Aunty rose :yes I agree come on They both went down stairs to eat,it was time for chidi to go Aunty rose drove him to the airport,chidi knows he will surely miss her so much because she was the one that made him more then just a man,he arrived at the airport and said farewell to aunty rose,his flight was great,the next day morning chidi arrived at lagos international airport,he took his luggage and headed to the entrance of the airport, he saw many people who was waiting for their loved ones that was when he saw a boy holding a white carbon paper and his name was written on it,he walked down to him and ask if he was sent by his father immediately the boy knew he was the one he is waiting for ,the boy helped chidi with his luggage and put it in the car,chidi also entered the car and the boy drove out of the airport, on their way home chidi gazed at all the areas he passes and was amaze,to him lagos now look different to him. Chidi :what is your name Boy:my name is ike sir Chidi :you must be new Ike:yes sir ,i just started work seven months ago Chidi :i see,how old are you Ike :28 sir Chidi :good,you do know around lagos very well Ike:this is where I was born sir Chidi key,there is some places you will take me to but not today okey Ike:no problem sir Chidi :please call me chidi,sir sounds ridiculous Ike:but sir Chidi :ike don't worry about my father if that is what you are thinking, okey Ike key sir chidi Chidi laughed Ike :let me put sir to it,please Chidi key suit yourself. Ike :thank you In no time they arrived at the Jonathan mansion, the gate was opened and Ike drove in,as soon as Mr and Mrs Jonathan heard the car horns they both went outside to welcome their son,chidi was also happy to see them,they all embrace eachother, the maids was called to take chidi luggages into the his room,they all went inside laughing and talking,after chidi had his bath he came down stairs to have his breakfast, Mr and Mrs Jonathan was already at the dinner table waiting for him,he seat down and the maid dish out the food,after Mr Jonathan blessed the food they all began to eat. Chidi :hmmmmmmm,mum i really miss your cooking. Mrs Jonathan laughed Mrs Jonathan :do you like it Chidi :like is an understatement, i love it,it been a long time since I tasted your food Mrs Jonathan :yes you are right,don't worry i will make sure you enjoy more of this Chidi :i trust you mum,i know what you can do They both laughed Mr Jonathan :there is a good news too Chidi :what Mr Jonathan :Judith just gave birth yesterday Judith has been married for five years now,she had her first baby three years ago,chidi actually attended the wadding from London, the wadding was held in dubai,she is now living in the US with her husband. Chidi amazed )wow,her second child Mrs Jonathan:yes a girl Chidi happy )i can't believe this,nice Mr Jonathan :i and your mother will be travelling to see her in two days time Chidi key Mr Jonathan :we don't know when we are going to return because I will be holding a meeting there also. Chidi ooooo, wish I could come Mr Jonathan :you need to stay here,i need you to take care of some things while am gone Chidi :so quick, and what will I be taking care of Mrs Jonathan:didn't your aunty tell you Chidi was confused Chidi :tell me what Mrs Jonathan :that your father has opened your own company. Chidi:dad,i don't get Mr Jonathan:chidi you are my only son,that i know but I don't want you to work under me,so I want you to run your own company, i want to see how you will make progress with it. Chidi :dad am speechless, i don't know what to say Mr Jonathan:don't say anything, you made me proud, business has already been in progress, it has been open for just six months now Chidi :this is amazing Mrs Jonathan :now you see why we needed you home Chidi was so happy and excited Chidi :thanks dad,thanks mum,you guys are best parents ever. Mr Jonathan :no problem, tomorrow i will take you there so that you will know where to start from,i believe you can do this. Chidi :you don't have to worry about that,am equal to the task. Mr Jonathan was happy that chidi was now ready to face his own responsibility, he is no longer the boy he knew, he has become what he always wanted him to be,chidi knew he has to work very hard to impress his dad and mum,he has a lot to work on. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
14 Jun 2016 | 13:44
wow, d guy has Rilly changed
14 Jun 2016 | 13:57
wow i knew it chidi must surly marry amara...tins happen for a reason....amara will soon leave max to chidi....for six years max couldnt marry amara dat means amara z made for chidi d i love dat.
14 Jun 2016 | 14:02
Pls dnt marry dat best Amara ur love is coming back
14 Jun 2016 | 14:17
Hmmmm.. Interesting
14 Jun 2016 | 14:28
It wont be suprising if amara works in chidi company
14 Jun 2016 | 14:31
mmmmh interesting,,,,,,go on
14 Jun 2016 | 14:59
oh my God.....Amara will be working under chidi
14 Jun 2016 | 15:13
amara i think d tym u av being waitn for is nw here,ur love is back
14 Jun 2016 | 15:16
14 Jun 2016 | 15:39
Cant wait for nest.not at all.
14 Jun 2016 | 18:33
Following wid rapit attaintion
14 Jun 2016 | 18:35
[b]I CHANGED A LOT.[/b]♥♥♥♥
14 Jun 2016 | 20:54
I think fate will bring amara and chidi together
14 Jun 2016 | 23:24
Amara, chidi z comin back for u
15 Jun 2016 | 03:29
waiting patiently
15 Jun 2016 | 05:00
Who love me most (season 2)episode 3 It was the next day evening, amare returned back frome work and went to her room to take her bath,Amara parents was now living with her in the city, it was all maxwell idea,and the house was also bought by maxwell, it was a storey building,amara finish taking her bath, she went to the sitting room and lay in one of the couch she wasn't hungry because she has had dinner before coming home,mrs uche came out from her room to see amara laying down on the couch. Mrs uche :are you sleeping Amara :no mama just resting my head Mrs uche sat down opposite amara Mrs uche :amara Amara :yes mama Mrs uche :amara Amara :yes mama am all hears Mrs uche :how many times did i call you Amara :twice mama Mrs uche :what is happening Amara was confused at the question Amara :how Mrs uche :what is happening between you and maxwell. Amara :nothing Mrs uche :i am trying to believe you but I know something is wrong Amara :mama stop all this i know he already called you so why asking me when you already know what the problem is Mrs uche :i want to be sure of what he told me,and if what he told me are all true then I must tell you,you should watch your step very well. Amara :what did he tell you Mrs uche :tell me the truth why don't you want to settle down now with maxwell Amara annoyed)mama please i really don't want to talk about that now Mrs uche shocked )what do you mean by that,don't you want to get married and have children and start your own family don't you want me carry my grandchildren, or do you want me to be in my grave before that happens Amara :mama how can you say that,you know i want to get married and give you and papa grandchildren but right now is not the time,and beside am not even sure if it will be soon Mrs uche :you better get married soon you aren't getting any younger Amara :mama,i will but I just need a little time, i don't know but something keep telling me i shouldn't rush so I am trying to work on what I am feeling but I promise you mama i will make you and papa happy, or don't you want the best for me Mrs uche :yes but Amara :mama please i am asking you to be patient and in no time you will be pleased. Mrs uche looked at amara trying to believe her,she was so in a rush to see amara get married but she just knew she have trust her daughter. ************************* Emma now works as a manager in one of the company in port-harcourt and his now married to Sandra,he was in his office when his secretary called to inform him that he has a visitor, he asked her to let the visitors in and he drop the telephone, chidi opened the door and entered, emma got up in surprised he couldn't believe he was seeing chidi. Emma h my God,who am I seeing Chidi laughing )a ghost They exchange pleasantries, emma was very happy to see chidi after a long time,he ushered chidi a sit and he sat down emma also took his sit Chidi :look at you Emma :don't go there, you look at yourself,you non dey add age They were so excited to see eachother Chidi :nice place you got here Emma:that's the work of God,how did you fine me Chidi :well let me say i have my ways Emma :chidi,men it's been long, i never really expected to see you again, i thought you were gone for good,what happened ne Chidi :well I kind of missed my town,like they say no place like home Emma :you are right,it good to have you back,welcome to hometown Chidi:you have really done well for yourself,i was really happy when I heard you were the manager, i was pleased Emma :thanks,i was just made the manager last year so am trying my best,what went wrong i tryed to contact you on Facebook, Twitter and badoo but they were all blocked Chidi :yeah I blocked them,i just needed to do so Emma :and you didn't even bother to contact me,that one bad ooooo Chidi :sorry men,but nothing change now i dey ne Emma :when did you returned Chidi :two days ago, and you were the first person that came to my mind, so how is jude and Godwin Emma :we all lost contact when we all graduated from school, but I heard that jude is in benin and Godwin is now in south Africa i don't know what he is doing there Chidi :you don't mean it ,i missed you guys i was hoping of see them Emma :well that's that Chidi :so tell me how is Sandra, do both of you till see each other Emma laughed Emma :i and Sandra are married with one kid and right now she is heavy with the second one Chidi was so happy to hear that Chidi :so you are now a family man Emma :you can say that again, she has really been the best thing that has happened to me,i am too lucky Chidi :you are a fulfill man now Emma :now enough about me ,what about you what's up with you Chidi :nothing much, really nothing Emma :you be bad boy oooooo,it's almost lunch time,why don't we go have lunch together Chidi :no problem Emma got up took his car key Chidi :why don't we just go with my car Emma agreed in less then 2 minutes emma prepared himself and they both left, they discuss so many things on their way to have lunch and emma invited chidi to a birthday party that Sandra father was celebrating his birthday that same night and could love him to come,chidi accepted and emma gave him the address and time,after the lunch chidi drop emma off at his work place and promise to see him later at the party,it was 11pm,chidi arrived the party, there was a lot of people there most were old people, they were all looking nice on the outfit each were putting on,chidi called emma to inform him of his arrival,emma came and meant chidi standing close to the gate ,he welcome him in and gave him a chair to sit. Emma :let me get something for you Emma left and came back with a bottle of red wine and two glass cups,he opened it and pour into the two glass cups Chidi :thanks Emma :no problem Chidi:where is Sandra Emma :just relax let me call her Emma let for to call Sandra, in less then some minutes emma came with Sandra, sandra is now six months pregnant and she was so happy to see chidi they both embrace,sandra asked chidi a lot of questions and chidi was ready to answer her,they were all having a great time together, Sandra :we till have a lot of things to talk about Chidi :no problem Just then Sandra saw amara walking close to them,Sandra was the one to see her first because she was facing her position while chidi was sitted facing Sandra so he didn't see amara and amara wasn't aware that chidi was the one sitting close to Sandra Sandra :who do we have here She walked to meet Amara Emma :amara is he Chidi didn't bother to look back to see amara, Sandra and amara walked back to when emma and chidi was. Emma :amara how are you Amara :am cool Just then amara saw chidi,she was shocked and surprise her heart was beating so fast but chidi just tryed not to look at her,Sandra notice amara. Sandra key amara why don't we go and see my daddy, Sandra took amara hand and they both walked away,emma sat down Emma :chidi, don't tell me after all this years you haven't forgotten all that happened Chidi :i have,it just that I wasn't sure what to do, Emma :you till love her don't you Chidi :i think so,but what does it matter she is till with maxwell and i heard they are engaged, i can't bare to see her,i really don't want to do anything stupid. Emma :if you till feel the same for her there is no reason why you should hold it back. Chidi :even if i didn't and i huged her and expressed how much I missed her what will it changes, will it make her come back Emma :you can till have her back if you want to,who says people that are engaged can't break up Chidi :what are you trying to say Emma :go and talk to her,try to make peace with her just believe me on this one Chidi thought for a while Emma got up)come on,let go. Chidi sigh and got up,they both went inside the sitting and found Sandra, emma asked her were amara was and she told them amara was at the balcony, chidi was directed to the balcony, chidi met amara there standing viewing the stars. To be continued
15 Jun 2016 | 05:10
chidi don't dull itself
15 Jun 2016 | 06:30
wow true more.
15 Jun 2016 | 07:22
Nxt plsss ooooooo
15 Jun 2016 | 08:31
hmmm, shey na by force?
15 Jun 2016 | 08:33
wow I love dis reunion DAT is abt to happen
15 Jun 2016 | 08:48
Abeg nxt
15 Jun 2016 | 08:52
cum n continue o
15 Jun 2016 | 09:04
continue nah
15 Jun 2016 | 09:25
The story is jus getting intresting
15 Jun 2016 | 11:19
True love .. Nice
15 Jun 2016 | 11:51
Oya continue..
15 Jun 2016 | 11:51
I pray u guys should work things out @chidi n amara
15 Jun 2016 | 12:42
Would it work out. Let's watch n c.
15 Jun 2016 | 13:43
Hmmm.............boss abeg kontinue #nonstop....<he dey sweet my belly
15 Jun 2016 | 14:46
hmmnmm what a reunion
15 Jun 2016 | 14:46
»»»»»Wait did I just say he dey sweet my belly actually curious
15 Jun 2016 | 14:48
Loving dis next pls
15 Jun 2016 | 16:24
Hmmm... Following
15 Jun 2016 | 17:28
Loving dis, oya na, next pls
16 Jun 2016 | 05:26
I dey enjoy this story like kilode.... Please next episode.
16 Jun 2016 | 10:18
Who love me most (season 2)episode 4 Chidi went close to her Chidi :hi Amara turned and was shocked to see chidi standing close to her Amara :hi Chidi :you look great Amara :thanks Chidi :how have you been Amara :good Chidi :and your fiancé Amara hesitate to answer him Amara :he's fine Chidi gave a weak smile Chidi:why him Amara :i don't get you Chidi: after all this years i till can't believe you left me for him Amara :it none of your business on who i choose to spend my life with Chidi f course it's none of my business but seriously not that asshole Amara Amara got annoyed)oh please don't say such words against him as if you are better then him Chidi :i am better then him in everything Amara h really,do you really think so of yourself, well to me you are lesser then anything i know Chidi :i am lesser but do you know why for letting you get to me for letting you hurt my heart, Amara :hurt,you are talking about hurt, what about you Now her voice was Lond Amara :you didn't hurt my heart you broke it (tear rolling down her cheek )and you stand here to tell me you were hurt,i give you more then I had and you took it for granted, you put me in a situation i never hoped of facing in my life. Chidi was touched and his heart was bleeding inside Chidi angrily )i didn't take you for granted, i never took your heart and break it,i have always accepted all what you gave and i cherished it,i didn't let you down but amara you left me,you choose to believe him and you left me without thinking twice,if it was you amara i couldn't have left i could have stayed with you and figure things out myself, do you know how i have been all this years trying to forget you,you took everything from me,you look me at the face and said your goodbyes,no matter how wrong i was you could have till looked at me,you were the one that lied to me,you promised never to leave me not matter what but you left me,you were the one that took me for granted,cause you took the love i gave to you and throw it back to my face,you were the one that broke my heart,because you couldn't trust me,you know what maxwell is not the devil you are,and believe me i regret ever loving you and curse the day i met you,i came to talk thinking it was the right thing to do but now I just knew i made a mistake. Chidi angryly left,Amara was dumbfounded she couldn't say a word or do anything but to cry her heart out. ************************* The next morning amara didn't go to work,she wasn't feeling too well because of the encounter she had with chidi,she saw maxwell well missed calls on her phone, maxwell has been calling her since yesterday night,she tryed calling him back but his phone was switched off,she then decided to go see him because she knew she had to give him an explanation and if she doesn't go now it will get worse, she arrived at maxwell house and horn,the gate man quickly open the gate and she drove in,she came down from the car the gate man finished closing the gate. Amara :is your oga around Gateman:yes he dey inside Amara lock the door of her car and went inside the house as she entered the sitting room she met maxwell kissing and romancing a girl on the couch, she wasn't surprised on what she was seeing because that wasn't the first time she has caught him,she has caught him on two occasions,one in am hostel and the other in a restaurant, she drop her bag on the table which made a sound that got maxwell attention, maxwell was so disappointed when he saw amara Maxwell :you didn't tell me you were coming Amara :your phone was switched off and i just know why,your hands were full Amara looked at both of them with disgusted Amara :maxwell i thought your brain were working now i see that there is nothing in there,if you want to do this rubbish could you at least go upstairs, what if someone else walked in here and saw you fooling yourself with this what ever her name is,or should I call her thing The girl got angry Girl:what did you just say, you open your month to insult me Maxwell looked at her with anger Girl:see you better behave yourself or else Maxwell (shout )will you shut up The girl was confused to hear what maxwell said Maxwell :do you realise you are talking to my fiancee, who told you to talk,now get out,(but she was till sitting looking at maxwell as if she didn't hear what he said)i said get out before I kill you The girl quickly took her belongings and left upset Maxwell :are you happy now you have succeeded in spoiling my good mood Amara :for real (now upset)you call this good mood,you call sleeping around with girls good mood,what are you thinking that doing this will make me go to bed with you. Maxwell :if i wanted to have sex with you believe me it won't take me a minute to do it,and beside why are you bothered,you should be thankful they are actually doing the jod you couldn't do. Amara:i hate you maxwell, and i regret knowing you,the truth is that I can't believe I left chidi for you,only God knows who the real devil is Maxwell :Are you telling me this to my face Amara :i am not telling you i am letting you know, and if you are not careful maxwell, if I could leave chidi yours will be too easy She took her bag and left,maxwell called her back but she didn't even wait one seconds,maxwell was so mad and angry, Amara drove out of maxwell house,she burst into tears while driving, she couldn't think straight and needed some company,she drove down to Sandra shop,sandra own a big supermarket, after school she wanted to do something different for herself and she got the idea of opening a supermarket her father help her in building the place and give her money to start it up and ever since then she has been doing well,she went straight to Sandra office,sandra was surprise to see amara so depressed and in tears, she consoled her and sat her down,she went to her sit and sat down. Sandra :what is it,why are you looking this way Amara :Sandra, i am so confused, i don't know what to do Sandra :what happened Amara :i caught him again with another woman right in the sitting room,i don't know what to do Sandra :what did he say this time Amara :same old story Sandra :how long will this go on,i don't get it,why can't you put a stop to all this rubbish,maxwell isn't good for you,end this so called relationship and find someone else who will really love you. Amara :it's not as easy as you think,my parents wants me to marry him and they won't accept anyone else but him,and secondly how can I deal with myself if I leave him,he owns almost everything i have,you know without him i won't be working now. Sandra:amara listen to yourself, look don't let situation make decision for you,you have to stand up for yourself, i don't know what more to say that will make you see reasons with me,can't you see you are suffering. Amara :i am trying Sandra i am,but I just don't know how to get away from him,my parents Sandra :stop talking about your parents, don't worry you can do this, yes you can just try to have a little faith and all will be well Amara stoped crying and Sandra tryed to cheer her up Sandra :so what happened between you and chidi yesterday after you left he was looking for you Amara was surprise Amara :he was Sandra :yes,what happened i didn't get to ask you yesterday, so Amara :i really don't want to talk about this today Sandra key i understand,okey now why don't we get ourselves busy Amara :with what Sandra:let just go out to anywhere,that will really work for you right now Amara refused at first but later gave in after Sandra begged her,they both left the office. DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
16 Jun 2016 | 11:38
Who love me most (season 2)episode 5 Amara returned back from Sandra place after both of them has gone around the whole town,Amara drop Sandra at he shop at about 4pm in the evening, amare headed back home she was now feeling better then in the morning,she entered the sitting room and met Mrs ada Marcus sitting in the couch. Amara smiling )mama good evening, you came to see us Mrs ada Marcus :yes oh...I came to see your mother Amara key Mrs ada Marcus :you must be coming back from work Amara :no mama,i didn't go to work today Mrs ada Marcus key,i wanted to see you oh,i was even going to send a message through your mum to try see me tomorrow but thank God I met you today Amara :hope nothing is wrong Mrs ada Marcus :no Amara sat down she already knew what mrs ada Marcus was going to say but she just pretend not to know. Mrs ada Marcus :i want to ask a question and i need the truth from you,i know i have asked you this before but and asking again,do you love my son Amara :mama maxwell knows i love him Mrs ada Marcus :then what is holding the both of you from getting married, i have also asked my son who told me that he was waiting for your decision, so that's why I want to ask you again,don't you want to marry my son Amara knew that she has to pour out her feelings out Amara :mama the truth is that am not sure Mrs ada Marcus surprised )you are not sure Amara :yes,i am not sure because of his attitude and behaviour Mrs ada Marcus key what is the problem tell me Amara upset)maxwell is am womaniser, i have caught him on different occasions ,and i even caught him today at him house, and the funny part is that he won't even bother to apologise for what he has done,maxwell is not the man i knew back then Mrsada Marcus was a little surprised to hear that,she knew amara was hurt cause it was written all over her face so she then try to calm her down. Mrs ada Marcus : it's okey,if he has been doing all this why didn't you report him to me Amara :i don't know,i just don't know, i can't marry maxwell like this,we are not even married and this is already happening what if we finally got married only God knows what he will bring to our home. Mrs ada Marcus :it alright, i will talk to him,you know sometimes men always thinks what ever their doing is the right thing because they feel they are in control but we women are the once to bring them back to their senses, i will talk to my son and if i am done things will be okey again,okey Amara :i hope he listens to you Mrs ada Marcus :he will okey just give him time to rest his head okey Amara :he has all the time in the world Mrs uche entered the sitting room and met them talking, Amara greeted her mother,Mrs ada Marcus got up as she saw Mrs uche, they were both going to their women meeting, mrs ada Marcus gave amara the assurance that all will soon be fine and Mrs uche and ada Marcus left the house,Amara went inside her room,who told her things will ever be okey between the both of them,she knew she had to find a plan to end this fast because she can't ever dream of becoming maxwell wife. *********************** ONE MONTH LATER Emma parked his car close to a black gate and came down he knock at the gate,a soldier open the gate,emma greeted him and told him he has come to see their boss son chidi,he was asked if he was on appointment but he wasn't but he told the soldier to inform chidi that he is looking for him,the soldier asked of his name and emma told him,he close the gate and in less then four minutes he opened the gate for emma to come in,he met chidi waiting for him at the entrance of the house,he admired the building,it was really a big house and there was a lot of soldiers seen around the whole compound, the distance from the gate to the entrance door was like a five minutes walk,they both greeted themselves and chidi ushered emma in,emma was sitted till admiring the place this was the first time he was coming to chidi house since they have been friends. Chidi sat down )what do I offer you Emma :anything soft will do Chidi called one of the maid to get a juice for emma,the maids return with a tray,juice and one glass cup was on it,she place the tray on the small side table that was close to emma, she opened the drink and poured it into the cup,she then left after doing that. Chidi :so what's up with,and how is Sandra Emma :she is fine,and how is work Chidi :cool, Emma :you have a great place Chidi :it's my father house not mine but all the same thank didn't call me to inform me you were coming Emma :yeah I was actually in the neighbourhood when I realised I have a friend who live around it wasn't that difficult to get directions to your house you know They both laughed Chidi :yeah Emma :i could have come to your office but I just decided to come see you at home,i want a favour from you,and please i will be very glad if you can help me out. Chidi sat up right Chidi key if it within my power i will help,so what is it Emma :i want to start up my own business, i want to be boss on my own, Chidi key what business is that Emma :supplying of goods,i will buy goods from China and then sell it on wholesale, i won't open any store for now i will do the dealing from the warehouse, after I have gathered alot of clients then I can think of something else maybe build a company, i know that will take a long time but that is my plan. chidi smiled Chidi :i love the idea,so how do I come in Emma :i know i shouldn't be asking you for this but there is no one that will help me out in this Chidi :just tell me Emma :i have already made the necessary requirements about the goods from China but two things are till lacking, the goods i an inquiry for is large quantity and i need a company that will sign for me, i can't use mind because it a grate risk i really don't trust any one, Chidi :you want to use my company name,so that it will be more easily for you Emma :yes,and one more thing my money isn't complete,i till need to borrow some money from you. Chidi :you want to me to also lend you some money Emma :please i know it will be difficult for you but please you got to help me on this,i just need to do something for myself and i know in time i will make it please. Chidi thought for a while Chidi :that's not a problem,so how much are we talking about Emma :an hundred million Chidi was shocked Chidi :what,are you mad,how can you start up a business with such a huge amount of money. Emma :there's a lot of profit in this,you will till benefits from it believe me,i have ever lied to you Chidi :i know you haven't, but come on you are a business man and you should know how this goes,are you really confidence about this Emma :i know what you are afraid of but trust me i have been working with this people for a very long time, they are actually one of our suppliers in my company, that is why in need your company name to do it for me. Chidi was confused, Chidi :this is risky,i will help you out but on my conditions, Emma key which are Chidi :you will give me every details about the suppliers,i will contact them myself, then I can help you take a loan from the bank, when the goods arrived you pay back the loan i took from the bank and then keep your profit. Emma was excited Emma :you mean you can help me out with this Chidi :i am doing this for old time sake,hope you didn't take any loan in the bank Emma :no,i and Sandra has been working on this for a long time now,sandra help me borrow from her siblings and other family members, with the ones we gathered it was all forty millions naira Chidi :you better keep that money safe,this is what you will do,when the goods arrived, i am going to help you with the complete money of course they will ask for interest i will settle that too,we are going to pay back the bank,when the good arrived use your profit then to settle who ever that lend you money,then aquire for another supply but this time without saking a loan from the bank and about my money you will pay me back sixty percent and keep the remaining forty Emma was so surprised to hear that,he thanked chidi so much, Chidi :come on emma you are my friend and if i can't help you out in this it won't be fair of me,i want you to be more then what you are today,and i believe with this you can push through, so stop all this,you have always been my back bone and you have risk your life for me back then in school i think this is the time to pay you back. Emma was very grateful,he didn't know how to appreciate what chidi was about to do for him,who could ever thought that the good you did in the past could till be remembered. DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
16 Jun 2016 | 11:39
who love me most(season 2)episode 6 Chidi went to amara house the next day,emma advice him to go and also gave him the address, he parked at the side of the house,he came down and went to knock on the gate the gate open the gate. Gateman :good morning sir Chidi :good morning, Gateman :who you be and who you dey look for Chidi:am looking for the amara, Gateman :you dey look for madam, she dey inside,come inside Chidi:don't worry just tell her am waiting for her outside Gateman :waytin i go tell am say your name be Chidi :emma Gateman key oh,wait make i call her He close the gate and went to call amara, not less then two minutes amara opened the gate and saw chidi,she was shocked to see him she actually thought it was emma,she walked to where chidi was standing Amara :chidi what are you doing here,don't you know if..... Chidi interrupted her Chidi:if maxwell see us together, he will get mad,he will get angry or crazy Amara :i mean i don't want.... Chidi :you don't want me to hurt him again Amara got upset Amara :stop involving maxwell to our conversation Chidi :i know you are trying to avoid me but why,why are you pushing my away from your life ,you are treating me like am outcast in your life. Amara:chidi,what do you really want from me Chidi:i want you Amara :chidi we can never come back together again, you know am engaged and it won't be right if people sees us together, else they will start thinking otherwise Chidi:do you really think i give a fuck what people say Amara :well I do,and if they start talking it will get to the ears of both maxwell and my parents,i don't want to destroy my wedding Chidi laughed and amara was surprise to see him laughing Chidi :your engagement with maxwell is at the brink of collapsing, so what makes you think my involvement will make it end Amara :what is the meaning of that Chidi came closer to her Chidi :i know you are not happy with maxwell, so don't even try to pretend because it written all over your face,i can see it in your face and i can feel it in your breath. Amara was now feeling uncomfortable because she knows where this was heading to Amara :chidi you need to start going now Chidi :you want me to leave because am saying the truth Amara :no,i just want you to leave you are causing alot of problems around me and i don't want that,i want you to stop all this Chidi :you want me to stay away from you Amara :yes,please Amara couldn't stop her tear to rolling down her cheek Amara :since your absence i have been doing fine,your presence is hurting me,just leave me alone Chidi :no amara i can't do that,do you really want me to go away (Chidi held her by the arms)look into my eyes and tell me you want me to leave you alone Amara looked at him but couldn't say anything, does she really want him to leave Chidi :i love you Amara so much that I can't stay without you,do you have any idea how i have been all this years,i missed you so much (and he hugged her amara was speechless she didn't hug him back)i am sorry for what I said the other time at the party i was just angry at myself because you should be wearing my ring not his,if only I have travelled all this couldn't have gone this far,i am sorry for leaving an so sorry for everything, i have missed you so much. Amara couldn't do anything,she just cried,they were hugging so passionately, they were brought back to reality when they heard a voice behind them,Amara quickly remove herself from chidi,chidi was just smiling looking at maxwell who was so surprised and angry to see chidi and most especially the fate that they were hugging. Maxwell :you Chidi :yes me,are you surprised, so you really think i won't come back,are you shock to see me,don't tell me you are scared Maxwell :you must be a big fool if you think I am scared of you,what are you doing here Chidi :what does it look like i am doing Maxwell :now you listen to me,Amara is mine and the better that get into your head the better for you Chidi :and who is dragging her with you,don't tell me you are insecure, oh I know why because of me Maxwell :i know why you are here,you want to try to stop us from getting married but let me tell you nobody can stop us from getting married. Chidi :don't be too sure Maxwell walked close to chidi Maxwell :don't dare me chidi, don't try to play a game you can't finish Chidi whisper in his ear Chidi :we started this game Long time ago and guess what I came full prepared, and you know i can beat you to it this time do you want to know why because you and i know who her heart truly beat for. Maxwell angrily pushed chidi, chidi began to laugh because to him getting maxwell angry was fun,maxwell was now at the top of his voice Maxwell :you will never win,not in this life or the next life,i rather die to allow it happen. Chidi :don't say it out loud,the walls have ears and you know your wish might come to pass. Maxwell :you are crazy, you fool Chidi :you have a nice day maxwell, till we meet again Chidi looked at amara and walked to his car and drove off,he was really satisfied and he was happy that you got when he wanted, as soon as he left maxwell turned to amara, Amara was already scared because she don't want any problem from maxwell Maxwell :this is it right, standing in front of the house is bought with my money hugging another man,is this how to thank me for all i have been doing for you,answer me. Amara knew where this was going to,she quickly ran inside the house and lock the gate, maxwell wanted to stop her but she was very fast,maxwell began to hit the gate Maxwell : open this gate amara, i said open the gate,you don't want to right,no problem but you better don't come out,you better don't. He was till hitting the gate shouting what mrs uche came,she was so surprised to see maxwell angrily hitting the gate. Mrs uche :maxwell, maxwell Maxwell :mama,amare is really getting me angry,she is driving me crazy. Mrs uche :calm down,don't worry what ever the problem is it will be settled, where is she Maxwell :she is inside,she lock me outside Mrs uche went to the gate and knocked calling out the gate man name Gateman :mama,is that you Mrs uche :will you open this gate The Gateman opened the gate Mrs uche :why didn't you open the gate for him Gateman :sorry mama,but madam say make i know open the gate for am Mrs uche :now go and open the gate for him so that he can drive in The gate man went to open the gate for maxwell, mrs uche pleased with maxwell to drive in which he did and they both went inside, amare was already in her room but Mrs uche called her,mrs uche tried and settled the problem, mrs uche later left them in the sitting room,Amare apologies for what happened and maxwell had to calm down,he later left amara house but was very determine to act fast,he has come this far to let chidi spoil his plans. what do you think will be his next move let's fine out in the next episode *******TO BE CONTINUED ***** LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
16 Jun 2016 | 11:40
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 7 .: Stories *******continue part****** The relationship between maxwell and amara change after that incident, amare no longer have time for maxwell, she was always busy and most of the time come back late from work,maxwell knew about the changes but he couldn't do anything about it,five days has passed since they last saw each other, maxwell knew he was losing amara,he needed to act fast,it was last in the night when amara heard knock on her door,she walked to the sitting room, Amare :who is that Maxwell : open the door it me Amara recognised the voice it was maxwell, she was surprise,what will he be doing at her house at this time of the night,she opened the door. Amara :what are you doing here at this time of the night Maxwell entered and close the door Maxwell :is it a crime to visit my fiancée, be it morning or night Amara :please maxwell don't start i only asked asked a question but it since like you are not ready to answer Amara wasn't happy to see maxwell and wasn't ready for his trouble either, she left him and went her room and lied on her bed,maxwell entered her room few minutes later Amara :don't tell me you will be spending a night here Maxwell he sat down)where is your mum Amara :she is not around, she went for an all night at her church, you haven't answer me,and why will you be asking about my mum,if you came to see her you could have come earlier. Maxwell :and your dad Amara :he travelled,so Maxwell :were you expecting me to drive home this night Amara :why are you answering me with a question,God She signed and turned to sleep,not up to ten minutes maxwell lay close to her and began to caressing her body,she remove maxwell hand and sat up Amara :what is wrong with you,look am really not in the mood for your troubles, because it sees like you want to start your problems this night,so please if you don't let me be you can use another room. Maxwell upset)you have been avoiding me Amara :i have been busy that's all Maxwell :have you been seeing him Amara :who Maxwell :chidi Amara :look i have been busy at work you go and confirme it yourself. Maxwell thought for a while Maxwell :i want you Amara :i thought we have talked about this,i really need to rest in have a busy day tomorrow, i think you should go to the other room to sleep(maxwell didn't even make any move)i think i should leave here for you She got up to leave but maxwell forcefully push her back on the bed and he go up. Amara :what was that for Maxwell began to unbutton his long sleeve,he drop his wristwatch and necklace on amara dressing mirror, amare was looking at him confused, then make started to open his bait Amara :you are not getting naked in presence of me are you Maxwell :i wasn't joking when I said i wanted you,and i really don't want to do it the hard way. He sounded so serious and this got amara scared Amara :maxwell, behave yourself, if this is some kind of a joke just stop it Maxwell :stop saying that,do I look like a joker to you,what is your problem,is there anything wrong for me having sex with you,ah Amara : (scared )stop maxwell please, what have come over you Maxwell :you have, and listen i will have you today and right now Just then amara tryed to run but maxwell hold her back and push her back on the bed,he was now on top of her trying to take off her nightgown she was putting on,Amara screamed and begged him to spot but she was pleasing on deaf ears for maxwell was determined to do what he want,amare took her laptop that was at the side of her bed and hit it so hard on maxwell head. Maxwell :ah he, shit my head Amara push him away from her body ,she took her phone and quickly ran out of the house,maxwell immediately ran about her,she opened the gate and ran out,maxwell cease her bit amara was a fast runner,maxwell gave up when he knew he couldn't get her,he turned back and went to the house, Amara stoped running when she discovered that maxwell was no longer after her,she was breathing heavily, she looked around so scared, everywhere was so dark and scary not even the sound of a car is heard,she took her phone and called Sandra, about the fourth time, emma picked the call Amara panicking )hello Emma sleepily )yeah Amara Amara :please emma where is Sandra Emma :she is sleeping, you sound worried anything the problem you can tell me Amara :i need your help Emma :yeah what is it Amara :can you guys come and pick me up Emma surprised )where are you Amara :you know that secondary school that is very close to my house Emma :yes Amara :that's where I am pleased come and help me Emma :why don't you just go home Amara :something bad happened in my house, i am scared please go pick me up Emma :i and Sandra are out of town,we are in benin as am talking to you now,we left this afternoon Amara key my God, what am I going to do now She started crying,emma notice she was crying Emma : calm down,just stay where you are i will send someone to you right now okey Amara key thank you ,i will be waiting, please be fast Emma key She ended the call,fifteen minutes passed and no response from emma she was already freaking out,she then heard the sound of a car approaching but she couldn't tell from what direction, just then she saw the car light and the car was driving to her direction the car stoped the light of the car couldn't let her see who it was,she thought it was maxwell because it was coming from her house direction,she was about to run when a voice called her she turned and saw chidi,amare was so surprised to see chidi,chidi quickly came down from his car ran to where amara was and embrace her. Chidi :you got me so worried Emma :how did you know i was here Chidi :emma called me saying you needed help,i drove down here as fast as I could, i couldn't have forgive myself if something bad has happened to you(chidi notice amara was colded,he pull off his jacket and wore it on amara )it will keep you warm Amara :thanks, i am really tried i need to rest Chidi :do you want me to go home you Amara :no no,take me anywhere but not my house Chidi didn't bother to ask why because he felt amara wasn't in the mood to talk,he took her to the car open the door for her and she entered chidi did the same and they drove off,chidi tried to fine an hostel for Amara but all the hostels in that area were all full because it was weekend. Amara :what are we going to do now Chidi:if you don't want to go home now we could just sleep in the car and in the morning i drop you at home Amara :i really don't want to go home now Chidi key do you trust me that much to follow me to my house Amara :as long as you won't hurt me Chidi laughed Chidi :i can't do that and you knows that,so is that a yes Amara :i think so Chidi started the car again and headed to his house, they arrived at his house and chidi took amara to one of the guest room,she gave amara one of his sister nightgown to wear and wish her good night,morning came chidi woke up and quickly got ready for work he didn't bother to go check on amara because he thought she could till be sleeping,but he ordered the cook to prepare something nice for Amara incase she wakes up,he and emma later talked and he was greatful that emma called him now he is able to do something nice for amara,it was in the afternoon in his office when his father called him Chidi :hello dad Mr Jonathan :how are you Chidi:am fine dad and you Mr Jonathan :we thank God Chidi :what about mum,Judith and the new baby Mr Jonathan :they are all fine,so how is business Chidi :business is making progress Mr Jonathan :that's good to hear,we will be coming back this weekend Chidi h,that will be great am already feeling lonely in that house Mr Jonathan :don't worry and your mother has a surprise for you Chidi :you know i like surprises Mr Jonathan :you are in the office now Chidi:yes,i will be having a meeting like (looked at his wristwatch) now Mr Jonathan key let me leave you then Chidi:i will call you back as soon as I am done with the meeting Mr Jonathan :you take care Chidi :you too Mr Jonathan huge up,while chidi got prepared for his meeting LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE >> Episode 8
16 Jun 2016 | 11:42
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 8 .: Stories It been two days now,amare parents are worried about her whereabouts,they have gone to the police to lay a complain,Mr and Mrs uche,Mrs ada Marcus and maxwell were all sitted in the sitting room of amara,mrs uche has been crying her heart out and Mrs ada Marcus couldn't do nothing but to console her. Mr uche :this is unbelievable, she has never done this kind of thing before, so when did she start all this,leaving without informing anyone Mrs uche :Amara,Amara where are you please come back Mrs ada Marcus :it's okey i know where ever she is now she is fine,maybe she don't want anyone to disturb her that's why she switch off her phone Mrs uche :but that's not a good reason ne,okey who is disturbing her,who that will make her leave just like that Mr uche :i till don't understand maxwell did both of you had a fight Maxwell :no,i really can't explain it,it was really funny, you know amara and i haven't been seeing each other for some time now, so I was invited to a party that night and i thought it wish to go with her,i called her to inform her,she agreed and that was when I came to see her that night but she behave as if we nevered had any agreement, i tried to question her and she got angry telling me to leave the house i told her I can't, she left me in the sitting room and i stayed there,it wasn't up to 20 minutes she came out looking all dressed,she didn't tell me where she was going i asked her but I was talking to a deaf ears,i only saw her entered a car parked outside and they left, that's all I know so I don't see anything wrong in what i did,i recognised the car it was chidi car,ever since she met chidi she has been behaving weird Mrs uche :is it not that same boy that you saw them together the other day outside Maxwell :yes mama that's the boy Mr uche was confused Mr uche :which boy are you talking about Mrs uche :it's about five or six days ago I was coming back from market when I saw maxwell outside the gate shouting, when I asked him he told me Amara locked him outside because they had some misunderstanding, well I opened the gate for him and we both went inside, i settled everything that day ooo, Mr uche :that till don't answer my question, who is the chidi Maxwell :chidi was the i saw hugging amara that faithful day outside the gate,i got angry and wanted to do something stupid but she quickly ran inside and lock me out. Mr uche was shocked Mr uche :is this true but why didn't i hear of this Maxwell :we felt it wasn't necessary, i have forgotten about all that,now the important thing now is to fine her Mrs ada Marcus :what if she is at the chidi place right now and we are here killing ourselves Maxwell :i have thought about that but amara will not go there Mr uche :but you said it was the boy that came to pick her that night Maxwell :yes but i trust her she won't sleep at the boy place Mr uche :and what makes you think so Maxwell :amare knows what she is doing,she won't stay at the boy place because she knows we will find out after all she knew i know who came to pick her,probably she is in an hostel,let just hope the police find her. Meanwhile amara was till in chidi house,chidi tried everything possible to make amara comfortable, chidi wasn't always at home but the little time he has he spent it all on amara, chidi and amara became friends again, Amara was in her room (the guest room)she was reading a novel that chidi bought for her,chidi knocked and amara told him to enter, they both look at each other smiling,chidi sat on the bed close to amara Chidi :don't you get tried of reading Amara :you know i love reading, it's one of my hubby Chidi :yeah I know ,so Amara Amara :yes Chidi :it's not like am asking you to leave but don't you think its time for you to go back home your parents will be worried Amara was now unhappy Amara :i don't want to face them now,they will never understand Chidi :i know about that but you can't stay here for long, my parents will be coming home very soon and if they met you here,i don't know Amara :but why Chidi :i am not in the habit of bringing women home,and if they see you they might think otherwise, you know what I mean Amara:but I don't want to go home now,okey I could just stay in an hostel Chidi :no amara you will not,what is really the problem, why are you running from your home,i have been asking you this question since you came here but you are refusing to tell me,what really happened that night and i won't ask again, Amara started crying and chidi tryed to console her Chidi :amara talk to me,i might be of help Amara :he tryed to rape me Chidi was confused Chidi :maxwell tryed to rape you or wanted sex and you wasn't in the mood,was that why you had to risk your life that night Amara :you don't get do you,he tryed to force himself on me Chidi :maxwell is your fiance and i don't see anything wrong in a man wanting his woman but he could have just let you be till you are in the mood, wait, or maybe just maybe you haven't had sex with him yet Amara was silent, chidi saw the answer in her eyes,it was just there,chidi felt pity and pain for her Chidi :amara i don't understand you,if maxwell is hurting you why did you till put up with him,why did you leave me for him,why Amara :after all what you did,i needed to pay him back for almost losing his life all because of me, i thought dating him could make me forget all about you and love him but I have tryed but it isn't working Chidi :are you trying to say you till don't love him then why are you till with him Amara :maxwell has done a lot for me and my family, he made me who I am today,he has everything i own,the company i work for belongs to his uncle if not for him in couldn't have had a jod now,my car,the house all belongs to him,the allowance he gives to me is even better then my salary, my parents are having a better life all because of him,you caused is chidi it was all your fault,you gave me no choice Chidi held her knee Chidu:amara,am sorry for all what you have went through just because of my mistake, but you never gave me the chance to explain to you the last time we saw each other, the only regret i have was i leaving you,i could have stayed and fight for you,i didn't mean to hurt him that faithful day,maxwell blocked me on my way coming back from a party, two other guys was with him,i had to protect myself, yes I beat him up but didn't shoot him i swear,i and emma left after that Amara :wait you and emma Chidi :he didn't tell you Emma was there,emma killed the two boys he did that trying to defend me Amara :if emma was there why didn't you say so if what you are saying was the truth Chidi h God amara, do you think Emman won't go to jail if i implicate him,i was even glad maxwell didn't mention him,the only reason I was free was because of my dad and the money my dad payed to keep maxwell mouth shut Amara looked surprised Chidi :he didn't tell you that also, oh you thought he just decided to let me go after he has caught me in his nest. Amara :what about the finger print on the gun Chidi :i touched the gun when I took it from him and throw it away, it might be possible he shut himself. Amara :he couldn't do that Chidi :are you sure of that Amara :but why Chidi :you till don't get it do you,he wanted me out of the way,and he had to make you get me out of your mind and becomes his,and his plan worked,you easily fell for it,you see all this he is doing for you is to keep you all to himself,i know figures everything out he tryed raping you because seeing me back was something he wouldn't take and maybe if he had sex with you or you got pregnant you will quickly marry him and there won't be a chance for me then. Amara felt like killing herself she couldn't take all what chidi was telling her,she cried her heart out Amara :how can he do this to me Chidi hug her Chidi :ah ah stop it,you should be happy you haven't married him yet,now you can start all over again Amara :but how, what do I do now Chidi :do you really want my advice Amara:yes please help me Chidi :amara i will help you but you have to be clever, maxwell is a very intelligent person when it comes to games like this,you have to pretend nothing happened Amara wipe away her tear Amara key Chidi :you will go home, accept any things they say okey,just try to make peace with your parents and please try not to make maxwell suspicious, when you are done with that,let me know Amara :and then Chidi :just relax work on this first and in no time all will be fine. Amara smiled Amara :thanks you very much for everything Chidi :shhhhhh,enough of that,so are you okey now Amara :i think so Chidi h you look more beautiful when you cry Amara laughed Amara :really Chidi :yeah,you will always be that queen to my heart They both starred at each other Amara felt safe for the first time in many years,her mind was now determine to end the relationship with maxwell but she has to play by the rules of chidi,she got prepared to leave chidi house the next day and by the next day afternoon chidi dropped her at home,they promised to keep in touch, amare saved chidi number in code because she couldn't want maxwell to know she was talking with chidi. ******TO BE CONTINUED ****** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
16 Jun 2016 | 11:49
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 9 .: Stories ******continue part****** Amara entered the sitting room and saw her mother in the sitting room, as soon as mrs uche saw amara she was so happy she ran to her and gave her a warm embrace,amare knew she has been worried. Mrs uche :Amara, Amara Amara :yes mama Mrs uche :is this really you Amara :mama it's me Amara was trying to force out a smile Mrs uche :amara why will you do this to me,why did you left without telling anybody, you broke my heart,is that fair Amara felt so sorry for her mum,she hate seeing her in distress,Amara put her arms round her, Amara :mama am so sorry okey,i just needed to be alone for sometime, i never meant to hurt you this way Mrs uche :you wanted to be alone but hope you didn't go to meet that boy chidi Amara was surprise, well she couldn't have thought as much,maxwell would have cooked up a story. Amara :no oh,i have been with a friend of mind and it not a boy,i have been out of town, why will you say things like that Mrs uche :then why was your phone switch off Amara :mama,like I say earlier, i needed to be alone, but am back now Mrs uche :but you didn't do the right thing at all,we were all worried about you,we even involved the police Amara : police, i am barely gone for just three days and the police is already involved what will you involved if i was gone for a whole year Mrs uche :this is not something you should joke with, Amara :mama am just coming back now and i am very tired because am coming from a far distance, i really need to rest,i want to go to me room Amara try to cheer her up Amara :it okey ne,i am back and i promise I won't leave like that again. Mrs uche : promise oh,i don't want you to do it again. Amara succeeded in convincing her parents and tryed to make everything look normal,she even had to call maxwell to inform him of her arrival because that's what her father wanted,after her supper she call chidi they didn't talk much as chidi warn her not to call him at home you know what they say wells has earned, as soon as she ended the call with chidi she called Sandra, she was told that Sandra was at the hospital in benin but yet to return,she hasn't have time to talk to her as emma could tell her she wasn't allowed to receive calls,she just decided to call again to check on her,to her greatest surprise Sandra picked the call. Amara :Sandra are you okey,how are you,i was told you are in the hospital what happened Sandra :relax,yes I have been in the hospital just some pregnancy problem but am okey now Amara :thanks God ,i was so worried about you,so hope the baby is fine Sandra :yes everything is fine,i was about calling you later this evening,emma told me you everything that happened to you but wouldn't tell in fill details, so babe what happened. Amara :it a long story Sandra :you should know am all ears Amara lower her tone Amara:that night do you know that Maxwell tryed to rape me Sandra screamed out Sandra :what are you serious Amara :if not for God,i could have been telling a different story, i manage to run out of the house oh,i called you but your husband pick and God bless him for me. Sandra :yeah he told me he called chidi, Amara :chidi came to my rescue, i have been at his place since three days now,just coming back from his place this afternoon. Sandra :hmmmmmm, and hope everything went well Amara :yeah,he is till nice to me no matter what I did to him,chidi is turely a nice person Sandra:thank God you have now seen it that maxwell is a devil. Amara :Sandra there is something I want to ask you i don't know if I can Sandra :you know you can ask me,what is it Amara :that day maxwell was shut,was emma your husband with chidi Sandra was surprise at the question Sandra :since the past five years now you haven't asked me this question until now why Amara :please i just need to know Sandra :yes,he was there, he witness everything and thanks to chidi he didn't try to implicate him even when they were looking for a witness,chidi told you everything right Amara :yes Sandra :amara listen to me,what ever chidi told you is the truth,he was innocent of the crime placed on him,maybe maxwell shut himself to gain pity from you,maxwell has been using you,even before the incident i was told maxwell came to chidi house offering to pay him off so he can leave you alone but he turned the whole thing around, chidi was blame because he only try to defend himself if not chidi could have been dead by now Amara :and i was sure a fool,i didn't even gave him a chance to explain,maxwell i will never forgive him , Sandra :this is not the time to start talking and do nothing, you have to run away from maxwell, he will destroy your life Amara :i know,i and chidi are working things out and i pray it push through Sandra :just be careful okey,maxwell is dangerous Amara :thanks dear for everything, for not letting go of me Sandra :come on,what are friends for,you will soon be fine i can feel it Amara :so when are you coming back Sandra :maybe next week,emma mother won't let me go she thinks am not in a good condition to leave her sight Amara :that's mother in law for you oh They both laughed Sandra:but emma will be coming back tomorrow he needs to resume work Amara key please say hi to him oh Sandra f course i will Amara :you should try and rest now okey i will call back to check on you again Sandra key bye Amara :take care Amara dropped the call, she was now convinced that maxwell framed chidi up and he was the evil all this while, she just pray to be out of this mess in no time,days passed and amara played cool with everything,but the communication between her and maxwell was not the same,she try to avoid him at all cost,chidi and amara always communicates with eachother other,Amara was trying to play it low cause she won't want maxwell to fine out of her plans,Mr and Mrs Jonathan finally came back home,the driver went to pick then at the airport,they drove into the compound and came down from the car but it seems they wasn't the only one that came back with them. Let's see who would that be in the next episode LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE
16 Jun 2016 | 11:54
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 10 .: Stories ********continue part ******* A beautiful fair in complexsion girl maybe on her twenty's came down from the car,with amazement she look round the whole compound, the maids quickly help them with their luggages in the car. Mr Jonathan :welcome to our home's beautiful Mrs Jonathan :you like it Girl:i love it,it's wonderful Mrs Jonathan :thanks Mrs Jonathan then turn to one of the maid Mrs Jonathan :where is my son Maid:he is in his room Mrs Jonathan :go inform him that we are back Maid key mam The maid quickly left to deliver the message, they all went inside the sitting room,Mr and Mrs Jonathan sat down while the the beautiful damsel keep admiring the place,complementing Mr and Mrs Jonathan who were just laughing looking at her. Mrs Jonathan:dora why don't you sit have your sit Dora:i will,i just love to go round a little Mr Jonathan :there will be time for that okey Just then chidi came down from the stairs with smile on his face,ldora sat down immediately she saw chidi. Chidi:dad, mum Mr and Mrs Jonathan were also happy to see him,he quickly went and hug his mum Chidi:you didn't tell me you will be coming today Mr Jonathan :well thanks to your mum who said surprising you was the best option. Mrs Jonathan : it now a wrong thing to surprise my son,if you don't want me here let me just go bad. They all laughed Chidi f course not,am even lonely in this house, am happy you came Mr Jonathan : oh, i know you will side her Chidi :no dad,am equally on your side and you know that Mrs Jonathan :your dad is jealous Chidi sat down,dora was just lost in the conversation, her eyes were fitted on chidi who didn't seems to notice her Chidi:so mum,dad told me you got a surprise for me,where is it Mrs Jonathan looked at Mr Jonathan with a frown Mrs Jonathan :you told him already, how is it a surprise when you have already told him Mr Jonathan :no i didn't i just gave him a tip that's all Chidi key guys what's up,where is the gift Mrs Jonathan :you and gifts They all laughed Mrs Jonathan :don't worry i have alot of them just relax okey Chidi key i am relax Mrs Jonathan h forgive my manners,chidi this is dora,the daughter to senator okoro,dora this is chidi my son. Dora looked at chidi seductively,chidi ignore her exchanging pleasantries with her. Chidi :i never knew he has a daughter, am surprised,i must say you are beautiful, how come I don't see you around Dora :well I live in the state's Chidi :nice,do enjoy your stay Dora:thanks Chidi:mum,nice one Mrs Jonathan understood what he meant,she just laughed Mr Jonathan :you didn't go to the office today Chidi:no,just decided to stay at home today Dora :that's nice, so since you won't be busy i was wondering if you could take me round the city,please Chidi looked at her with surprised Mrs Jonathan f course he will Chidi was shocked to hear that Chidi :mum Mrs Jonathan :what Chidi:i closed very late yesterday and am very tired,that's way i didn't go to the office today,and beside I will be going to an important place today,very important Dora was a bit disappointed Dora key,that's not a problem maybe some other time Mrs Jonathan :don't worry dora,he will take you to where ever you want to go but first you need to rest maybe towards in the evening,won't you chidi(giving him the what's wrong with you look) Chidi:evening will be perfect Dora excited )thanks Mr Jonathan has had enough for the day,he got up and excused himself. Mrs Jonathan :chidi why don't you show dora to one of the guest room Chidi knew what her mum was up to,he agreed and Mrs Jonathan took her leave. Chidi:don't you think its time to take a rest or do you want to sit here all day Dora h,sorry She got up,chidi got up and walked upstairs dora was behind him,chidi wasn't new to this kind of game to him his mother was being childish, why would she even think of something like this. ***************************** Amara returned from work,she parked her car and came down, took some files at the back of her car seat and went inside, she meant her father in the sitting room who was reading a news paper. Amara :good evening papa Mr uche responded to her greeting Mr uche :i have been calling your number but it's not going through,even your mother couldn't reach you. Amara :yes papa that's because I've changed my sim card,i will later give you my new number Mr uche key but why the change Amara :i was having trouble with the sim Mr uche key Amara :where is mama Mr uche :she went to the market to get somethings Amara :there was something I want to discuss with the both of you,but I will just wait till she comes back Mr uche :hope it's nothing serious Amara :not really, let me just tell you Amara sat down Mr uche key am all ears Amara :i now got a new job as a manager,in addition i was given a house and am official car which simply means that we won't be leaving here anymore, so I was suggesting we start parking from tomorrow . Mr uche wasn't sure of what to do,if he should be happy for her or angry because he was shocked Mr uche key,but what happened to your former work Amara :i resigned they wasn't paying me well so with the help of a friend of mine i got a good job and it's far more better then the old one,you should be happy for me. Mr uche :i am but is maxwell aware of this new development Amara got upset the name of maxwell was the last thing she wants to hear Amara : papa, please i am not ready for maxwell talk,i don't want that name to be mentioned any time i am having a conversation with you,what is it Mr uche :i Knew it,i knew there was something wrong with your head,now listen to me you better quit what ever you are planning inside that your head of yours,and stop acting stupidly, you have a good job am happy for that but to tell us to leave this house is something that can't happen, i have spoken Amara :i have always listen to you and have never complain about any decisions you make consigning my life but you see this one i can't obliged to your request, am sorry I have to do what I know is best for me Mr uche was surprise and at the same time angry Mr uche :are you mad is it me you are talking to Amara got up Amara : papa, i can see you don't want to see reasons with me,i don't understand, what is it that maxwell has done to you and mama that's both of you don't even care of your own daughter feelings,you can't see that am suffering in this relationship with maxwell and i am feed up with it and i say i can't continue, i don't want it any more, papa please just understand Mr uche :what is there to understand that you want to make decisions that will destroy your life, Amara:my life is already destroyed by maxwell,well if you and mama don't want to leave this house i will when you people are ready to see reasons with me just let me know She walked to her room,her mind was made up and there was no going back, Mr uche was just dumbfounded he couldn't believe it was amara that just talked to him,that was the first time she saw amara behave like that he knew something has changed about her,Amara in her case was happy she spoke her mind,she was even surprised at herself but she was glad she did. NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 11
16 Jun 2016 | 12:11
hhh a wife for chidi.......anoda whala
16 Jun 2016 | 13:45
nxt oooo
16 Jun 2016 | 13:52
Getting twisted and interesting .. Well done.. Next please..
16 Jun 2016 | 18:53
Getting twisted and interesting .. Well done.. Next please..
16 Jun 2016 | 18:54
interesting next pls
16 Jun 2016 | 20:40
Maxwell u ar a devil
17 Jun 2016 | 04:29
[b] [color =deep red]CHIDI HAS ONE CHANCE WITH DORA [/b] [/color]
17 Jun 2016 | 07:05
17 Jun 2016 | 07:35
i hate dz maxwell
17 Jun 2016 | 07:49
omfg .
17 Jun 2016 | 08:57
I can't wait to see amara and Chidi together
17 Jun 2016 | 10:30
17 Jun 2016 | 13:22
Pls i miss episode 4 to 9 wia i can read them
17 Jun 2016 | 13:33
nxt o
17 Jun 2016 | 17:16
M rs Jonathan no try at all. Match making/ picking a wife for ur son no dey reign again.
17 Jun 2016 | 17:27
nxt pls
18 Jun 2016 | 01:35
eh, chidi nw has a new wife Dora
18 Jun 2016 | 07:40
make i jst fold my hand dey see aw e dey go
18 Jun 2016 | 07:42
Jejely following
18 Jun 2016 | 21:26
nawa wia d writer cum go
20 Jun 2016 | 08:26
Oyah bro... Come continue ooo... Cant wait to knw d Chidi-Amara game plan... Buh i guess Dora is d gal chidi parent want 4 him... Any way,,, continue
20 Jun 2016 | 10:42
guy watin dey sup nahh
20 Jun 2016 | 17:58
Wats happenin to the writer hope all is well
21 Jun 2016 | 07:04
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 11 .: Stories It's been two weeks now that dora has been staying with the Jonathan's family, chidi tryed to always make out time to take dora out,as time passed he began to like her ,to him she wasn't bad after all,they could discuss on so many things,chidi always feel comfortable around Dora and loved her company,it was late in the night,chidi was already sleeping when he heard a knock on the door,he went to the door and opened it,he was so surprised to see dora standing in front of his door. Dora smiling )hi Chidi:what are you doing here at this time of the night,you should be in your room Dora :please can i come in Chidi :sure Chidi allowed her into his room and close the door he feel something was wrong but wouldn't place it. Chidi :what is it Dora :nothing really, i just can't sleep Chidi :why Dora :because am feeling lonely Chidi:you are lonely Dora :yes Chidi :and you decided to come to my room Dora:you are my friend right Chidi:yes,and you are my guest, guest are not supposed to be seen in the room of the hosts,late in the night. Dora walked close to chidi,giving him a seductive look,she held him round his neck, chidi already knew what she was trying to do but he let her have her way, Dora :chidi,i want you to make love to me Chidi looked at her in disgusted Chidi :what did you just say Dora :come chidi,i know you want me,and i want you more,don't you love me Chidi smile and removed her hands round his neck Chidi:i don't love dora,i only like you because you seems nice that's all Dora felt sad Dora :are you trying to tell me that you don't feel anything for me Chidi:no,if it because of the way I spend time with you and the way we talk,come on that's nothing to me Dora :chidi,i love you and i want you,i don't know why but I always think of you. Chidi :dora,you are a nice girl and beautiful that every man would want to have but what you feel for me isn't want i feel for you,you are not even close to my heart. Dora :are you trying to get me provoked Chidi : why would I want to do that Dora :cause I don't get you,are you trying to say all this time we have been together you don't feel anything for me. Chidi :no i don't, my heart already belong to someone else She got angry by those words and she slapped chidi Dora :why will you say that to my face Chidi was so shocked and the same time angry, dora was upset too,she has always gotten what ever she wanted and hate competition, chidi telling her that is like she have a raver. Dora :that's what you men always do,when you see a lady that loves you,you people feel too proud to embrace her Chidi :does that really warrant a slap,you came to my room to slap me,are you out of ypur mind. They were trying to keep their voices low because they won't want anyone else to know what was going on. Dora : out of my mind,well yes I am,i came down here with your parents because I felt something could work out between us and here you are telling me to my face that you belong to somebody ,i can't believe Chidi :don't you see how stupid you are,how can you come to visit someone that doesn't even know you exit,well that your problem because I never asked for your love or your visit, so that's the reason my mum insist i spend more time with you, i knew it,even if i tryed to give a second thought of dating you believe me there's nothing that attracts me to you,with what you just did here,you look cheap to me,now get out of my room before i do something naughty and listen to me let this be the last time you will raise your hands on my face,now get out. Dora smile )no problem i will leave but just know it isn't over yet She angryly left ,chidi locked his door Chidi:what nerve, Chidi went back to his bed,he couldn't believe what just happened, he was so disappointed with his mum,he was till thinking about the whole thing before sleep came knocking, *********************** Chidi wake up in the morning, took his bath and left for work,he didn't bother to eat his breakfast,he has already forgotten what happened yesterday night but he has vowed to stay away from dora,there was a lot of work to do at the office,it was now lunch break,he left the office and headed down to his car,he drove down to one of the restaurant that was close to his office,he ordered for a plate of fried rice and chicken with a bottle of red wine,after eating he payed for the meal and went out,he was surprised to see maxwell resting on the door of his car,he slowly walk to him. Chidi:why do I hold this surprise meeting and minded you,you are resting on my car Maxwell smiled,got off from chidi car,maxwell didn't seen happy Maxwell :chidi,i came to warn you to stay away from the relationship between i and amara.... Chidi interrupted him Chidi :just hold it right there, you know the last time you payed me sure a visit i know what followed and i let it pass,don't try to make same mistake again because this time you won't have any idea what hit you,so if you don't have anything more to say you may excuse me. Maxwell :nice speech,do you think am scared of your words to me it means nothing, i don't know your problem chidi, why are you always interfering on other people business, don't you get tried. Chidi:no i don't, why should I get tried when am dealing with a devil like you,you are not good for amara and she has seen it,so what's there to talk about. Maxwell raised his voice angryly Maxwell :you are the one that is making things difficult for her,you are spoiling everything. Chidi :you don't raise your voice at me Maxwell :isn't that what you are doing tell me,you think you are giving her a life,you are not because you are only destroying her. Chidi is now angry Chidi :i wasn't the one that tryed to rape her you did, and you know what I don't need to force her to love me,she gave everything to me willingly, and i will hold on to her so tight this time,i won't allow you hurt her again,now leave my presence before you land yourself in the hospital bed again maybe this time you won't make it. Maxwell :really so tell me, what will you do,come on hit me or better still kill me. Chidi :if i wanted you dead ,you would have been gone long time ago. Maxwell :well that will make us even Chidi :i might be alot of things but am nothing like you,you are a devil and you don't know the meaning of love and peace and i thank God that amara has know you for what you really are. Maxwell :you feel you have won,but tell amara that she can go to anywhere she want to but she can't hide from me i will get her,and if i don't have her no one will that includes you Chidi :don't try anything stupid maxwell, don't you dare lay your finger on amara, this is a warning you really don't know what am capable of doing,if anything happens to amara your whole family will hear from me Maxwell :are you trying to..... Chidi interrupted him again Chidi :am telling you what I can do,be warned He opened his car,entered and drove off,maxwell was angry, he didn't care about what chidi said,he was determined to get amara back. ********************** Amara is no longer living with her parents,she has even stop visiting them and this got Mrs uche worried, she went to mrs ada Marcus house,they both sat at the sitting room with two glass of juice in front of them,Mrs uche looked upset. ******to be continued ***** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 12
21 Jun 2016 | 11:50
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 12 .: Stories *******continue part ****** Mrs uche :i don't know what is wrong with amara, she has never behave like this before,i don't know what is that girl problem Mrs ada Marcus :i am as surprised as you are,for amara to leave the house, ah it's unbelievable,but what are we going to do now. Mrs uche :i don't know,am confused Mrs ada Marcus :this is no time to be confuse,we have to do something to settle all this,maxwell is no longer himself, he barely stays at home this days and always comes back late drunk, the disappearance of amara is really affecting him Mrs uche :you can't be serious Mrs ada Marcus :you know maxwell loves amara so much, i am scared for my son,i don't want him to loose his mind all because of amara, i don't want him ending up killing himself Mrs uche :God forbid Mrs ada Marcus now sounds worried Mrs ada Marcus :it is not God forbid,maxwell it's my son and i know what he can do when it comes to amara, so please try and do something ,i can't bare seeing my son this way. Mrs uche felt the pain of mrs ada Marcus and she knew she had to do something not only to help her friend but to also help herself, she later left mrs ada Marcus house with the assurance for settling the problem at hand ,later in the night that same day she came up with a idea,she told Mr uche and he agreed to it,even if she knew it wasn't the best thing to do but they need to do it because that was the only way to see amara,she called Mrs ada Marcus to inform her of the new development,Mr uche then decided to call amara first thing tomorrow morning to break the new to her. Morning finally came,and as usual chidi woke up and got prepared for work, Amara and chidi has been hanging out well,things has been moving smoothly and chidi knew in no time they will get together again,he now has no aim of going back to London, even if he is to return to London he won't go alone, as he came out of his room he met his mother close to his door, Mrs Jonathan :i was about coming to your room Chidi :good morning mum,how was your night Mrs Jonathan :it was good and what about yours Chidi h wonderful (with a smile on his face)what about dad Mrs Jonathan :he is till in bed ,i woke up early so as to meet up with you,you know you always leave home early and come back late this days,and i am a bit surprised about that,mostly the late coming, i know you don't close at work that late but am not going to interfer in your personal life but I just hope what ever you are doing it should be something we your parents will be proud of Chidi f course mum,am not doing anything bad,okey,is that why you want to see me Mrs Jonathan :that is not the reason I want to see you,it's about you and dora The smile on his face suddenly disappear at the sound of the name dora,he has try not to come across her ever again in that house so why will his mother come this morning to spoil his happy mood,obviously dora might has complain to his mother, Chidi :yes what about the both of us Mrs Jonathan :chidi what is going on between you and dora Chidi:why don't you ask her,is obvious she has given you the full details,so why ask me Mrs Jonathan :she has Chidi :did she put the part where she slapped me Mrs Jonathan :yes she did and she is so sorry for her action,and she is apologising and the least you should do is to forgive her,you are really taking this too far Chidi :i am taking it too far,well if you put it that way I have no problem with that,i really don't want to have anything to do with her not with what she did. Mrs Jonathan :chidi,i don't see anything wrong with what she did,she only opened up her feelings to you,she only slapped you because she was provoked, every woman will do the same,even i your mother will,she's really in love with you and you she try and do the same Chidi:mum,i like her yes I can't denied that but I can't end up getting married to her, i just can't, we can be good friends but husband and wife, hell no Mrs Jonathan :why can't you marry her,she is beautiful, good mannered,she is a good cook and she is well educated i don't see anything wrong in her. Chidi :i don't doubt that but I don't love her i don't even feel anything close to love for her Mrs Jonathan :love is not the first thing before marriage,do you think I loved your father before i got married to him,no i didn't, i had someone i was in love with and could love to spend the rest of my life with but your father came into the picture and spoilt all my plans with my boyfriend then,he stole the heart of my parents and i was forced to marry your dad Chidi couldn't believe his mum story, he was hearing it for the first time and he look surprised Mrs Jonathan :it's the truth chidi you can ask your dad but today I am happy i obeyed my parents because your father turned out to be the best husband any woman would wish for,it is hard to believe but it's the truth Chidi:well mum,that's between you and dad,mine is different, i know deep down inside of me that dora can never be the woman for me,there is no way I can imagine myself with her. Mrs Jonathan key what is the reason, why can't you just try Chidi:mum honestly,there is nothing she can do to pleases me,i am in love with someone else and my heart beat only for her Mrs Jonathan now sound upset Mrs Jonathan :then this your heart has a problem, i brought someone That i see fit to be recognised as one the Jonathan's family and you are telling me i made the wrong choice Chidi took her mother hand,he need to calm him mum down so she can see reasons with him Chidi :mum i am not saying that but I don't love her,i am in love with someone else Mrs Jonathan :are you referring to the girl that came to spend days in this house Chidi was surprise Mrs Jonathan :yes I know, i was told Chidi :who told you Mrs Jonathan :chidi this is my house, i know everything that goes on here with or without my accents and with what I heard about her,the name Jonathan can never be added to her name,she is of low class Chidi was unhappy to hear him mother refer to amara as low class but it was his mother what can he do Chidi :mum,you haven't even seen her in person Mrs Jonathan removed her hand from chidi's Mrs Jonathan :i don't need to see her before i know what is good for my son,so you better start thinking about dora and leave that girl Chidi:mum are you aware that you are not talking to a kid anymore, i am a grow man now and beside you are talking about low class mum with all the money I have and including the ones I will eventually inherit from my father i will be a billionaire, and you want me to also go for someone wealthy,that too much money for me what will my children be doing with all that,so if i marry some one below my class i don't see any problem with that,i am a man and i am allowed to make my own decisions, so mum this is my life and i will live it the way I choose, you should be helping me out Mrs Jonathan :chidi i can now see you are out of your mind, what is the no you can't marry her you don't understand,how can the only son of Mr Jonathan marry a nobody, don't you know that will bring shame to this family, now listen to me if you want to have peace with me you better start using your head,you can't marry her that should better sink into your head,excuse me She turned and walked out on chidi,chidi in the other hand was just short of words,he didn't know how to convince him mum to see reasons with him,the rest of his day was bad,he couldn't concentrate at work,most of his workers notice his sad mood especially his PA who tryed to find out what the problem was but chidi just told him it was a personal problem,he left work very early and went to visit amara,he knew has to calm himself and being with amara was the best idea,but amara was not at home,he called and she told him to wait for her that she will be home soon,he then has to wait for her in his car . *****to be continued *****
21 Jun 2016 | 11:52
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 13 .: Stories Amara went to see her parents because she was told that Mrs uche her mother was seriously sick,well that was what they told her,she was so worried and pray nothing happens to her mother, she horn at the gate of Mr and Mrs uche house and the gate was opened for her,she came down from the car,she admired the house,this use to be her home but not any longer if only her parents has agreed to follow her she shouldn't have be coming back here,she really don't want to have any thing to do with maxwell, so as won't want to be seen around his properties. She went into the house and was shocked to see mrs ada Marcus and maxwell in the sitting room, mrs ada Marcus was sitted close to mrs uche and Mr uche was sitting opposite them while maxwell was standing at the conner close to the dinner table,she was also surprise to see mrs uche sitting comfortably, she doesn't look sick to her,she greeted all of them but left maxwell out. Amara : i thought you said you are sick but you look fine to me. Mr uche :amara why don't you sit down Amara sat down facing all of them Mr uche :we wanted to see you that's why we had to lie,you wouldn't have come if i told you we want to have a meeting with you. Amara wasn't happy for what they did and it was written all over her Amara :you could atleast tell me the truth, do you know i almost had an heart attack. Mrs uche :it was my idea and am sorry for that but we needed to see you,Amara why are you doing this to us,what have me and your father done to receive this for you. Amara :mama,you people haven't done anything wrong to be ,what ever i am doing i am doing for myself and i know what I am doing Maxwell: (smiled) you know what you are doing,tell me what do you know Amara angryly looked at maxwell Amara :was i talking to you or have you now suddenly become my parents. Maxwell h please why will i want to take your parents position, but seriously you are acting like someone that just came from..... Amara interrupted with a Lond voice Amara :you are definitely referring to yourself Mr uche :it okey,will you people stop,what is really going on between you two. Maxwell :sir,i really have no problem ,i think that question should be for her Mrs ada Marcus :Amara please whatever the problem is let it not destroy what you and maxwell has be building for long now,let that love till stand. Amara :love,did you say love,maxwell knew all along that there was no love between the both of us Mrs ada Marcus :then why am I hearing it now,why didn't you bring up this issue at the beginning of your relationship why now,don't give me the impression that you were only using my son to settle your life first before leaving him. Amara :mam,i am not cheap,fine maxwell saw me through school and did alot more for me that i appreciate and i could have love to be with him,but you see maxwell knows where the problem is coming from so why don't you people ask him and stop bothering me. Mrs uche :we are bothering you. Mr uche :i don't want to know what the problem might be but I want you people to settle it Right now,are you people listening to me. Amara: papa,seriously i could have love to but I don't think that will ever happen Mrs ada Marcus :and what is that suppose to mean Amara :i mean no disrespect but it like you all are not seeing the handwriting on the wall,it over between us and there is no going back Immediately maxwell laughed,amare was surprise to see him laugh she knows she haven't said anything funny. Maxwell :Amara you are very funny,don't do that seriously, don't even think of leaving me. Amara :and why can't I Maxwell is now angry Maxwell :because you belong to me and me alone, if you dare leave i swear I will kill you and kill myself. Amara was frightened by his words Mrs ada Marcus :no maxwell you will do no sure thing Maxwell :i will so do it if she leave me i will end it Mr uche :this is stupid, we are here to slove the problem not add to it Maxwell raised the tone of his voice Maxwell:well she is adding to it Amara quickly got up Amara :i am not scared of you maxwell before i was but now I am not,and there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind Mrs uche :will you shut up your mouth, who have you be listening to ah. Maxwell :there no other person that will be doing that if not chidi,he has been filling her head with lot and lot of stories Mr uche:i think i have heard that name before Mrs uche: yes I have told you about him Maxwell lower his voice Maxwell :amare whatever chidi has told you are lies you shouldn't listen to him,he is only here to get back at me,he want to destroy us and nothing more Mrs ada Marcus :let me get this, Amara is it because of this boy that is always making you paint my son black. Amara f course not Mrs ada Marcus :then why. Maxwell :mum stop asking her,she think she knows what she is getting herself into,how can she believe a guy that tried to kill me. They were all surprised Mr uche :he tried to kill you Maxwell :he was the same guy that tried to kill me six years ago, you all know him Mrs uche shouted Mrs uche :ahhhh....,amare you have killed me Mr uche :amara,is it not the same boy i warned you about. Amara :you don't even know if maxwell is lieing Mr uche :is that what he told you or you are just telling us to make us side you Amara : papa, he nevered tryed to kill maxwell Maxwell h now i am lieing ( maxwell move closer to amara ) you are now calling me a lier. Amara :you know you are lieing Maxwell got to where she was and held her arm Maxwell :you think you are smart held her tighter,and this cause her pain Amara :ah ah,let go off me. Maxwell whispered into her ear)you belong to me,i won't allow any one have you if not me Amara can no longer resist the pain,she cried out in pain Amara :maxwell please you are hurting me Maxwell :hurt,do you know the meaning of pain Amara :ah,ah,please stop Mrs ada Marcus :maxwell Maxwell :i love you Amara and i will die without you,you have to come back to me. Mr uche got up Mr uche :maxwell that's enough Mrs uche :maxwell you are hurting her Mr uche :maxwell i said stop Mrs ada Marcus went to them and tryed to remove maxwell holded on amara Mrs ada marcus:Maxwell that's okey,let her go,i said let her go Maxwell let go of amara, everyone was shocked to see maxwell like that,maxwell looked at amara with pain and anger in his eyes and walked out of the sitting room,mrs uche got up Mrs uche :amara Amara looked at her mother with tear in her eyes and ran out of the sitting room, mrs uche tryed to go after her but before she could get to her she has already drove out of the house, they were not happy,this isn't what they planed they felt that they have made things worse,amare was deeply hurt,she got home and saw chidi car till park outside her house, she whip the tear from her eyes,she walk down to where his car is and knocked at the glass door,seeing amara brought smile on his face,he opened the door and came door,amare too force out a smile, she wouldn't want chidi to know she has been crying. Amara :i thought you could have left. Chidi :no,i promise to wait and i did. They both laughed and went inside the house,chidi knew she wasn't okey but decided not to ask her yet, Amare sat down and chidi sat close to her,chidi wasn't looking happy and amara notice it Amara :are you alright Chidi:yeah am fine Amara :no you are not,what's the problem Chidi :i won't tell you Amara:why Chidi :not until you tell me why you were crying Amara signed she never knew chidi will notice Chidi :amara,i want you back Amara stirred at him Chidi :there is a lot of things going on right now and i want to be able to fight for you,i want you to let me fight for you,please Amara :you know i have always love you and i will continue to love you,i want you to be hero, and always be by my side. Chidi was so happy to hear this,he never knew it will be that easy,he hugged her so tight,they hugged for like some minutes before letting go. Amara :so now tell me why are you sad Chidi:my mum,i told her about you and she said she can never accept you,i tryed making her see reasons with me but she just want me to marry someone else. Amara h, Chidi :her name is dora,she came back with them when then went to visit my sister that gave birth and she has been leaving with us since then. Amara:so what are you going to do about it Chidi :nothing, i already told her I can't,it is you i love and will always love, Chidi held her hands Amara :i am just coming from my parents place Chidi:now i know why you were crying,so how did it go Amara :my father called me telling me my mum was sick,i went there to see her,but to my greatest surprise i saw maxwell and his mother there too,at first I thought they came to pay her a visit but they prove me wrong,they actually lied to me,my mum wasn't sick at all Chidi:but why did they have to lie Amara :they said that was the only way I could want to have a meeting with maxwell. Chidi :i see,so what did they say Amara :rubbish,i really can't say but chidi am just scared. Chidi :why Amara :maxwell threatened to kill me if i don't come back to him and he was serious about it. Chidi laughed Chidi :relax maxwell can't do anything to you Amara :chidi,he can,maxwell can be crazy sometimes, i have seen it,i really don't want anything to happen to you,i have lost you once and i don't want to lose you again. Chidi touched her cheek )i am going nowhere, i am here to stay,i left before but this time i am going to stand by you,so don't worry. Amara :i believe you Chidi She rest her head on his chest Amara :i love you chidi Chidi :i love you more Just then he noticed her finger was empty Chidi :where is your ring Amara :i removed it,it doesn't belong there anymore Chidi :did you give it to him Amara :no,but I will Chidi:i will soon replace it with a beautiful one Amara :i don't need a ring in the same finger Chidi:then I will put it wherever you want, They both smiled Chidi:yesterday was my birthday Amara sat up shocked Amara :for real but you never told me Chidi :that's because I didn't celebrate it,i just don't want to. Amara :i didn't get any gift for you Chidi :don't worry you can till give it to me when ever you have it. Amara wasn't happy, she has always wanted to surprise him on his birthday, she has prepared so much for it but she never knew it will come so soon,she really want to give him something that will cost her alot,and she knew he deserve it. What do you people think the gift will be, Drop your comments if you are following.
21 Jun 2016 | 11:53
wow tnx bro what happen hope u re ok @viciyoung.....chidi must surely marry amara max go to hell.
21 Jun 2016 | 12:00
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 14 .: Stories *****continue ***** Amara thought for a while then got up Amara :get up Chidi :why Amara took chidi by the hand Amara :i want you to follow me Chidi:to where Amara :i have a little surprise for you,so just keep quiet and follow me Chidi love the sound of surprises, he immediately got up and followed amara, Amara lead him to her bedroom. Chidi key so we are here,now what Amara :chidi i want you to do me a favour Chidi couldn't understand the sudden behaviour of amara, but he knew what ever it is he will try to help her out with it. Chidi :tell me what is it,you know i can do anything for you. Amara :chidi i want you to make me a woman Chidi was shocked and speechless, he wasn't expecting to hear that,he kept starring at amara with confused eyes. Amara :chidi i know i can trust you so I want to give you this as my present to you please accept it. Chidi :but..... Amara :no but please i really want to do this Chidi :what is wrong with you,i thought you wanted this to be done after your wedding by the sudden change Amara :i don't know but I just feel it is right Chidi:i love you so much amara but I don't think am ready for this now,i just can't Amara signed Amara :it okey,i guess I just made a fool out of myself then Amara was about leaving but chidi held her back, he knew she wasn't happy and that is what he won't want,to make her unhappy. Chidi :wait,is this what you really want Amara :if you think you are not worthy of my love then forget it but if you know you will spend the rest of your life with me then make me yours. Chidi knew he needs to decide first, he want to have her but wasn't expecting it so soon but never the less even if he does it now or later that won't change anything because he knows in his heart that amara will be his wife, he then made up his mind to make today a memorable day,he held amara very close,lift up her face with his hand and slowly kissed her,he paused looked at amara to see her reaction, he was actually waiting for a go ahead. Amara :am all your Chidi kissed amara passionately, he felt ever feeling he got from the kiss, amare loved it too,it has actually been long since they kissed,chidi lift amara and lay her on the bed ********************* SIX DAYS LATER Dora has been trying so hard to get the attention of chidi but chidi wasn't given her that chance, chidi mother Mrs Jonathan was also playing her part, but the more them try the more they fail,chidi heart is already occupied by the love for amara. Dora was coming out of the supermarket, she went to get some cosmetics,she was walking to her car when she heard her name being called she turned to see who was calling her,the person came to her,she was surprise cause she couldn't recognised him. Dora :do i know you Person f course not but I know you. Dora :sorry I can't recall the face Person :don't bother to remember cause you haven't actually met me,but I will like us to talk,am maxwell by the way. Dora :i don't know you from Adam and you want me to start having conversation with you. Maxwell :whatever i want to tell you is of your own interests believe me Dora :maxwell or whatever you call yourself, i am really not interested in what ever you want to say so please excuse me Maxwell :you could have him all to yourself if you work with me Dora looked at him with surprise Dora :what did you say Maxwell :chidi,you love him don't you, and you really want him so badly. Dora :and how does that affect you. Maxwell :what if i tell you that you can win him over Dora:and how are you going to do that Maxwell :let me say i know the reason why his heart his closed for you Dora now seen interested Dora:tell me what do you know Maxwell:he is in love with someone else and as far they are till together you can't go close to his heart. Dora:that i already know,how to put am end to it that's what I want to hear Maxwell :if you are ready i will tell you Dora :maxwell right,what is in for you,why do you want to help me,if you want money form me that i won't give Maxwell got angry with her words Maxwell :don't insult me lady, i don't want anything from you i only want us to work together to get what we want,that's all Dora smiled Dora :now i understand, the girl in question is someone you also want. Maxwell :she was mind before chidi came along Dora :well I won't blame her,she went for a bigger fish Maxwell :she is not a go digger, so choose your words rightly. Dora :whatever,now what makes you think I want to get involved with you Maxwell :because you and i know you want this more then I do Dora :and you really think we can work together Maxwell :we just have to understand the propose for it and we are go together Dora :do you have a plan Maxwell :Are you in Dora:am in Maxwell :this is my card Giving her his card,and she collected it Call me tomorrow so we can talk more,i will be waiting for your call,nice meeting you Dora :the pleasure is all mine Maxwell walked back to where he parked his car and drove off,dora did the same,she doesn't love the idea of working together with maxwell but she needed to get chidi at all cost so she just had to play along,she later called maxwell the next day,maxwell told her to meet him up at a venue which she did,they both discussed of their plans and they were to be see together only on important matters,they should do most of their communication on phone, maxwell gave dora all the necessary details about amara, he has done a proper check up background on amara and has come to know more about her,where she work,where she live and all the things she does every day, dora love the idea and promise to play her part well,maxwell told her to do what ever she want to do to amara but warned her seriously not to hurt her in any dangerous way,they both came to an agreement and the left their separate way. The Game Has Began DORP YOUR COMMENTS AND CONTINUE EPISODE 15
21 Jun 2016 | 12:12
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 15 .: Stories It been two days after the encounter of dora and maxwell,so dora decided to pay amara a visit,Amara just closed from the office and was about to open the door of her car when suddenly dora drove in and almost hit her with her car,amare was scared at the same time angry, dora parked her car and came down,at seeing her Amara started shouting at her. Amara :are you out of your mind,you almost hit me with your car Dora was smiling looking at amara, and amara was wondering why the smile on her face,she should be apologising not smiling at her. Dora :well I really meant to do that and you are so lucky i didn't break your legs Amara was shocked and surprise at her reply Amara :you meant to do that Dora ignore her question Dora :you must be Amara Amara :and who the hell are you Dora:call me Dora,the fiancee to chidi,the man you are having an affair with. Amara remembered the name ,chidi has mentioned it to her,she just laughed in hearing her call herself his fiancee. Amara :really Dora :yeah,and i have come to warn you to stay away from him if you know what's good for you,stop wasting your time with him cause he won't marry you. Amara :why can't I just believe you Dora f course you won't believe me and i don't even care what you believe,but I am telling you to back off before you get yourself hurt,i and chidi have come a long way even before you came into the picture so don't think we are just knowing ourselves now,we love eachother so much and we are going to get married very soon,i didn't intend to come to nigeria because he promised to come back to me when he is done here but I found out the a good for nothing girl is trying to find a place in his heart,i won't want that to happen that's why I came down to nigeria, come on take a good look at yourself do you think you and chidi will ever be compatible, you are too low for his class,his parents won't even look at you so baby girl wake up,you and chidi can never be,so do yourself a favour and stay away from him. Amara was affected by her words but she holded on the tear that was gathering in her eyes and she try not to be moved by her words,she won't let this so call dora intimidated her,she has to fight back,with anger in her voice she spoke to dora. Amara :look i don't care who you are and i don't want to know whatever you and chidi are having, that's none of my business, you came here warning me to stay away from your man when the first thing for you to do is to learn how to keep your man so he won't come running to me,if he is your fiancé just like you said then maybe you are not working hard to keep him,if you know what is good for you,try to stay away from me cause the next time you will try to do this again i will mess with you,it observed he sees nothing in you so that's why he is coming to a low class girl like me,you say you are the all and mighty but a good for nothing girl is taking your precious man away from you how do that sound, now get out of my face you idiot, nonsense. This got dora so angry,she won't take it from Amara how can she talk back at her,she was so angry that she gave Amara a slap, amare held her cheek with her palm,she couldn't believe what just happened Dora :how dare you talk to me like that,do you know who I am. Amara tryed to clam herself because she couldn't want to cause any scene Amara :if you think I will reply your slap i won't,i won't behave like the mad woman that you are,but I will must sure chidi never look your way ever again. Dora :i do hope you know how to play with fire cause I will burn you alive. Amara :you are already burning in hell Amara opened her car door and entered, she closed the door and drove off,dora was so angry at amara,she knew talking will not make her bend,she has to use something else,Amara couldn't hold the tear in her eyes,she cried so bitterly as she drive, so many things was in her head and things that needed answers,she drove to chidi company ,chidi was already driving out of the company building when their cars meant, chidi was surprise and happy to see amara, he never expected to see her,he reparked his car and came down, amare did the same, he walked down to amara, Chidi :Amara you didn't tell me you were coming, Amara :just hold it please From the tone of amara chidi knows something was wrong. Chidi :what is the problem Amara :tell me the truth chidi who is dora really to you Chidi was confused at the question Chidi :who is dora to me Amara :don't look at me like that,i need answers,why did you lied to me Chidi :i didn't lie to you,everything i told you are ture,i have nothing to do with her only the fate that my parents wants me to marry her,that's all Amara :what am I till doing if your parents has already found someone better for you to marry Chidi:amara Hold her hands Chidi :don't talk like this it is you and on one else, whatever you heard please don't let that get into your head. Amara :i didn't hear she told me herself that both of you have been dating for long now and .... Chidi interrupted her Chidi :what,you mean she told you this herself, when Amara :few minutes ago,at my work Chidi :look all are lies okey,it just one of her way to try and get me to look her way,please just trust me,i will do nothing to harm you. Amara :i love you chidi,i really do,promise me you won't leave me Chidi huged her,he understands what she was going through, he was so angry at dora for making amara be like this, Chidi :i won't leave you for anything in the world ,i love you more okey They huged for sometime before they separate, amare was now feeling more better then before,she feel relaxed now. Amara :i should be going home now,i really need to rest. Chidi key,as soon as I get home i will come see you,now i want to see that smile Amara laughed Chidi :that's my baby,later then Amara key,love you Chidi :love you more They both kissed and amara drove off,chidi angryly entered his car and headed home,when he got home he entered the sitting room and saw dora sitting in the couch watching movie,chidi walked up to her. Chidi :what did you tell Amara Dora:is that why you are shouting at me Chidi:if you don't start talking i swear I will cut off your tongue Dora saw the seriousness in his eyes,she felt a little bit scared Dora :well I only told her what every woman that is in love will say,i told her to stay away from you,i did it because I love you. Chidi :will you stup up,how dare you go to meet her,what for,and come to think of it how did you know her and where she works Dora :i have my ways around Chidi :you know your way around, i see Dora got up trying to subdue him, Dora :what do you even see in her,she is nothing,nothing to be boost of Just then chidi gave her a slap that send her falling on the couch,she scearmed in pain holding her cheek. Chidi:next time you talk about her like that i will make sure you regret it and don't you ever go close to her again, do you understand He hold her on her neck Chidi :do i make myself clear Dora was scared Dora :yes I understand Chidi left her and walked upstairs, dora was so scared, she had never say chidi like that and didn't know chidi had such a temper,she quickly got up and went to her room to call maxwell to inform him on what happened, she sat on the bed and dialed maxwell number, maxwell picked up after the second time of ringing. Maxwell :what's up Dora with a low tone Dora :maxwell. ***TO BE CONTINUED *** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND CONTINUE NEXT EPISODE
21 Jun 2016 | 12:18
wow grt work....pity on amara..
21 Jun 2016 | 14:09
I pray amara will not be hurt
21 Jun 2016 | 16:29
gud for u Dora,and for u Maxwell u will nt back up abi i pity u,amara sorry for d pain ur parent is put u to God will be wit u,no sharking chidi is dere for u
21 Jun 2016 | 16:58
Dora nd maxwell.........I smell danger
22 Jun 2016 | 03:51
Poor Amara... i pray she's save
22 Jun 2016 | 05:50
22 Jun 2016 | 05:51
22 Jun 2016 | 06:38
Oyah now... Cari go... i gbadu you jare @Chidi...
22 Jun 2016 | 06:44
Maxwell n Dora is quite compatible,they might make a good couple if they start working things out now.
22 Jun 2016 | 06:53
22 Jun 2016 | 07:54
good guy, i like ur action @chidi
22 Jun 2016 | 08:55
I don port oh kip it rolling
22 Jun 2016 | 09:57
two devil unite 2geda to make tins worst
22 Jun 2016 | 10:40
na d two of una suppose dey 2geda
22 Jun 2016 | 10:45
Gbagam. I really tnk dora nd maxwell will make a good couple. So they shud get 2geda and leave de odas alone
22 Jun 2016 | 11:40
I like dis episode so well.
22 Jun 2016 | 14:41
nice work
22 Jun 2016 | 17:36
maxwell nah ur husby dora
22 Jun 2016 | 18:28
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 16 .: Stories Dora:maxwell, i don't think i can continue with this mission any more Maxwell was surprise Maxwell :and why is that Dora :how do you expect me to start a battle without fighting Maxwell :i don't understand you Dora:i want to do more than just talking and threatening, i need to put a little action, so that our plans will work perfectly Maxwell :i till don't get you Dora :you want me to work with you but don't want me to play by my own rules and it's killing me,i really can't tolerate any nonsense from that bitch that calls himself amara, Maxwell was not happy with the way she was referring to amara he quickly interrupted her Maxwell :watch your mouth if you don't want to have a problem with me Dora :well I just can't hold myself, she is really getting on my nerve Maxwell :you have meant her Dora :yes I did today,and you need to see what happened, that girl isn't someone you will handle with easy hand,i need to teach her a little lesson so she will know am serious. Maxwell :what do you have in mind Dora:i can think of something good,and i have to do it secretly cause I don't want chidi to suspect me,he almost killed me today when he found out I comforted her. Maxwell :he was aware Dora:yeah,i think she told him, Maxwell thought for sometime Maxwell :don't do anything stupid to her,i will fit her myself, you just try your best to stay close to chidi,and till continue to pay amara visits, i know amara,your continue visit will make her double minded that is all I need okey. Dora:just pray all this work cause if it doesn't i will do what I intend to do and you won't blame me Maxwell :lay your hands on her and chidi will be the one to pay for it Dora was speechless, she knew maxwell was serious. Maxwell :we will talk later Maxwell ended the call, Dora wasn't pleases she wanted to do what she wants but now she is having threat from both maxwell and chidi,she needs to act low but she intend to do something. ************************* It was later that even as chidi has promised he went to amara house, he knock on the door and amara opened, they were both happy to see eachother, amare ushered chidi in,chidi sat down while amara sat close to him,Amara tryed to look happy but in her she knows she is not,what happened earlier on was till bothering her. Chidi :ah,are you thinking about what happened She looked at chidi who was looking at her with concern, that was one of the things that made her love chidi,he always knows when she isn't okey and try to cheer her up,she smiled weakly. Amara :should i be happy Chidi: Amara, you do believe me don't you. Amara :do i really know everything, Chidi wasn't expecting that answer from her,all this time she till doesn't trust him but he couldn't blame her,chidi took her hands. Chidi :i have told you everything you need to know about me but I till can't figure out why you till doubt me,i don't think there is any secret i am hiding from you, i am trying to make things work out here,all I need is your trust and confident in me,i hate it when you doubt my love for you. Amara felt touched by chidi words she knew then that she has offended him. Amara :am sorry chidi, am really am,i don't know what is wrong with me,i know you love me so much and i appreciate that,please forgive me for doubting that. Chidi smiled Chidi:just know that you are all I ever want in this life,and i am always here with you no matter what happens, and i need you to promise me that you will always stick by me on whatever happened Amara :i promise chidi,nothing will make me walk away this time Chidi kissed amara and she response, Chidi: i promise she won't bother you again Amara :she won't even dear not after how i gave it to her Chidi smiled Chidi :really Amara f course, do you really think i will let her intimidated me come on,i am strong enough to take care of her,just leave that for me,even if she comes back i am ready for her. Chidi laughed Chidi :wow,super woman Amara :that's your cup of tea,do you think I will want to allow one girl that came out of no way to steal you from me,hell no,or will you watch someone else come take me away from you Chidi:please don't go there,i will kill that person, They both laughed Chidi :you are wonderful, and you are the best thing that has happened to me and i bless the day i meant you. Amara felt loved, she was happy that chidi came back to her,like what they say,whatever is yours will locate you no matter how long it takes and she is happy to be with chidi. She later prepared something for chidi and they both ate together,they had one round of sex which will make it the second time,after which chidi left to his house, Amara wanted him to stay but he couldn't because he have something important to do at home for his dad that day. It has been up to two day and amara hasn't seen or heard from dora,she was really preparing for her and was hoping to come across her again,it was 10: pm in the night, she was in her bedroom when she heard her door bell rang, she was surprise, who could be looking for her at this time of the night, she knew it wasn't chidi because chidi was out of town that day and definitely not Sarah,or maybe it was the girl in the next compound who is trying to make Friend with her,it could be her because that is the only person that her Gateman will open the gate for at this time of the night,she got up and went to the door,she then opened the door Amara :jesus She stared at the person in front of her,fear was all over her,she then regretted ever opening her door,what is she going to do know,oh God help me she prayed. ***TO BE CONTINUED *** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 17
22 Jun 2016 | 19:00
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 17 .: Stories Maxwell stood there smiling looking at Amara Maxwell :hello Amara Amara wanted to close the door but maxwell push the door open,went inside and stup the door,This made Amara move backward,maxwell came closer to her and began to admiring the sitting room. Maxwell :nice place Amara was angry and scared Amara :what are you doing here,leave this intents,right now. Amara was really frightened and maxwell could feel it in her voice Maxwell :and if i don't, what will you do,call chidi i suppose,what were you thinking that i won't find you,i told you I will fish you out didn't i,you are mine and mine alone. Amara :i can never be yours,i belong to chidi now,i don't want you,now leave my house. Maxwell smiled Maxwell :Amara Amara :don't you dare call my name,i don't want to hear you say my name,i can't be with you no matter how hard you try,it won't work,try and understand. Maxwell raise the tone of his voice aggressively Maxwell :i don't want to understand Amara :maxwell please leave Just then maxwell notice the ring on her finger,well chidi has proposed to amara previous day,maxwell look it the ring in shock Maxwell :i know that's not my ring you are wearing, don't tell me that belongs to chidi Amara was silent Maxwell :Amara where is my ring Amara was now so scared, she try to think of what to do Maxwell :you dare remove my ring,do you really think it's over Amara :maxwell you need to leave now or i will call the police Maxwell :you will call the police and tell them what Amara :just leave Maxwell :am going no where Amara. Amara quickly pick up her phone, she has took it earlier on when she was coming to the sitting room to open the door,she wanted to dial the police number, maxwell angrily took the phone from her and throw it to the floor. Maxwell :you really want to call the police on me,right Amara looked at him with fear Maxwell:i am going to ask you one late time,did you take my ring off your finger and replace it with that thing there, Amara was till speechless Maxwell :i see you don't know what to say,right Amara :get out of my house Just then maxwell gave her two heavy slap on her face,Amara fall on the floor, tear drop down her cheek Amara : maxwell please, just leave, i don't love you and can't love you,i had to remove it because it wasn't important to me anymore Maxwell :stup your mouth up,you don't love me and you are telling me now,now Amara Just then amara phone starts ringing, maxwell was curious to know who was calling so he went and pick up the phone but it was an unknown caller,he ended the call and was about to switch off the phone when the screen saver appeared,it was the picture chidi took when amara peak his on his cheek,chidi was the one that put it as screen saver and amara accepted it, this got maxwell more angry Maxwell :you now kiss him,even saving him as your screen saver, tell me has he had sex with you Amara knew things has gotten out of hand and worse, she try getting up Maxwell :don't you dare stand up Maxwell drop the phone and walk back to where amara is. Amara :you have to stop all this, doing this won't make me love you Maxwell :stup up your mouth Kicking amara on her stomach, amare cried in pain holding her stomach, she then wish someone would come to her rescue, where was her Gateman,she had no idea. Maxwell :stop telling me that,you have no right to say that Maxwell kneel in front of her trying to kiss her Maxwell :you are mine you belong to me Amara push him away and sat up Amara :stop this,please Maxwell stood up and started unbutton his belt,Amara at once knew what he was up to Amara :maxwell don't do this please, i beg you don't, She started moving backward,she was till feeling pain in her stomach. Maxwell :this time there is no escape for you your so call Gateman will be fest asleep by now because of the sleeping portion i gave to him,so if you want to pull this house down be my guest. Amara tryed to run but maxwell got her and put her back in the floor and started to tore her nightgown Maxwell :stop trying to resist me cause you can't Amara was crying and shouting, she was trying to fight back. Amara :maxwell, maxwell, stop,you are hurting me,stop,jesus Amara bite his hand Maxwell scearmed in pain Maxwell:ahhhh....,you bite me Maxwell began to slap her Maxwell :the more you try to resist me the more pain you feel Amara tryed her best to fight back but her power was no March for maxwell, after a little struggle maxwell succeeded in having his way on her,even if amara had have sax with chidi twice she till felt the pain,she keep pleading but it felted on deaf ears cause maxwell was busy enjoying himself on her,after some minutes maxwell was done. Maxwell got up and sat on the floor, he checked his back pocket and brought out a packet of cigarettes,he light one and started smoking, Amara never knew he smokes but that wasn't her problem now, Amara was till on the floor couldn't believe what just happened, it till feels like a dream to her,she looked at maxwell with hatred, she was till crying bitterly Amara :i hate you Maxwell looked at her smiling, Maxwell :sure you do Maxwell got up and started dressing up. Maxwell :you are so good,you know we should do this again,it will be fun don't you think so,don't worry i am not angry with you. Maxwell bend down Maxwell :even if you have gave chidi the pleasure of having you first, after so many years of dating you never allowed me,well don't worry when I finally kill him i will then know what to do with you. Maxwell stood up Maxwell :don't think this is over,because it just the beginning sweet heart, and for the record, you are the sweetest pu**y i have ever tasted Maxwell laughed and left,Amara cried there bitterly, she was so in pain,she regretted ever knowing maxwell and she curse the day she met him. Two weeks passed and amara was trying to pretend nothing happened to her,she didn't tell anyone but kept it to herself,she was till scared that maxwell might come back,so she had to stay in an hotel,she felt it more safer there,she even try to avoid chidi because she was now more scared for chidi life,and this got chidi so worried, she so much miss him but she had to do this maybe if maxwell find out that she and chidi are no longer seeing eachother he might forget of hurting chidi,chidi even try to see her at her work place but never succeeded, and sometimes try talking to her but she always gave him cold replies, to her that was the only way. Amara was in her office when her secretary called telling her that Sandra wants to see her,it took some time before she agreed because if she delined to see her Sandra will be very angry with her and that she won't want because Sandra was a very good friend to her,Sandra enter the office, she doesn't seem happy,she sat down looking at amara. Amara :please stop looking at me like that Sandra :tell me one reason why I shouldn't, Amara what is wrong with you,i tryed calling you but you were ignoring my calls,amare Amara :am really sorry, it just that i have been passing through a lot and i didn't want to disturb you with my problems Sandra :and have i ever complained Amara :and sorry okey Sandra :my husband said chidi told him that you have been acting weird lately, giving him excuses when ever he wants to see you,he said you no longer stays at home,and each time he comes to your office he is always told by your secretary that he are not around which he knows you are,so Amara what is coming on. Amara look sad Amara :nothing serious Sandra :i know you are ignoring chidi but why Amara :i really don't know, but I feel if he is close to me his life will be in danger Sandra was now confused Sandra :i don't understand you,what is really going on with you,we are friends right,so you can tell me everything Amara stood up and walk to her window looking outside the window Sandra :Amara talk to me please Amara :maxwell paid me visit two weeks ago Sandra was shocked Sandra :maxwell came to your house, but how come Amara :i have no idea,he just came Sandra :and you let him in Amara turned to her Amara :i never knew he was the one, it was late in the night when I heard my door bell rang,i actually thought it was that girl in the next compound because my Gateman wouldn't have allowed any one in except her. Sandra key then Amara :i opened the door and found maxwell, he forced himself in Tear fell down her cheek, sandra was now curious to know the reason why she was crying Sandra :amara why are you crying, what did maxwell do to you Amara :he was so mad to hear that i accepted chidi proposal,he was even more mad when he saw this Showing Sandra her phone, sandra looked at it,then got up,she knew something bad happened, she went to try and console her Sandra :what happened Amara :he hit so hard,i could barely breath,i thought then he could kill me,i was scared. Sandra felt the pain she was going through, she hug her Amara :i begged him to stop,i pleased with him,he was so hard on me. Sandra :shhhhhh.....,don't speak further, i now understand what he did to you,am so sorry. Amara :i hate him Sandra, i really do Sandra :but why didn't you call me to tell me. Amara :you were out of town and i didn't want to tell you on phone Sandra is now angry Sandra :that fool,no he must not go unpunished, we need to involve the police. Amara :please no Sandra :what is wrong with you,what is the meaning of no Amara :please i don't want this to get to anyone ears,it should be between us,please Sandra was speechless, she went and sat down Sandra :so what about chidi,you can't keep suffering him like this,you need to set things right with him before he starts suspecting something. Amara :Sandra,maxwell is obsesse with me,he wants me at all cost,he even threatened to kill chidi,i am so scared Sandra, what if he comes to look for me again, what will I do,i don't want anything to happen to chidi,i can't bear to see that happens. Sandra :and you think avoiding chidi is the best way,come on amara,you have to be strong, sharing your problem with him will lighten up the whole thing. Amara sat down,her head was full with so many things,how did she got herself into all this mess. ***TO BE CONTINUED *** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 18
22 Jun 2016 | 19:08
I hope she didn't get pregnant in the course of this.....................really feel sorry for you
23 Jun 2016 | 04:07
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 18 .: Stories It been two day since sandra visited amara and amara was till ignoring chidi,she hasn't really have the courage to be with him ,chidi tried everything possible to get to her but it wasn't working out,chidi was in the garden, he has been calling amara but she wasn't picking up her phone,mrs Jonathan came to meet him,she has been observing him from the balcony,from the way chidi was behaving she knew he was trouble. Mrs Jonathan :what is going on with you Chidi turned and saw his mother, he was so deep in thought that he didn't know when his mother came. Chidi:nothing, (trying to force out a smile ) Mrs Jonathan :don't tell me that,because I have been looking at you from the balcony and i know you aren't yourself, so what is it. Chidi:i have been trying to reach someone but she is not responding, i don't know why. Mrs Jonathan :it's she doing something for you that you need to reach her badly Chidi :am talking about my fiancee Mrs Jonathan was now confused Mrs Jonathan :your fiancee, which fiancee are you talking about. Chidi:mum,i have a fiancee, i was going to introduce her to you and dad very soon. Mrs Jonathan :are you referring to that girl you told me about Chidi:yes Mrs Jonathan immediately got angry Mrs Jonathan :what is the matter with you,why don't you always listen to me,so you are till on this girl issue, i thought we have talked about it Chidi:and i made it clear to you that I don't love dora that i already have some one i love and i will want to marry. Mrs Jonathan :you will never marry her Chidi is now upset Chidi:mum,i don't understand you,i will be the one to live with her not you Mrs Jonathan :look at you,do you know the difference between wife and girlfriend, i am only doing what is best for you. Chidi:i think i am in the right position to know what is best for me Mrs Jonathan h please keep quiet, now look at the way she is messing you up Chidi:she is not messing me up,please am ready not in the mood for this maybe some other time. Chidi was ready to leave Mrs Jonathan :and where do you think you are going Chidi:to my room,since you don't want me to have peace here,i will just go to my room. Mrs Jonathan :so now to you i don't know what am saying ,don't worry let me first see that girl here then you will understand what am talking about. Chidi:hmmmmmm Mrs Jonathan :yes. Chidi looked at her one last time and walked away,his mum problem is the last thing on his mind,chidi later called sandra to beg her to help him out,sandra felt sorry for chidi and decided to try her best,she came up with a plan, the next day she called amara and ask her to meet her up in a restaurant close to her super market, she also called chidi and told him the same thing, sandra was in the restaurant sitted waiting for them to come,not up to ten minutes amara walked in,Amara saw her and went to meet her,they huged and sat down. Amara :you sounded serious on the phone hope no problem Sandra was now laughing Sandra :relax okey Amara : what do you mean by relax,you called me that you want to see me and it's serious, and now you are laughing, don't tell me it a joke cause I will kill you. Sandra :sorry,i just needed to bring you here,but there is something I want us to talk about. Amara :what is it Sandra :calm down,we are not yet complete Amara :and who are we waiting for Just then chidi walked in and saw them,chidi was surprise to see amara because Sandra nevered told him that amara was also invited,when amara saw chidi she was shocked, she looked at sandra who was just smiling, chidi stood his sit,he was staring at amara but amara just put her face away. Sandra :i know both of you are surprised to see each other and i know without been told you already know the reason for my action,seriously i don't like the way things are going between the both of you,i don't know if I should be interfering but I will appreciate it if you guys do the same for me if i am in your shoes,so now i want both of you to settle yourselves out,now. Chidi was pleased and was also happy for what sandra did,he never really expected it. Chidi :Sandra, thanks for doing this am really greatful,you know i don't have anything against amara here,so the question should be directed to her,Amara, what is the matter with you,why have you been ignoring me,if i have done anything wrong you should let me know so I can apologies instead of doing this to me. Amara wasn't ready to answer him,this wasn't the time for her to explain things to chidi,she got up to leave but chidi quickly held her hand and he stood up Amara :let me go please Chidi was confused, he didn't understand the meaning of her words Chidi:i should leave you alone Amara looked at chidi with tear in her eyes Amara :no chidi,i just want to be left alone for now please Chidi:what are you saying,what have I done Amara :you haven't done anything wrong believe me Chidi:then why do you want me to let you be for sometime Amara :nothing Chidi was not upset Chidi:Amara are you trying to leave me Amara :no Chidi raise the tone of his voice Chidi :then why are you doing this, i don't understand you,is it because of dora, i thought we have settled it,what more do you want me to do Chidi hold her by her shoulder Chidi:amara please stop doing this to us,you are killing me,please Amara tryed to force out the words from her month but it wasn't coming out,she wanted to explain everything to him but she just couldn't she was too scare to do so,she removed chidi's hand from her shoulder. Amara :chidi just stop,stop please, i just need time,just give me time She walked away,as she was getting to the entrance door she felt dizzy,she tryed to balance herself but she was too wake to do so,she just collapse, chidi and Sandra quickly ran to her, Chidi:amara Chidi was trying to wake her up ,chidi and sandre was very scared,they didn't know what was wrong with her,they quickly rush her to the hospital,the doctor immediately start treatment on her,not less them 30 minutes the doctor was done,he came out of the room where amara was,chidi and Sandra was worried but the doctor gave them the insurance that amara was fine,they all went in to see amara,amara was already awake,Sandra and chidi was happy to see amara. Chidi:doctor mike what was the problem Doctor mike:it was nothing serious Sandra :then what happened Doctor mike:she was only stressed out,you know in her condition she needs alot of rest. They were all confused Amara :doctor there is nothing wrong with me,i am not sick. Doctor mike:then you are not aware Sandra :just say it please Doctor mike:we run some test on you and we discovered that you are two weeks and some days pregnant Sandra, amare and chidi was shocked Chidi:did you run the test very well Doctor :sure,i did it myself Sandra :are you sure there isn't a mistake Chidi:he is our family doctor,there is no mistake in his work,thanks doctor Mike Doctor mike:no problem, i will leave now Doctor mike left the room, Sandra :chidi,why don't we all clam down and try to slove this problem Sandra was trying to clam him down,amare was till shocked, she was already crying,chidi looked at her with anger in them, Chidi:ahhhh He scearmed out,this got amara scared Chidi:you better start talking,if you don't you will know i have a temper Amara :chidi please Chidi shouted at her Chidi :i don't want to hear my name on your lip,don't Chidi was so hurt,and you can tell from his voice Chidi:who is the father,who... is... the... father.... Amara interrupted Amara :maxwell, maxwell is the father, Chidi was so shocked and at once he felt wake to say a word, he felt he was dreaming,at that point he was confused he didn't know what to do,Amara in the other hand didn't know when she said it out but she knew chidi needed answers. ***TO BE CONTINUE *** DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 19
23 Jun 2016 | 04:08
sorry amara,think d best way is to tell chidi trust him
23 Jun 2016 | 04:13
I think dat pchidiegnancy belong to chidi
23 Jun 2016 | 04:20
Chidi calm down d baby is urs
23 Jun 2016 | 04:21
chidi u better calm down to hear out from her.
23 Jun 2016 | 04:39
Maxwell I swear u re gone I mean u ave turn to a story chidi wat next
23 Jun 2016 | 05:21
Nawa o am jus weak. What kind of a girl is dis Amara. Ahhhhhh she disgust me. she could ve told Chidi earlier on abt d rape.
23 Jun 2016 | 05:36
What a life
23 Jun 2016 | 06:23
hmmm speechless.
23 Jun 2016 | 06:45
hmmm speechless. hope chidi forgives u
23 Jun 2016 | 06:51
oh! my oh! my Amara chai there is God ooo
23 Jun 2016 | 07:17
Maxwell devil Amara be strong, kudos to d writer ur story is awesome
23 Jun 2016 | 09:58
Oh! No maxwell u will pay for dis
23 Jun 2016 | 12:28
am speechless, amara u fall my hand
23 Jun 2016 | 13:39
am speechless, amara u don fall my hand next plc
23 Jun 2016 | 13:43
23 Jun 2016 | 14:20
Sad mood.. Amara you should have told chidi on time, why did you keep it away from him na???
23 Jun 2016 | 15:20
Amara didn't handle dis Maxwell issue very well. Nw, Maxwell would b happy for scoring dis goal before Chidi.
23 Jun 2016 | 16:24
23 Jun 2016 | 16:52
maxwell needs real torturing
23 Jun 2016 | 17:14
i hate him so much
23 Jun 2016 | 17:17
I hate Maxwell
23 Jun 2016 | 22:02
twisted son of a b.itch!!!
24 Jun 2016 | 06:43
d dr made a mistke itz chidi baby i guezz.
25 Jun 2016 | 11:14
imagine.. the explanation she (amaka) ought to have done a long time ago, is now what she'll be struggling to do now. I hope chidi will be calm enough to listen to her.. now maxwell has over stepped his boundary and should be taught a good unforgettable lesson... nice story oga boss
25 Jun 2016 | 14:35
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 19 .: Stories Amara :chidi please it's not what you think,i can explain Chidi:maxwell, i never understood you when you told me to let you go but now I understand, and for the explanation don't bother because I don't think i can stand to hear it. chidi was trying to hold back the tear in his eyes Sandra :chidi Chidi:please don't, amare, you have betrayal me,you hurt me in the deepest part of my heart and i hate you for this Amara :no chidi Chidi could no longer hold back the tear as he burst into tears Chidi :i don't want to ever see you again, i don't want to see you again Amara couldn't believe her ears,she tryed to get up Amara :chidi,no please don't do this Chidi :go to maxwell and stay away from me He angryly walked out of the room,amare tryed to run after him but she was too wake to do so for she fallen on the ground, sandra quickly ran to meet her Amara :chidi please, let me explain, he raped me,he raped me Sandra :it okey,he will surely come back ,i will talk to him okey. Amara :chidi,please am sorry. Sandra couldn't stop her from crying. ****************************** Chidi couldn't eat or sleep through out the night,the only thing he does was to drink and cry,he couldn't believe amara was pregnant for maxwell,he so wish he was dreaming.the next day he couldn't go to work,he came out to the balcony to relax maybe the fresh air will help him cool his brain, he was till holding a bottle of drink, not up to 30 minutes dora came to meet him,dora saw him earlier going to the balcony,he wasn't looking happy so she decided to know what the problem was. Dora:if you are borded i can keep you company, hmmmmmm chidi let me be a friend we can go out or go somewhere quite, it sees like you don't want to talk to me ,what is it Chidi did not respond Dora :you look like someone that is suffering from am heartbreak, tell me did some one break your heart Chidi:get out Dora smiled Dora :at last you talked,don't you know i can be of help to you, Chidi till ignore her and this got her upset Dora: what the hell is wrong with you,i mean i have been standing here talking to you but it sees like am talking to a wood Chidi was now angry dora trouble was the last thing on his mind Chidi:dora,if you know what's good for you get out of here and stay far from me Dora: why are you sounding like this,am only trying to help you Chidi angryly turned to her and started shouting at her Chidi:what is the matter with you,why are you always disturbing my life This got dora scared Dora:am only trying to help Chidi:don't help me,did i call for your help Dora :am sorry (moving backward ) am sorry Chidi:sorry,that's all the people say,am tired of all of you,don't you have a house go and stop trying to cross lines with me because am close. Dora:yes I have a house and in my house i don't behave like a mad dog Chidi slap her Chidi:are you calling me a mad dog (he slapped her again )do you want to know if I behave like mad lion too Chidi slap her again,dora tryed to run but chidi draw her back, she was covering her face with one of her plam while the other was held by chidi,she was crying so loud Dora :i didn't mean what I said i was joking please Chidi:really, well am till joking Chidi hit her again this got her screaming Chidi:i have told you to stay away from me,do you want to know what I can do (hit her again) what do you want tell me is it sex,do you want it Chidi push her on the ground and was on her holding her two hands to the ground Dora :stop chidi,please this is not what I want Chidi:stup up,you want to behave like a whore then i will f**k you like one(he tare her dress)and when am done with you i will throw you away because you mean nothing to me Dora began to shout for help that got mrs Jonathan attention, she was so surprise to see chidi trying to force himself on dora Mrs Jonathan :chidi Chidi (trying to stop him)chidi Chidi got up Chidi:what,what Mrs Jonathan was shocked Chidi has never raised his voice on her before Mrs Jonathan :chidi what is wrong with you Chidi:you are,both of you,why are you people disturbing me,is it that you don't have anything to get yourself busy with Mrs Jonathan knew something was wrong with chidi,she tryed to calm him down Mrs Jonathan :chidi,calm down okey whatever the problem is it will be fine Chidi:it can never be fine,how can this happen,why Mrs Jonathan knew then that chidi was in pain but didn't know why Mrs Jonathan :please calm down please Chidi:you want me to calm down then you people should let me be Chidi angryly left,mrs Jonathan quickly went to help dora who was till on the floor crying Mrs Jonathan :am so sorry ,so sorry but what happens Dora:I don't know i only met him here drinking and he was looking sad,i only tried to make him happy but he got angry Mrs Jonathan :that can't be the reason why he is so angry, something is wrong Dora :i don't understand Mrs Jonathan :chidi has a temper but he don't easily get angry,but when he does you will know something pushed it out,but not too worry he will come back to his senses and he will come to apologise okey,get up let me help you to your room. Mrs Jonathan help her up and took her to her room. **************************** It was the next day morning sandra came to see amara in her house, Amara has been discharge from the hospital the previous day,she entered the house and went straight to her bedroom and found amara crying, Sandra h...Amara,don't tell me you are till crying since yesterday She sat down on the bed close to amara Sandra :i have told you all will be fine i promise you that Amara :chidi is not picking up my calls,he is not even returning my messages Sandra :amara you have got to give him sometime,it's not easy you know,he is heartbroken and very angry but don't worry chidi loves you so much to leave you just like that Amara :am confused Sandra, i don't know what to do,you know i can't let my family know about this pregnancy Sandra :if they don't know how are you going to handle this,you can't do this alone Amara :but I have you Sandra :i am your friend not your family Amara :if my parents knows they will want me to marry maxwell as soon as possible because I can't have a baby out of wedlock, and you know i can't marry maxwell Sandra :i know you don't want to marry maxwell but he is till the father of your unborn child and you can't change that,you can till keep the child without getting married to him,so think very well,and please try and stop bothering yourself too much you know it not good for your condition Amara :i will try Sandra :have you eaten Amara :no,not yet Sandra :you have to eat all the time Amara :because of the baby, i can't believe am carrying that devil Child Sandra :that's enough, let me prepared something for you okey She got up and went to the kitchen, Amara was so greatful to have someone like Sandra, she thought about what sandra said and decided to get it a try. DROP YOUR COMMENTS AND CONTINUE NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 20
26 Jun 2016 | 09:03
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 20 .: Stories Amara decided to involve her parents but pleased with Sandra to help her,two weeks later amara called her parents for a meeting, they were to meet at a restaurant, Mr and Mrs uche was surprise and curious about the meeting,mrs ada Marcus and maxwell was not left out,Everybody was waiting for amara at the restaurant where amara told them to wait,not long amara join them,mrs uche ran and embrace her as soon as she saw amara. Mrs uche :Amara my daughter Amara smile back at her Amara :how are you mama Mrs uche :am the way you left me They went to where Mr uche, mrs ada Marcus and maxwell was sitted,maxwell looked at amara but amara throw her face away. Amara :Good morning papa But she got no response Amara :good morning mama maxwell Mrs ada Marcus response to her greeting with a smile Mrs uche :you sent for us,is anything the matter Amara :no,there's no problem She sat down also with mrs uche, just then Sandra walked in,she instantly got angry as soon as she saw maxwell Sandra h look who is here the devil himself Amara :Sandra please not now Sandra took her sit and greeted all that are present and they all response to her except maxwell. Amara :this is my friend sandra she had been my very good friend from my university days Mrs uche :how are you Sandra :am fine mam,please forgive my manners Mrs uche :there is no problem with that,so Amara you called us for this meeting what is it Amara :ahhhh.... Sandra immediately interrupted amara Sandra :actually i called for the meeting not her they were all surprised Mr uche :why will you call us for a meeting when you are not even a member of the family what right do you have Sandra :sorry to say this but I thought two people here are also not a member of your family Mrs ada Marcus :meaning Sandra :i shouldn't tell you in details Amara :please you people should stop this and let concentrate on why we are here,sandra continue please Sandra :well I was the one that told amara to call for this meeting because a very important issues just came up and it needs to be addressed very fast Mrs ada Marcus :and what is that Sandra :i will just hit the nail on the head,Amara my friend here was raped They were all shocked to hear what sandra said,maxwell was also shocked because he never expected amara to tell sandra. Mrs uche :Amara you were raped,oh my God Mr uche :where,how,when did this happen Sandra :it been one month now,and it happened in her house Mrs ada Marcus :this is unbelievable Mr uche got angry Mr uche :is it not the same house she told us that the new company she works for gave to her and was even forcing us to go with her,now tell me if she was still living with us would this have happen Mrs uche:don't talk like this now Mr uche :why shouldn't i tell me Sandra :that is not even the issue here Mr uche:then what is it Sandra :she is pregnant Mrs uche immediately scearmed Mrs uche :jesus Sandra :and the person that is responsible for this is sitting right here with us Mrs ada Marcus turned to maxwell at once Mrs ada Marcus :maxwell Maxwell smile at them Maxwell :mum i didn't force her Sandra h you lier Maxwell :where you there do you know how it happened Amara :you fool,you force yourself on me,you raped me Maxwell :i raped you,come on,if you can't remember what happened that night then I would love to refresh your memory. Amara :you animal She Went to where maxwell was and began to hit him Amara :i hate you so much Maxwell got up angryly while Mrs uche held amara back Mr uche :that's enough Amara push his father hands away from her Amara :leave me alone Mr uche was surprise at this Amara :don't touch me She went back to where sandra is Sandra :look you have to hold yourself, we need to find solution to this and come to an agreement. Maxwell :agreement, did you say agreement, what ever agreement you people will have better be good because if any thing happens to my child you will call for war yourself Sandra got up angryly Sandra :need i remain you, i and Sandra,not amara, if you don't mind the way you talk to me i will deal with you,you should be lucky you are not in jail for what you did so if i were you i will just sit down and keep quiet. Mr uche:why are you you people just saying this now,why didn't you call us amara, why Amara :what good will it be Mrs uche :amara we are till your parents, you should have called us to inform us Amara :and then what will happen, you will tell me to marry him,i didn't want to come here at the first place she brought all the idea and i wish I never did,maxwell if you think because I am pregnant i will them marry you,then you got it all wrong because you have failed, i will never marry you,i will keep this child for you and i will call him or her by your name and when this child grow up i will tell this child how heartless and crude you are,i will never let you come close to my child that will be yours punishment for your sin,i only came to let all of you know what this evil did to me that's all and i think i have said it all,sandra let's go Sandra got up Mrs uche :amara Amara :mama please take care of yourself They both walked away,mrs uche immediately got up Mrs uche :how could you rape her,why Maxwell :i didn't, you can't believe her story Mrs ada Marcus :maxwell are you sure Maxwell f course Mr uche :maxwell if i found out that you are lieing i will personally kill you myself, did you hear what i said Mr uche got up took mrs uche by the hand and they both left. Mrs ada :maxwell i know you did it,but you shouldn't have Maxwell :i didn't know what more to do but mum she is pregnant Mrs ada Marcus :and you ended up making her parents angry with you,we will finish this at home She got up and left,maxwell was so angry at the same time happy, this was one of the things he has done so far that has work out,he had it in mind that in no time things will fall in place, oh how he love this. Amara cried all through the night, she couldn't sleep and this got sandra so worried, sandra will be travelling very soon to London to gave birth and couldn't want to leave her in this condition, she wonder how things has gone wrong in just three months,to her everything was too fast,she spent the night with amara,she then decided to pay chidi a visit, she called emma her husband who told her that chidi has resume work,chidi has not been going to the office for the past one week,that's why she hasn't have the chance to go and see him,she was very happy to hear that he has finally starting working again. Chidi was sitted at his office the next day morning,he was talking with a business partner, he hasn't been in office for some time now and he has missed many appointment, so he is now trying to meet up with his time table,chidi was just smiling, he was really enjoying the company of the man sitted next to him. Chidi :don't worry you will be pleased with what I have for you Man:i believe you,that's why I love doing business with you Chidi :i also Man :i will take my leave now Chidi key,thanks for your cooperation Man :thank you too They got up and shake both hands Chidi:you have a nice day Man :thank you Then the man left,chidi dial his secretary number Chidi:send in the next person He drop the phone, after a while Sandra walked in,he was happy to see her,sandra too was also smiling,they both gave themselves a pleasant greetings and both sat down. Chidi:am surprised to see you Sandra :and why is that Chidi:you have never come to my office before, so I suppose what ever brought you here is very important. Sandra :you can say that again They both laughed Sandra :how are you fairing, you know after what happened two weeks ago we haven't heard from you,i was worried and Amara too has been bothered about you,so that is why I decided to come see you,is good you are doing fine. Chidi:yeah, you can see am doing wonderful, how about you Sandra :am fine,chidi i know you are till mad at amara and whatever decision you are taking now it not your fault but don't you think you are taking this too far. Chidi:Sandra, you have been my very good friend even before i meant amara tell me the truth, aren't you aware that she was pregnant. Sandra :seriously i didn't know,she herself didn't even know it came as a shock to all of us. Chidi:and you didn't know that she and maxwell are together Sandra :chidi there are so many things going on that you aren't aware of and what ever question you need answers to i think Amara should be in the best position to tell you not me. Chidi:i know where you are driving at but I really don't want to see her Sandra :i know you don't want to but please if not for anything do it for the love you feel for her and our friendship, i beg you Chidi:you are asking me to kill her Sandra was shocked Sandra :chidi, you really need to see her because she wants to see you,both of you need to talk things out,please give her a chance to explain and after her explanation you can then do whatever you want Chidi:Sandra, you are asking for the impossible, am sorry I just can't Sandra :why can't you try Chidi :i can't, there's nothing you can say that will make me change my mind Sandra didn't know what more to say or do. Sandra :alright, i don't want to froce you Chidi:thanks for trying you are a good person and i am really greatful Sandra :no problem, i will be on my way now Chidi:alright you take care,it's was nice of you coming Sandra smiled, and got up,chidi immediately stood up too Sandra :you should try and think about it okey Chidi:maybe not Sandra smiled again and walked to the door,when she got there she turned to chidi Sandra :just in case you change your mind, she will be waiting for you tomorrow at the fast food plaza that you both first had lunch time 2:00pm,she will be waiting She opened the door and left,chidi sat back on his chair lost in thought, he was so confused on what to do,sandra was very disappointed, she wasn't able to convince him to see amara, she just pray chidi change his mind. (WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE THINK,SHOULD CHIDI GO OR SHOULD HE JUST FORGET ABOUT AMARA, I NEED YOUR COMMENTS ) DORP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 21
26 Jun 2016 | 09:10
He should go
26 Jun 2016 | 11:39
Well he shuld go......
26 Jun 2016 | 14:24
Chidi should try nd go.......... Bt first amara made d biggest mistake of her life by nt tellin chidi at d initial time rather she avoided him
26 Jun 2016 | 14:30
he should try and go
26 Jun 2016 | 15:26
He should try and go
26 Jun 2016 | 15:44
He shld go..
26 Jun 2016 | 16:34
26 Jun 2016 | 16:35
He should go and hear her out
26 Jun 2016 | 16:54
Love covers all sin. He shld go.
26 Jun 2016 | 18:32
He should go
26 Jun 2016 | 19:02
he should go
27 Jun 2016 | 02:18
27 Jun 2016 | 02:19
he should definitely go n I'm sure he'll go.. nice story.
27 Jun 2016 | 06:56
luv wud make him go
27 Jun 2016 | 08:05
amara, dis all ur fault if only u've explain tins to him earlier, it wunt av result to dis
27 Jun 2016 | 08:06
Hmmm. Amara, all is well... Worry not
27 Jun 2016 | 12:30
Pls chidi go and hear her out
27 Jun 2016 | 13:50
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 21 .: Stories It was the next day,Amara was seen in the restaurant where sandra told chidi to meet her,she has been waiting for about two hours but no sign of chidi,she felt disappointed she really wanted him to come,she got up to leave,she got outside to where her car was parked,she saw chidi walking towards her,chidi walked up to Amara he wasn't looking happy to be there but he just didn't know why he came. Chidi:you wanted to see me,be fast about whatever you want to say cause I have a lot of things to do. Amara :can we go inside Chidi:no,let's talk here Amara felt the anger in his voice,she couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes,chidi was move with her tear but he tryed not to show it. Amara :chidi,please forgive me Chidi:is that why you want to see me Amara :i think so,chidi i know you are angry with me but I was confused This got chidi angry Chidi:confused, i see amara,you want me to forgive you why should I, i did all what I know how to,i fought for you and i tryed but what did you do,you turn around to hurt me and you stand here to tell me to forgive you. Amara :chidi you have to listen to me Chidi:so you can tell me more lies Amara :i have nevered lied to you ,why should I start now Chidi:stop it,only God know how many times you have lied to me,do you know why I came,because I want to look into your eyes one more time and tell you how much I hate you even more then the devil himself and to warn you for the last time if you ever send for me again,you will regret it Amara :chidi.... Chidi:stop calling my name this is your last warning Chidi turned to leave,Amara didn't know what next to do. Amara :i was raped She was shocked at herself she didn't know when that came out,chidi stoped immediately his temper went down, he turned and face amara Chidi:what did you just say Amara :he raped me Chidi h God,how do you expect me to believe that Amara :i am not lieing Amara cried bitterly, that was something she never wanted to remember. Amara :he came to meet me at home,i didn't know how he found out where I live,he forced himself on me,i tried chidi but I couldn't fight back he was too strong for me,he hit me and hit me again and again,i was weak,i wouldn't chidi.... Chidi:shhhhhh. .... He quickly hugged her,he couldn't listen any more it was too much for him to bear, Chidi:am so sorry,i was a fool,i over reacted,am so sorry,he will regret this,i promise, He tryed and comforted her,they both later went inside the restaurant,which he later took her home,he couldn't sleep that night the thought of maxwell touching amara made him so angry, earlier on in the restaurant amara had pleased with him not to do anything harsh to maxwell he had promised but he knew he will break a little of it because he so want to laid his hand on maxwell. He got up very early in the morning, he didn't go to work he head straight to maxwell house,he angryly knock on the gate,the gateman opened the gate and chidi push him,the gateman fall on the floor,he went inside the compound.the gateman got up from the floor Gateman : sir. ..... Chidi:shhhhhh. ....go in there and call you boss,and don't you lie that he is not around because I know this is morning and he hasn't gone out The gateman look afraid Gateman :but who are you Immediately chidi slap him Chidi:will you stup up and go call me your boss now Chidi began to push him Chidi :go tell me to come out Maxwell was in his room,he heard noise from outside, he was worried he quickly ran out to see what was the problem, he was so shocked and at the same time angry to see chidi. Maxwell :ah...ah... Chidi saw maxwell and he stop pushing the gateman Maxwell :what are you doing in my house Maxwell move close to chidi,immediately maxwell came closer to chidi,chidi rush on him and gave him a blow on his face, maxwell fall to the ground already bleeding for his nose. Chidi:how dare you lay your hands on her,you son of a bitch. Maxwell try to get up but chidi rush on him again landing blows on him Chidi :i have warn you to stay away from her,she is now mine. The gateman tryed to stop chidi but chidi also landed a blow on his eye. Gateman :ahhhh..... The gateman screaming in pain covering his eye with his hand,chidi then stop hitting maxwell, Chidi :now listen to me ,this is a warning next time you won't be lucky, if i see you anywhere close to her again,i will do more then this,i don't care if she is carring your child,i don't care just stay away Chidi Pouch him one last time and walked out of the compound, he wasn't satisfied but he knows that will do for now,maxwell was badly bleeding all over his face,he was till on the ground weak,maxwell managed to get up and he help himself into the house. ...he was angry but he needed to get himself treated first,then he will know what to do to chidi. LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 22
28 Jun 2016 | 13:19
Who love me most (season 2) episode 22 Dora hasn't try to get close to chidi since the last incident she encounter with him,she knew she was trying to fight something she couldn't win,she felt embarrass over what chidi did to her but she didn't blame him but herself,maybe chidi was right, maybe she put herself too low for him,she then decided to go back to the state's but not without fitting up things with chidi because she felt she wronged him,chidi was nice to her until she tryed to seduce him in his room and even went afar as to comfort amara,she felt quilty for all what she did,she got up very early in the morning to meet up with chidi before he leaves for work,she had done a lot of thinking all through the night and decided to give it a try today,she has made up her mind and she is ready for it,chidi was about entering his car when she approach him. Dora:good morning chidi Chidi was surprise to see her that morning,she doesn't usually wake up that early but he never bothered to ask or answered her greeting, instead he gave a a frown. Chidi :what Dora:can i have little of your time,please just some minutes Chidi hesitated but because of the polite manner in which she asked he decided to hear her out,he close the door of his car and rested on it. Chidi:go on am listening and make it quick. Dora gave in a deep breath Dora :i know you feel nothing for me and i know you think am a bad person but I don't blame you for thinking this way because I know i caused it,i know i can never be part of you no matter how hard i try,and no matter what I do but till that can't change the way i feel about you. Just then tear rolled down her cheek Dora:i really do love you chidi,right from childhood, i have had a crush on you since i was seven when I first saw you at your dad birthday party in UK so many years ago,i have always wanted to be with you for the rest of my life and that feelings hasn't changed, and nothing can change that,even if i leave you today you will always be in my heart because I have never feel the way i feel for you for anyone,i really do like it that way. Chidi was touched by her words but he just can't help her,he decided to stay clam with her. Chidi:is that all Dora :no Chidi: go on Dora :am leaving Chidi was surprise to hear that Chidi:for real Dora:yes Chidi. Dora went a bit close to chidi and held his hand,chidi let her Dora:i don't know what more to say but please i don't want you to fight with your mum anymore,i want you to strengthen out things with her because she really do love you and you mean the world to her. Chidi couldn't believe it was really Dora talking, he try to think he was dreaming but it was so real to him. Dora :and one more thing,i want you to forgive me for whatever i have done to you,i want to make peace with you before i go because I don't want to create enemity between us,please forgive me am very sorry. Chidi felt pity for her Chidi:why are you leaving, i want you to tell me the truth Dora :if i stay back i might do something stupid because of my jealousy,i really don't want to break whatever you and amara share, i know you love her so much and she love you too,chidi both of you should try and stand by eachother no matter what,people might come against you both but I believe with love you can overcome. Chidi tryed to get where she was getting out but just couldn't understand her language, but he love what he was hearing, he wouldn't believe it was dora that was really saying this,he smiled at her. Chidi:i am amazed, i could never have thought you will have wisdom like this, am happy for that you have finally come to reality, you are a nice person no doubt and i have forgiven you,you should also forgive me too for the way i treated you Dora laughed Dora :you shouldn't, thanks you so much Chidi:give me a hug Dora hug him, Chidi:hope you are okey now Dora:yeah I feel more better Chidi:i have to go now but I promise when I come back we will have alot of things to talk about. Dora key. Chidi open the car and drove off,dora was pleased, she has now full fill what she wanted. Chidi was happy through out that day,he didn't understand the joy he was having and the caused of it but he was just happy,maybe it was dora words that made him so lighten up,as soon as he closed from work he went straight to amara house,on getting there he knocked at the door Chidi :amara it's me open the door Amara opened the door and he went in,Amara lock the door,she has always lock her door since she came back to the house and have added another gateman making them two.they were happy to see eachother Amara :you didn't inform me you were coming Chidi:how are you Amara :am okey Chidi:you look beautiful every passing day Amara laughed Amara :are you serious Chidi:yeah and you know that,so what about our little baby there Immediately the smile on amara face fled away Amara :chidi please Amara went and sat down, chidi sat with her Chidi:what,am not complaining am i,so you should think about nothing, i love you just the way you are okey Amara :thanks for being here for me,i really appreciate, but I am always scared Chidi:about maxwell Amara :yes,what if he comes back to hurt me or do worse Chidi:i have been doing thinking about that and i came to the conclusion that you might have to leave here Amara :to another place Chidi:you will have to leave the country for a while Amara was surprise Chidi:look you really have to be far away from here for the time being until all this is over,at least maxwell can't find you there Amara :but ..... Chidi took her hands Chidi:i know what you are afraid of but I will come and visit you i promise and i will be fine. Amara :so where so you subject i go Chidi: Canada Amara didn't live the idea Amara :but.... Chidi: amara please you have to go,all the preparation has been done,you don't have to worry Amara was confused Amara :i don't get you Chidi :i have been making arrangements for your travelling visa and you are set to leave,you have to go Amara :as far as it's you,i will go Chidi smile at her Chidi:you will be leaving in two days time then Amara was shocked Amara :two days,sandra will soon give birth and i want to be here when that happens Chidi :yes you will be,you will come back when she deliver,i have already discussed it to emma and sandra they love the idea,she want you to leave for now. Amara :alright Chidi:don't worry you will be fine. Amara rested herself on chidi who warmly took her into his arms,he could miss her but he has to let her go for her safety, he just hope all this ends soon. ********************* TWO WEEKS LATER Amara was already in Canada, she was living in chidi house in Canada, chidi and amara didn't stop to communicate with eachother, they so much miss themselves. Meanwhile amara parents are very worried about amara, maxwell took them to her apartment and was told she traveled but to where was now the question,maxwell was so angry, he needed to find amara, he hasn't fine time to comfort chidi since he came to his house to mess him up,maxwell convinced Mr and Mrs uche to go to chidi house to ask him about the where about of their daughter which they agreed to. DORP YOU COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 23
28 Jun 2016 | 13:21
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 23 .: Stories Maxwell, Mr and Mrs uche arrived at the big black gate of Jonathan's mansion, they knocked at the gate and one of the security opened the gate. Security :yes good morning who are you looking for Mr uche :good morning,please we are looking for some one by name chidi Security :are you on appointment Mr uche :no but you can get him inform that amara parents want to see him The security close the gate,in not less then five minutes he came back and ushered them in,he directed them to the entrance door,they were fill with amazement, the compound was full with armies who were guarding the place,they did a security check up on them before another amry took them to the house, on getting there one of the maid welcome them to the sitting room,they all sat down while the maid,the maids offered them some drinks and left,after about 30 minutes they were already getting tired of waiting for just one person, they wondered how long it will take him to answer them,the maids came back that moment. Maid :please you all should come with me. Mrs uche :but where is he ne Maid :he will meet you up where you are going now . please come with me. They had no choice but to follow the maid who lead them to another sitting room,they met Mrs Jonathan waiting for them,they exchange a pleasant greetings,they were two soldiers with her. Mrs Jonathan :please sit down Mr Jonathan :thank you. They all sat down. Mrs Jonathan :i was informed that so people were looking for my son chidi and i wonder what connection he have with elderly people like you so i decided to speak to you first, please kindly introduce yourself and the business with my son. Mr uche :first of all thank you very much for allowing us to your house and accepting to speak with us,my name is Mr uche and this is my wife and he is my son inlaw, we came to see chidi your son because of an issue, Amara my daughter is nowhere to be found and we know that chidi knows her whereabouts because they are really close, so that is why we decided to ask him if you will give us the information we seek, or better still if she has called him to tell him where she is,that's all. Mrs Jonathan :you do think my son will know her where about Mrs uche :please you are a mother like me,you should understand what I am passing through, please why don't you help us to ask him just for confirmation, i beg you. Mrs Jonathan :it's okey i will send for him,you Pointing at one of the soldier Mrs Jonathan :go call chidi The soldier obey and left Mrs uche :thank you very much Mrs Jonathan smiled Mrs Jonathan :no problem Just then the soldier return with chidi,chidi was surprise to see them,he didn't recognises Mr and Mrs uche but he does know maxwell and that was the last person he wanted to see. Chidi:mum you sent for me Chidi sat down Mrs Jonathan :do you know these people Chidi :just one of them Mrs Jonathan :they came to look for you consigning their daughter, what's her name again Maxwell :amara Mrs Jonathan :amara, do you know where she is chidi was surprise to saw Mrs and Mrs uche that was his first time he was meeting them. Chidi :amara is your daughter Mr uche :yes Mrs uche :chidi ,can I call you that Chidi:sure Mrs uche :please if you know where amara is tell us so that we can see how she is fairing Chidi :well am sorry I can't help you,i don't know where she is . Maxwell got angry because he knows chidi was lieing. Maxwell :you lier,you know where she is and you are hiding her Chidi :maxwell mind the way you speak to me,have you forgotten you are in my house. Mrs Jonathan :chidi tell me,do you have any idea of what they are talking about. Chidi looked at his mother,he can't lie to her. Chidi :yes mum i do Mrs Jonathan :where is she Chidi :am sorry mum i just can't tell you,she is safe Mrs uche :so you know where she is Chidi :yes I do,so what makes you think i will tell you are location after all you made her go through Mrs Jonathan :chidi,let all this stop now, if you know where the girl is kindly tell them Chidi:mum i can't do that This got mr uche angry,he then raise his voice on chidi Mr uche :you are holding my daughter and you are till proving right over it,and you dare say it to my face that you can't hand over my daughter to me Chidi shouted back at him Chidi :well it was the same daughter you neglected for months, why do you need her now,or i know because of this devil who hurt your own daughter and you till choose him over her,what kind of a parent are you. Mr uche :what i do with my daughter is none of your business, and i think you are the devil here,you are the one poisoning my daughter mind to turn her back on us her parents Chidi got up in anger,he hate being accused over something he never did. Chidi :how dare you,i don't care if you are amara parents but I won't take that from you,amare speak for herself and she knows what best for her,you are the one trying to destroy her life,you call yourself her parents but yet don't know the value of her happiness. Maxwell :i really don't know why you are killing yourself over this,she is already carring my child. Mrs Jonathan was shocked to hear this. Maxwell :and there is nothing you can do about that Chidi h... there is so much i can do,i can get married to her and take responsibility for that child,what if she delined you as the father you know they say it only the mother that knows the real father of her child Maxwell :you are dead Maxwell angrily stood up to hit chidi,the soldiers immediately pointed the gun at him and he immediately stop,chidi smiled Chidi : put down your guns And they both lower their guns Chidi :maxwell like i said,this is my house so try to behave yourself. Mrs Jonathan who was sitting down watching what was going on got angry. Mrs Jonathan :that's enough, i have been here watching you people fight over something i don't understand, i really don't know what to say in this now,Mr uche take your people, go home and come back tomorrow, let me first talk with my son. Mr uche :no problem with that but try and talk to him,he really need to be talked to. Mrs Jonathan :like i said come back tomorrow, and as for you young man,learn how to behave in other people's house, i might not be this kind next time,you may leave now. Mrs uche :thank you very much for your time we will surely be here. They got up and walked away, maxwell gave chidi a deadly look while chidi return it with a smile, they were escorted by one of the soldier's out of the sitting room. Mrs Jonathan :i know it about that girl,chidi i am not stopping you in what ever you are having with that girl,i know everything that is going on Chidi looked at his mother Mrs Jonathan :yes I do and i don't see what's wrong in what you are trying to do but try and do it peacefully Chidi :how could you know anything Mrs Jonathan :dora told me a lot about maxwell and this amara. Chidi was confused Chidi :how could she knows maxwell, have she met him before Mrs Jonathan :that i don't know,try and do the right thing chidi, She got up Mrs Jonathan :you can never marry her without the concept of her parents always remember that,so try and bring her back She say this and left chidi,chidi fall back to the couch,his mother words really got to him, could it be that maxwell and dora has been working together or dora just did a background check up on him,there were lots of things in his head. Later that evening maxwell drove to an uncompleted building in a remote area,he parked and got down from the car,he entered the building,there were other three guys waiting for him there, they were all smoking,they were all looking deadly. Boy 1 :you are late Maxwell :sorry about that Boy 2 :so what's up Maxwell :i have a business for you guys,here Handing them a brown evalop, one of the boys took it and opened it,he looked inside and close it back. Boy 2:everything is complete Maxwell :yes, i want a clean job Boy 2:no problem Maxwell :you will get your balance when the deal is done Boy 2:no wahala maxwell :good. Maxwell left, Boy 2:boys let's bounce They too left. Maxwell drive back home smiling to himself,this is what he has been waiting for. (WHAT DO YOU THINK HE HAS IN MIND TO DO TO CHIDI, DO YOU THINK HIS PLAN WILL WORK OUT) LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 24
28 Jun 2016 | 13:25
28 Jun 2016 | 14:42
his plan cant work......ride on bro
28 Jun 2016 | 17:43
it won't work out cuz actor no dey die 4 film
28 Jun 2016 | 19:57
chidi will survive
29 Jun 2016 | 03:15
Hmmm..Gonna Find Out [b]Hey Frosh Coolvallers,dont Forget To Vote Your Special Queen @topbliss As The Next Misscoolval[/b]
29 Jun 2016 | 04:28
Forge On!.
29 Jun 2016 | 04:29
Dnt forget to VOTE @victoriouschild God bless u as u VOTE
29 Jun 2016 | 05:16
His plans wont wrk
29 Jun 2016 | 05:17
He can't work .
29 Jun 2016 | 06:18
Maxwell, ur plans will neva work
29 Jun 2016 | 06:24
Chidi get double barrel for bodii, so let dem come
29 Jun 2016 | 06:39
Hnmm this Maxwell will rot in jail
29 Jun 2016 | 07:20
29 Jun 2016 | 07:45
Maxwell anytin u plan will land on your head
29 Jun 2016 | 08:08
29 Jun 2016 | 08:18
he is plannin to execute chidi
29 Jun 2016 | 08:56
he is plannin to execute chidi buh his plan wunt work
29 Jun 2016 | 08:57
Nope his plan will never work out
29 Jun 2016 | 12:05
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 24 .: Stories It was the next day evening, chidi was seen at his compound near the swimming pool,Mr and Mrs uche came in the morning as they promised the previous day,after a lot of talking chidi promised to call Amara,which he did after they left,he told amara everything that happened, amare didn't buy the idea of her coming back but she gave it another thought when chidi told her Sandra will be very grateful if she witness her delivering which is just two weeks from now,amare promise to think about it,chidi will have her answer the next day. Chidi has been thinking about a lot of things if only he knows what next to do,he knows whatever makes amara step her foot in nigeria again he has to get ready for another war,his phone began to ring that brought him back to reality, he look at the caller it was Emman. Emman :chidi what's up Chidi:not bad,just trying to know how to handle the little problem i have now Emman h....maxwell and amara parents came back again Chidi:yes they did this morning but maxwell didn't come with them Emman :so what was the conclusion Chidi:none for now Emman:chidi come on,why don't you just allow amara come and sort things out with her parents, no matter what they are till her family and you know she is carring maxwell chidi,yes I know what maxwell did was wrong but you can't denied him of his right,you can marry amara but you can never be the father of her child,try to think about it. Chidi:am not trying to deprived him of his child am only protecting amara. Emman:for how long will this fight last,now that your mother is behind you,you can fit all this,hold a meeting with them so that all this will end and you can get married to amara. Chidi :that's a good idea but when it comes to maxwell, believe me he will want it to fall in his favour and that's not what will happen Emman :don't think about that for now,just do it first and then see the outcome. Chidi :i will give it a try Emman :but that will be after amara returns,she have to be there,so please let her come. Chidi:she will,i have already talk to her,she haven't given me any reply for now but i know she will listen to me. Emman:good,now you are talking,i was kind of busy before you called but I will call you back when am done Chidi key no problem talk later They ended the call,chidi thought about what Emman said,it would work out well he thought. Two days later amara was in nigeria, chidi went to pick her up from the airport, they were so happy to see eachother again, they have missed eachother so much,after ward chidi took amara to her house, chidi did like the idea of her going back to that house but amara insisted reason best known to her and he didn't bother to ask why because he felt amara know what she was doing,chidi pass the night at her place, they both have a wonderful night together watching movies, chatting over things,playing round the house,they both enjoyed themselves that night. Morning came,chidi has to go home so he can get ready for work, Amara try to make him stay because she was sacred because of the bad dream she had in the night,but chidi told her he couldn't because he has an important meeting to attend to that morning and he can't afford to miss it,Amara gave up when she saw that she wouldn't convince him,they both came out,the gate was open for him,chidi kissed amara and drove off,Amara went in,she try to settle her mind but she was till having the same feeling that feeling of danger, she prayed in her heart nothing bad should happen to anyone close to her,not up to five minutes of driving chidi then realise he has forgotten his phone at amara place, he quickly turned and head back to her house, on getting there he parked outside the gate,he knock at the gate and it was open for him,he reached down to the sitting room door,amare was in the kitchen when she heard the door bell ring ,she was scared,she slowly walk down to the sitting room,she wasn't expecting anyone cause she hasn't inform anyone of her arrival. Chidi:baby open up its me Amara felt relieved, she quickly open the door Amara :you came back Chidi entered Chidi:i forgot my phone, Chidi went inside the bedroom and found his phone at the head side of the bed,he came back to the sitting room where amara was waiting for him. Amara :have you found it Chidi:yes,need to run along now Amara key i will see you off, Chidi took amara hand and they both went outside,amare was surprise not to see chidi car. Amara :where is your car Chidi:i parked it outside the gate Amara key They went outside the gate to where chidi has parked the car,chidi opened the car door,they both huged themselves, they were till hugging when a car drove pass them,chidi quickly saw one of the boys bringing out a gun,amare back the car which means if they shoot it will get to amara first before him but that he won't let happen,he quickly turned amara to his first position using his body to cover her the boy shoot at chidi driving pass them,the bullet landed on his back twice, Amara :ah....ah.... she scream out low Amara h my God Chidi fall to the ground grieving in pain,that when when it occurs to amara that chidi was shoot, she reached down to chidi and held him crying. Amara :chidi Chidi, somebody please help,no chidi stay with me. Chidi was trying his best not to close his eyes,but the pain was too much for him,just then chidi sighted the car revealing,he was in pain but he thought they were coming to kill amara. Chidi: the...y back Pointing at the direction the car is,that was when amara saw who shoot chidi and truly they were coming back to finish him off. Chidi:yo...u to.... go Amara :no way am not leaving you here,let's get you to the hospital, you have to stay with me if you don't want me dead Chidi gave out a weak smile, amare tryed and carry chidi,chidi also help with the little strength he has,amare put him inside the car,she quickly did the same. Amara :where is the car key Chidi tryed to speak but just couldn't, he was really loosing alot of blood, amare didn't wait for him to speak she began to search for the key in his pocket and she found it,the boys car got to the car screen when amara is sitted as soon as amara saw them she started up the engine and took off,the boys drove after them,the boys were very angry Boy 2: drive faster we need to finish him off He was talking to the number three boys who was driving, he immediately fire on Boy 1:how could I have missed that shot,i was actually aiding for his head before he twist position. Boy 3 :not to worry we will get him He was driving as fast as he can but till their car was no match for an SUV range Rover shot,Amara in the other hand was scared and her hands was shaking at the wheel but she try to maintain balance, she needed to save chidi and nothing can stop that, she was driving really fast,she has never been on an high speed before that she fear she shouldn't get them killed, she looked at chidi who was seriously bleeding badly, chidi turned to amara and smiled at her. you.... Amara :please don't say that now just hold on please. She cried bitterly, she looked back and till found the boys car driving after them with full speed, Amara :God please help us She prayed to God because she really need a miracle not for herself but to save chidi life..... ....To be continue.... DORP YOU COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE (seriously i need your comments,if i don't get it I will not finished the story because it is already coming to an end,so what do you guys say). ....EPISODE 25....pending.....
29 Jun 2016 | 13:12
damn.. Maxwell, ur end has finally come. I hope chidi survives, and those boys are caught... that's the only way to put Maxwell behind bars...
29 Jun 2016 | 13:28
Maxwell has failed already...
29 Jun 2016 | 13:55
Maxwell you are a failure
29 Jun 2016 | 13:59
This is becoming serious,I pray they didn't get into accident
29 Jun 2016 | 14:24
D story won end dat is to say chidi go die ah owk let's wait and see
29 Jun 2016 | 14:50
Ope hez gonna survive it oooo
29 Jun 2016 | 15:08
ride on bro
29 Jun 2016 | 15:14
Maxwell u have failed
29 Jun 2016 | 15:32
may God save u both. amara and chidi
29 Jun 2016 | 17:17
Maxwell will never succeed.
29 Jun 2016 | 17:26
I know chidi will definitely make it
29 Jun 2016 | 17:42
Nice...Bring It On.
29 Jun 2016 | 17:52
nice bro
29 Jun 2016 | 18:04
I don't think chidi will survive it
29 Jun 2016 | 18:36
I tink he's going to survive it
29 Jun 2016 | 19:15
Hmmm chidi don't dieooooo
29 Jun 2016 | 19:19
29 Jun 2016 | 23:26
He wil survive it
29 Jun 2016 | 23:26
Ride on
29 Jun 2016 | 23:27
Following u like twitter
30 Jun 2016 | 01:32
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 25 .: Stories ...continue part.... Chidi :yo..u are... just.. Amara looked at chidi,she try to smile but it just couldn't come out Amara :you are bleeding seriously Chidi smile,he look at amara, so many things start running through his mind. Chidi where... is my... phone Amara began to check his pocket, she found the phone at the right side of the pocket, she took it. Amara :found it. Chidi :my SSS. Amara was confused she didn't understand what he was saying Amara :your what Chidi :my SSS,number Amara now understand Amara want me to call the number you save as my SSS Chidi gave her a weak nodded, she quickly began to search for the number, she saw it,no one needs to tell her to dial the number she did,she was so much focus on the phone that she misses the holded on the tire. Amara :jesus.... The car went off the road and hit a big tree at the side of the road,amare immediately became unconscious, chidi opened his eyes,he has hit his head so badly he was bleeding now,he turned and looked at amara,her head was on the tire,he tryed to wake her up but she didn't,he pray in his heart that God should save her,he was angry at himself if only he can get up and help her,he knew he might not make it but he want amara to survive, tear roll down his cheek, he was loosing strength now,he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, just then the car of the boys arrived, they quickly came down from the car and went over to chidi car,and was trying to open the door but it was locked from inside. Boy 2:it's not opening The other boy tryed to break the screen but it didn't break Boy 1:the car is bullet proof, shit. .... Boy 3:let get out of here now,we will come for him another day. Boy 2 key let's go. As they were about to leave two soldiers van arrived, the boys immediately stop,they were so shocked to see the soldiers, the soldiers quickly jump down from the van and surrounded them pointing guns at them. Soldier 1:drop your weapons now.... Out of fear they obeyed,(you don't mess with armies) the boys was taken to the van while two soldiers ran to were chidi car is,chidi was already unconscious, they try to open the door but it didn't open, Soldier 1:we need to get this door open. Soldier 2:am on it sir, The soldier left immediately, Soldier 1:call the ambulance quickly. In not less then five minutes the soldier succeeded in opening the door,the ambulance came and quickly rush them to the hospital. Meanwhile the boys was handed to the police who later came and was taken away to the police station, after enough touches and beating, one of the boys confess and told them everything that happened, back at the hospital the doctor tryed to save both lives,amare was responding but chidi hasn't push through, his case was critical, he has to be operated on to remove the bullets and he has lost a lot of blood,he was on 50,50 chance of surviving The next day morning five police men went to maxwell house,they knocked at the gate and the gate was open by the gateman, the gateman was shocked to see them,one of the police men wasn't putting on the police uniform,. Gateman :good morning officers,how can I help you. Police 1:we are looking for Mr maxwell Marcus is he inside Gateman :he is inside,let me informed him. Police 1:don't worry we will do that ourselves ,boys lets go in the gateman gave way for them to pass and they went inside, they knocked at the door and the maid came out. Maid:good morning sirs,how may i help you Police 1:we are here to see mrs maxwell Marcus Maid key please wait let me inform my madam Police 1:there will be no need for that,you Pointing at one of the police men Police 1:watch this door Police :yes sir The rest of them entered the sitting room,the maids was trying to stop them,but they ignored her and went inside, they met Mrs ada Marcus sitted,she was surprise to see the police men,and her maid trying to stop them from entering,mrs ada Marcus stood up Mrs ada Marcus :what is going on here Maid:mam,i told them they can't come in but they refuse Mrs ada Marcus :it's okey. Maid key mam, Mrs ada Marcus :gentle men,how may i help you. The first police brought out his identity card and show it to mrs ada Marcus Police 1: my name in inspector mike,we are from the start head quarter and we are here to see Mr Maxwell Marcus, Mrs ada Marcus was curious and there were fear writing on her face. Mrs ada Marcus : officers, hope no problem, what did he do Inspector mike:there is nothing to be worried about can you just call him Mrs ada Marcus gave out a deep breath,she told the maid who was till standing there to call maxwell, not long maxwell walked into the sitting room,he too was surprise to see them, Maxwell :mum you called me Mrs ada Marcus : yes I did,these men are looking for you. Maxwell was now afraid but he tried not to show it. Inspector mike:are you Mr maxwell Marcus Maxwell :yes any problem. Inspector mike:we are from the state head quarter, Mr maxwell Marcus you are under arrest for the attended murder of Mr chidi Jonathan, Mrs ada Marcus use her plam to cover her mouth in shock. Now maxwell worse fear has finally got him. Maxwell :i didn't do anything. ... Inspector mike: you have the right to remain silent for anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law,handcuff him. Mrs ada Marcus :wait please She tryed to stop them,maxwell broke down in tears. Maxwell :mum please don't let them take me away, The police man handcuffs him,his mother tryed pleasing with them but they were just doing their job,this was like a dream to maxwell, how could this happen,the police took him in their car and drove off,mrs ada Marcus was crying,she was confused she didn't know what to do,she quickly ran inside and called her lawyer,she took her car key and followed them. ....To Be Continue.... DORP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 26
30 Jun 2016 | 04:06
Very interesting .Dats gud for u maxwell.
30 Jun 2016 | 04:37
gud for u maxwell jus be praying nothing do chidi
30 Jun 2016 | 04:59
wow! So interesting. Thank is good for maxwell, i believe chidi will survive
30 Jun 2016 | 05:35
Maxwell so u sabi cry
30 Jun 2016 | 06:21
Nice story here
30 Jun 2016 | 08:08
Good for u maxwel
30 Jun 2016 | 08:33
atleast ur reaping what u sow @maxwell
30 Jun 2016 | 08:55
amara, u shud av put a call trough to sum1 for elp
30 Jun 2016 | 11:03
Maxwell, ur end has finally come. I hope chidi survives, and those boys are caught… that’s the only way to put Maxwell behind bars…
30 Jun 2016 | 11:04
pls, dnt forget to VOTE @victoriouschild as d 2016 miss cooval God bless u as u VOTE
30 Jun 2016 | 11:06
Maxwell is taking dis issue too far. He shld bear in mind dat u can force a horse to a river buh u can't force it to drink.
30 Jun 2016 | 11:07
Ride on pls, is getting more intersting
30 Jun 2016 | 16:24
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 26 .: Stories FOUR DAYS LATER The operation on chidi was successful but chidi was till unconscious, he was now in coma for the pass four days now,Mrs Jonathan didn't stop coming to check on him,she has been crying ever since, Mr Jonathan was on a business trip so he wasn't around but promises to come back as soon as possible, Amara was much stronger but she lost the pregnancy due to the accident she and chidi had,Mr and Mrs uche heard what happened, they had gone to the hospital to see amara but she refused to see them,she was till hurt for losing the pregnancy and also for the fact that chidi is yet to wake up,she prayed day and night for his quick recovery,as for maxwell he is now in the police cell,his mother has been visiting offen and she has also tryed to bail him but his bail wasn't granted. Amara entered inside the room where chidi was with the help of a nurse who support her to walk,she sat down on the chair at the side of chidi bed,chidi was placed on oxygen,she couldn't hold back her tear when she saw chidi laying hopelessly on the bed,she held his right hand. Amara :chidi,if you can hear me please open your eyes and look at me,please don't leave me this way,if anything happens to you i will never forgive myself, i know i am the cause of everything that has happened to you,if only I have listen and believe you from the start when you said you didn't shoot maxwell, if only I haven't accepted to date him,if only I didn't wait so long before leaving him,maybe just maybe things won't be the way they are now,i am sorry,so sorry chidi for making you pass through this. The nurse felt pity for her. Amara :i love you so much even more then my own life,i don't think i can live without you by my side, please wake up,i need you know,please She rest her head on the bed crying, the nurse was just looking at her,just then chidi slowly move his finger,he moved it again and this time he opened his eyes,the nurse saw him and shouted. Nurse :he is awake, he is awake Amara raise her head,she was so happy and excited, she couldn't say a word because she was speechless,she held chidi head looking at him,the nurse quickly remove the oxygen from his nose then ran to call the doctor, chidi look at amara with a confused look. Chidi :where am i Amara:you are in the hospital Chidi:what am I doing here,ah..... He tryed to sat up but he felt a very sharp pain on his back,she too stop him from getting up. Amara :just relax you can't stand up now,am so happy you are awake i thought i have lost you. Everything was now getting to chidi,he now remember everything, he just look at amara who was now smiling, he wanted to speak but he was too wake to do so,the doctor came in later and examine him. Meanwhile Mr and Mrs uche went with mrs ada Marcus to see maxwell,even after hearing what he did they till felt pity on him,Mr uche was till a little bit angry with him for putting his daughter life at risk but he decided to follow them because of the persuasion from his wife, they all waited for maxwell in a small room,as maxwell arrived Mr ada went and hug him,and ask him how he was feeling knowing fully well that he was not okey,his body has been mess up,he was beating up by his cell mates,he sat on the chair,mrs uche and his mother sat close to him while Mrs uche stood,he refused to sit,his mother was crying. Mrs ada Marcus :maxwell, why,why did you go that length, trying to kill someone, do you know the implication of what you have done. Mrs uche :maxwell, what were you thinking, so you would have the heart of killing someone without thinking twice. Maxwell :am sorry mam, i didn't know what came over me,i was taken away because of the love i have for amara. Mr uche got angry at once Mr uche :don't you dare use my daughter as an excuse because you almost had her killed too,she was with chidi that faithful day and i was told chidi took the bullet that was might for her,chidi saved her life,is that the way to love. Maxwell :sir i know you are angry with me but believe me i had no idea she could be with him,it was those foolish boys fault. Mrs uche :listen to yourself, so you are proud of what you did. Maxwell :no... Mrs ada Marcus :maxwell, now what are we going to do. Maxwell :what about dad. Mrs ada Marcus :he will be in nigeria soon okey. Mrs uche :you will be going to court soon,only God knows what will then happen to you. Mrs ada Marcus :but with a good lawyer he will be out of here. Mr uche :it like you don't know who you are dealing with,do you know who's only son you tryed to kill,he is the top number one richest man in nigeria, do you think they will let you go unpunished just like that,see they will make your life a living hell. Maxwell was scared,he immediately broke down in tears. Maxwell :what have I got myself into. Mr uche really disappointed me He angryly walked away Mrs ada Marcus :don't worry all will be fine Just then the police man came Police :time up Maxwell :please try to get to amara and chidi,beg they to come see me, please Mrs ada Marcus :i will maxwell got up Mrs uche :take care of yourself okey Maxwell thanked her and was taken away by the police, mrs uche took mrs ada by the hand,comforted her,they they both left. ...To Be Continue.... DORP YOUR COMMENTS AND READ NEXT EPISODE EPISODE 27
30 Jun 2016 | 18:38
Ur time is up
1 Jul 2016 | 03:14
maxwell must rut in jail
1 Jul 2016 | 03:22
Maxwel U re in trouble already
1 Jul 2016 | 03:51
thank God DAT is Maxwell DAT kill his own child by himself, and we thank God for answer amara prayer
1 Jul 2016 | 04:00
Maxwell u ve reap d fruit of ur Labour
1 Jul 2016 | 04:03
Maxwell is in deep mess!
1 Jul 2016 | 04:40
Trouble Looms Ahead
1 Jul 2016 | 04:59
Move It Jawe..!. .
1 Jul 2016 | 05:00
Maxwell u ae done for..
1 Jul 2016 | 05:04
Interesting... Continue
1 Jul 2016 | 05:05
Mumu so you won con ask 4 4gveness u go rust in jail idiot
1 Jul 2016 | 05:53
1 Jul 2016 | 06:31
Maxwell is at his rightful place, cell. Daz where he belongs with his stupid love.
1 Jul 2016 | 07:36
Maxwell u've played the music, be ready to dance to the turn..happy 4 u amara n chidi
1 Jul 2016 | 07:38
1 Jul 2016 | 07:41
Oya oo
1 Jul 2016 | 07:55
WHO LOVE ME MOST (SEASON 2) EPISODE 27 FINAL EPISODE .: Stories Amara was discharged,after a week chidi was also discharge but was till on medication, Mr and Mrs uche tried and apologies to amara but amara refused to have anything to do with them,she was till angry with them because she blame them for everything she has went through even chidi tried to interfer but nothing happened her mind was made up,it was just two days after amara was discharge that Sandra gave birth to a baby boy,sandra and emman was fill with joy,chidi later celebrate with them as soon as he was also discharge, mrs ada Marcus meet up with chidi and amara apologising for what ever maxwell and she has done to them,and beg them to see maxwell because he was requesting for them,amara forgave her but refused to see maxwell, chidi felt pity for maxwell in as much that he hated him he till feel amara should grant his wish ,he pleased with amara to go and see maxwell, amare agreed after enough pleading from chidi,chidi wasn't feeling that strong but he till followed amara even when amara told him not to because the doctor advice him not to stress himself too much but he till insisted. They both arrived at the police station and was directed to a small room where they sat and wait for maxwell, not up to five minutes they sat down maxwell was brought in by a police man,amare was fill with anger when she saw maxwell, maxwell on the other hand was happy to see her,the police remove the handcuffs from his hand and he sat down,the police left afterward. Maxwell :hi amara Amara stood up and gave him a slap Amara :how dare you call my name after all what you did to me. She wanted to slap him again but chidi quickly got up and prevented her from doing so,immediately she began to cry. Amara :you monster, i hate you with so much passion, i pray you die here. Maxwell couldn't hold back the tear in his eyes he let it out,he knew the hatred she felt for him,he went on his knees at once. Maxwell :Amara please forgive me for all i have done,it was because I was jealous that's why I did all what I did,please forgive me,i didn't mean any of this to happen. Amara :really, so I meant it to happen, maxwell how could you,tell me. Maxwell :please i know i can never heal the pain i have caused you and i have accepted my mistakes and am pleading with you to have mercy on me,i know you have a kind heart and a good one,please Chidi forgive me for my troubles. Chidi gave a deep breath Maxwell :i was so blinded with darkness but now I realise my mistake, my sorry cannot change what I have done but your forgiveness will bring my soul at rest,i don't know what fate holds for me when am finally get my sentence, i might die there but if i die i want to die in peace, please find a place in your heart to forgive me. Amara :we were good friends, you were so sweet and nice,each time I remember how good you were to me it hurts me,you used me maxwell. Chidi sat down,he was touched by maxwell words, Maxwell :am sorry Amara, i never meant to do all of those things,please i promise I will never hurt you again, please. This was one of the hardest decision she was about to make,she was so confused, is maxwell for real,she looked into his eyes and saw the sincerity in his eyes,she looked at chidi who gave her a smile she knew what it meant. Amara :i forgive you. Maxwell was feel with relieved, he was happy inside of him. Maxwell :thank you very much, thank you,chidi. Chidi :i have nothing against you,the only problem i had with you was because of amara, now that she has forgiven you i have no problem with you but the important thing now is for you not to hurt her again. Maxwell :never again will that repeat itself, you guys don't know what you have done for me,thank you. Amara went to meet him,took his hand and help him to his feet then embrace him. Maxwell :am sorry Amara :it's okey, After that she returned to her sit while maxwell sat down,there were smiles on their faces,Amara and chidi later left after they had all chatted and made up with eachother, maxwell was now happy with himself,now he look forward to the day he will appear in court. Amara was now staying in the Jonathan's mansion, she has been accepted into the family and was loved by mrs Jonathan, they were always seen together around the house and Mrs Jonathan has introduced her to most of her friends as her daughter inlaw, chidi was happy that all the trouble from his mother has ended,dora has left nigeria even before chidi and amara incident happened but she never fails to call to check up on them. Amara was in her room when chidi opened the day and went in,mrs Jonathan refused them to stay in one room that it was wrong because they wasn't couples yet.chidi walk to her smiling which she smiled back. Chidi:hello sweet He kissed her Chidi:my parents want to see you. Amara :where are they. Chidi:down stair. Amara key She wasn't surprised because this wasn't the first time they were requesting for her present, she got up and followed chidi,they got to the sitting room and she was surprise to see her parents sitted with mr and Mrs Jonathan ,as soon as mrs uche saw her she stood up. Amara :mama,papa,what are you doing here. Mr Jonathan :they came to meet us apologising and begging to see you,i couldn't refuse they, i mean they are till your parents no matter what,let the past be the past. Mr uche :Amara my daughter, we know we misjudged everything that has happened to you but we are very sorry for everything, we were so wrong to put our interest first before your feelings, please forgive us. Mrs uche was already crying Mrs uche :my daughter, i know i have failed in my part as a mother,and you are angry with us but please forgive us,please. Just then amara tear dropped,she knew they have done her wrong but if she could forgive maxwell and his mother what will be too hard to forgive her own parents. Amara : papa, mama She went and embrace her mother, Mr uche got up and she also embrace him,Mr and Mrs Jonathan was happy, chidi wasn't left out of the excitement, now peace is in her family, they have finally united. Chidi later pleased with his father to dorp the charges against maxwell, his father refused at first but later accepted, after all it was his son decision and he will respect that,maxwell was released even before he went to court,maxwell was surprise at the same time greatful for what chidi did for him,maxwell family was very happy to have him back and they also thanked chidi for what he did,maxwell went back to UK,he felt it was better for him to go so that he will start up a new life there, Amara wanted him to stay but he just couldn't because he till feel the guilt anything he saw amara,it was because of his mistake that made him lost his first seek,which he isn't sure if he would forgive himself for that,after a week of his release he travelled back to UK. Chidi relocate Mr and Mrs uche to a new house which he brought for them,in not less them a month Amara and chidi got married,their wedding was one of the best in town,many politicians,business moguls,top men in the society, the wealthy sons and daughters were not left out,that was the happiest day of Amara life,sandra was there for amara all through that day,emman too was chidi back bone that very day,after their wadding they traveled to dubai for their honey moon then later went to London where chidi bought a house, that was were he want to start his family and he promise to be a good father and husband, they lived their live in peace and wait hopefully for not just a child but children. MORAL LESSONS. 1)you cannot force love,love is something that comes from the heart,if you try to force it on someone you will end up getting hurt. 2)Always try to fight for what you believe in,ever if it means you loosing your life try to make it work for you no matter what. 3)Always forgive people that hurt or wrong you not matter what he or she did to you, when they apologies try and let your anger go so that God our father will forgive you for your own sins. 4)don't judge people because of their attitude instead try to look for the good in them. 5)Don't try to change what God has ordina for someone because God spoken words cannot be unspoken, so be wish not to fight against God wishes for someone. 6)don't get jealous over the happiness of someone even if you are hurt with it try not to get affected by it because jealousy can drive you to do the unthinkable which in return can destroy your own future. This is all I can point out,if you readers have also learn something from the story you should can point it out. I hope this story teaches us something and we should try and work on whatever we have learned,let's us please be wise..... THE END...
1 Jul 2016 | 09:37
wow interesting
1 Jul 2016 | 10:02
Oyah Next
1 Jul 2016 | 10:43
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO Interesting..... Love this... Kudos Bro @Viciyoung... Oyah Who love me MOST....
1 Jul 2016 | 10:54
maxwell, time up
1 Jul 2016 | 11:21
jst see how u chose to end ur life jst bcos of a lady who dos nt av any feelings for u
1 Jul 2016 | 11:22
1 Jul 2016 | 11:30
Kudos to the writer, such a nice ending!
1 Jul 2016 | 13:08
Happy ending
1 Jul 2016 | 16:53
wow... I'm so so elated.. may God bless the author of this story... so captivating, interesting and educating.. thanks. and I won't ever forget what u said,. you can't force love.. kudos. more palm oil to ur elbows.lols
1 Jul 2016 | 17:01
pls, dnt forget to VOTE @victoriouschild as d next 2016 miss cooval God bless u as u VOTE
1 Jul 2016 | 17:12
Gbagam as e dey hot
1 Jul 2016 | 18:21
Lets All Pack Our Bags And Baggages And Get On Board The Victorious Flight On The Way To Victory. Vote @victoriouschild As Miss Coolval 2016. Her Name Already Said It All. VICTORIOUS It Is And Victorious It Shall remain. #TeamVicky
1 Jul 2016 | 18:34
So interesting,nice one
2 Jul 2016 | 11:29
2 Jul 2016 | 17:39
Maxwell the stubborn fly that follows the corps to the grave
2 Jul 2016 | 23:57
Wow... Very touching story, wel write up... More ink to ur pen!
3 Jul 2016 | 16:42
Happy ending
4 Jul 2016 | 02:54
interesting dont forget to vote for @lizzy22 as miss Coolval 2016. epitome of beauty and intelligence
4 Jul 2016 | 22:24
cool story, don't forget to vote for @lizzy22 as miss Coolval 2016 today. thanks Vote beauty, vote intelligence!
5 Jul 2016 | 04:03
nice story
5 Jul 2016 | 07:41
0 Likes this...kisses
7 Jul 2016 | 17:48
Love will never makes u du something stupid to d xtent of raping som1 u claim u love? It lust!!! Dat an awesome write up dere thumbs up!
19 Jul 2016 | 12:39
God bless the writer of this story, love is kind, love is humble, love is not easily provoked and love forgives. Don't force yourself to love someone.. Have learnt my own lesson in this story.. Kudos to you, more wisdom and more ink to your pen.
20 Jul 2016 | 06:25
Nice story
24 Jul 2016 | 08:58
24 Jul 2016 | 09:02
superb.... I enjoyed the story
31 Jul 2016 | 22:01
So an triller
6 Aug 2016 | 07:32
Enjoyed everypart of it
6 Aug 2016 | 07:32
I Do O
7 Aug 2016 | 07:02
Read This Story On Nairajokes
7 Aug 2016 | 11:18
I Think It Was Written By A Girl.. All The Same Sha
7 Aug 2016 | 11:19
Twas A Nice Story
7 Aug 2016 | 11:20
that Maxwell self
10 Aug 2016 | 02:18
I enjoyed the story
10 Aug 2016 | 02:19
happy for brain and amara
10 Aug 2016 | 02:19
happy married life kudos
10 Aug 2016 | 02:20
nice one
10 Aug 2016 | 12:23
your story was wonderful
11 Aug 2016 | 06:44
lesson learnt
11 Aug 2016 | 06:45
though I don't pray for this kind of situation o
11 Aug 2016 | 06:46
expecting more to come from you
11 Aug 2016 | 06:52
nice story
11 Aug 2016 | 09:13
i so much enjoyee the character of chidi
11 Aug 2016 | 09:16
expectin another story from you soon
11 Aug 2016 | 09:17
12 Aug 2016 | 01:22
Nice story
4 Sep 2016 | 01:23
Nice story
4 Sep 2016 | 01:24
what a wonderful story Viciyoung great job
19 Sep 2016 | 12:21
19 Feb 2017 | 13:57
wow wow wow.fantastic
18 May 2017 | 17:44
kudos to u
13 Aug 2017 | 03:09
wow, its interesting, u tried, keep it up, n u wil b a good writter. waiting for ur next story.
13 Aug 2017 | 03:12
wow. I love this story
14 Sep 2017 | 15:40
wow interesting
24 Oct 2017 | 03:21
Wow nice story so far
24 Nov 2017 | 19:20
I love this story
5 Feb 2018 | 13:16


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