Episode 23
I went into my house, cooking, bathing and get ready for school. i checked the time. it was 5 minutes to 7. i sit down, and bring out my phone. i dialed my mum line. it goes through and was picked up
mum: hello dear
me: hi mum. how are you, ma
mum: am fine and you over there
me: doing great
mum: i trust you. you are going to school today, abi?
me: yes ma
mum: just be good boy. dont be rude to anyone, ok
me: you should trust your boy nah
mum:*laughs*anyway, i trust you
me: huh huh
*knock on my door*
me: mum, i will call you later
mum: ok, bye
me: bye**hangs up**
*knocks continue*
me: yes, who is there
voice: its me charity
*wetin this girl want sef, abi you want my joystick, make you tell me*
me: come in*door open, charity comes in*
charity:*smiling*morning o
me: how are you?
charity: am fine, you will go to school abi?*wetin u think before, make i no go make dem sack me abi*
me: yes nah. anything
charity: yes, i want u to help me do something in my house
to short abi. am sorry