Wind of Fate

Wind of Fate

By Oscar in 17 May 2017 | 13:21
Oscar lee

Oscar lee

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Posts: 534
Member since: 24 Nov 2016

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© 2017 Oscilo
SYNOPSIS One harmless conversation. One sheep in wolf clothing.
One night of heart wrecking torture. When the winds of fate blew, nemesis came knocking at everyone’s doorstep.
She bit at her full kissable pink lips. Her hazel eyes were fixed on the bottles of wine arranged on the shelves. She read the labels and checked the percentage of the alcohol content on the wine bottles. She didn’t like alcohol; the bitter, harsh stinging taste repulsed her. How or why many people got addicted to it, she couldn’t decipher. She scanned the shelves again, concentrating on the fruit wine bottles. She decided on one and reached out to pick it. At five feet six inches, she wasn’t that tall, but was a little above average height. “Good evening,” someone said behind her. “Evening…” she glanced back and saw a tall dark brown slender man, she headed for the counter, a bottle of wine in one hand. “That’s a good selection.” What is he referring to? The wine? Is he following me? She frowned. She greeted the lady behind the counter and paid for the wine. “I have tasted that particular wine. It is heaven on ice-cubes.” Is he still talking to me? She glanced back and caught him grinning. “The name is Stephen,” he stretched out his right hand. She turned back to the lady and collected the bottle of wine wrapped in a colourful polythene bag. She walked towards the exit. He went ahead of her and opened the glass door. She rolled her eyes. She could tell that he was trying to get her attention. “Thank you,” she muttered and walked out. He followed her. “So, what’s the name?” She halted and turned to look at him, “Look Mister…” “It’s Stephen.” “Whatever… I am not in the habit of exchanging names with strangers,” she started to walk away. “Sorry Miss…” he hurried after her, “I have been watching you since you stepped into the wine shop.” “Keep watching,” she spotted a spa and walked in, despite the crowd. She would do anything or go anywhere to get away from him. “Can I be your escort for today?” “I don’t need one,” she picked a flier at the front desk. “You never can tell. The Galleria is a big place.” She shrugged and squeezed her way out of the shop. She sensed that he was right behind her. “Stop following me,” she glared back at him. “Can’t help it Miss, I just want to get to know you.” “Not interested.” “Give me a chance.” She sighed, stopped walking and turned to look at him. He flashed a set of white teeth; not that white, a shade of creamy white to be exact. He towered over her, a little over five feet eight inches. The fitted black tee-shirt on him clung to his brown skin. The blue inscription on it matched the colour of his jeans. His shoes, a pair of black snickers with white stripes made him look cute in a boyish way. She searched his smiling brown eyes. He seemed decent, if looks were anything to go by. Regardless, she wasn’t in the habit of been friendly with people she hardly knew, especially in public places. “I don’t need an escort, thanks for the offer,” she turned to leave. “Wait!” he held her by the elbow. “Don’t touch me!” she yanked her hand free and eyed him. “I am sorry,” he sighed and raised his hands, “I come in peace.” She tried not to laugh. She was reminded of the conversation between Arnold and the Dark Angel in a movie she watched a long time ago. She cleared her throat. “I am on my way out. This is the reason why I am here,” she raised the wrapped bottle of wine. “Oh, okay. Well, it is a cool evening, perfect time for a walk on the beach.” “Hmmm… tempting, but, I will pass.” “Come on. I haven’t been to the beach in a while. I would love some good company.” She shook her head. The Galleria was not that far from the Bar Beach and Kuramo Beach. She glanced at her wrist-watch. “I have to go.” “Somewhere important?” “Yes,” she met his steady stare. “Where?” “None of your business,” she eyed him. “Is that why you can’t come with me to the beach.” “Yes and no.” He raised an eyebrow. “I have to go,” she glanced towards the elevator and saw a queue. She strode towards the stair-way. He marched her quick steps with his long strides. “You need to stop following me.” “A walk on the beach is all I ask for.” “I can’t,” she climbed down the stairs. “You can.” “I have a family dinner to attend.” “That is not important.” She eyed him again, “It is. It is a monthly thing.” “Great, you can go next month.” “No.” “How many family dinners have you missed this year?” “None.” “You see.” “I don’t see anything.” “I know a great guy whose grilled chicken is excellente.” She chuckled. “The chicken with fried Irish potato and creamy sour vegetable salad is a nice combo.” Her tummy made silly noises. The talk of food was making her hungry. “You need to try out this guy.” They found their way out of the building amongst the teeming crowd. “I don’t know.” “We won’t stay long. We will take a short stroll on the cool sand; buy the chicken and drinks and leave.” “O-kay.” “Great!” he jumped. His excitement was contagious. She started to laugh. “Where do I park my car?” “There is an area outside the beach. We can
pay those hoodlums to watch it.” “Really?” “Yes. They will protect the car.” “Okay.” “Shall we?” She nodded and followed him across the busy road. ___ Nosakhare Ehaekpen looked at his reflection in the mirror. The lemon coloured kaftan he was putting on didn’t conceal his pot belly. The golden embroidery had enough detail to cause a distraction; maybe no one would notice his protruding tummy. It was high time he returned to the gym. He had been postponing a comeback for years, ten years to be precise. A man his age needed frequent
exercise, nothing dramatic. He saw his wife the moment she came out of the bathroom. She was also dressed in the same attire. He noticed that she had make- up on. What was all the fuss about? It was just dinner. They were dining indoors with their children and not strangers. “Women…” he mumbled under his breath. If he had his way, he would have put on a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts, but his wife wouldn’t have it. She was all about being presentable at all times. Her constant excuse was, ‘What if we had unexpected visitors?’ “Are you ready?” Etinosa glanced his way. He nodded and turned around. “Did Osayuki call you?” He smiled at the mention of his first daughter’s name. She reminded him of his late mother. Petite, dark soft chocolate skin, unique full pink lips, hazel eyes, oblong face with the mannerism of an angel. If his mother was alive, Osayuki would have been her favourite grandchild. “Hello…” she noticed his lost far off look. What is he thinking about now? He blinked and stared at his wife. His smile broadened. His girls got their pretty looks from her and his boys got their good looks from him. He hoped they wouldn’t inherit his pot belly. A frown creased his dark brows. “Nosa.” “Hmm…” She tried not to get upset, “Did she call you?” “Who?” She blinked and stared back at him. She felt like throwing something at him. He noticed the irritation in her dark eyes. What did I do now? “Did Osayuki call you?” He shook his head. “Everyone is here. She isn’t.” “Really?” “Yes. She usually gets here before anyone else.” “She will be here,” his favourite child was
probably buying one or two things. She had a habit of bringing something to the monthly family dinner. xxxxxx The cool ocean breeze swept over them. She shook and wrapped her arms around her curvy frame. The short-sleeve cream blouse she was putting on was as light as a feather. She hoped she wouldn’t catch a cold. She turned her head and caught him staring at her. “What?” “You are shaking like a leaf. I think we should head back.” “Brilliant idea.” He helped her to her feet. “I am so full. I doubt if I will be able to eat anything at my parents’ place tonight.” He raised an eyebrow, “Are you still going there?” “Yes,” she glanced at her wrist-watch. It was some minutes past eight, “They stay on the Island.” “Oh…” They walked towards the exit. She held her pencil heeled red sandals in one hand and her red Mark and Spencer pouch in the other hand. The sand felt smooth and cool beneath her feet. She was glad she agreed to come to the beach. “Hope we can do this again.” “Sure.” “I want your phone number, email address, face book account, twitter handle and anything else you’ve got.” She started to laugh. “I am serious.” “I am beginning to think you are going to stalk me online.” “Of course I am.” She chuckled and met his endearing brown eyes. He was really cute. She looked away. If they become good friends, maybe something good would come out of their relationship. “Come, I have an idea.” “An idea?” “Come…” he headed towards a group of big rocks that stood between Kuramo beach and Bar beach. Where is he going now? Bar beach is deserted. People rarely go there. She followed him and he helped her to climb to the other side. She saw scanty groups of people on the beach. “Do people still come here?” He nodded, “If you want solitude, this is the place to be.” “I heard that those white garment Prophets build wooden shanties on this beach.” “Yes, like that bamboo hut covered with blankets,” he pointed at a wooden hut a few feet away. “Wow!” “Let’s take a look.” “No!” “Come on, are you scared?” She shook her head. She looked around. It was getting darker. Her family must be wondering why she wasn’t around. She wished she had called. xxxxxx Etinosa nibbled at her food, her watch-full eyes were set on everyone at the table. Her husband seemed to be enjoying his meal. He had emptied his plate and refilled it. Her first son, Osarodion, was seated closest to him. He had also taken a second helping. He was the exact carbon copy of his father, except for the pot belly. Her second son, Osaretin, was a mixture of both herself and her husband. He wasn’t as tall as his father; he was her height, five feet seven inches. Osabohen, her second daughter and last child was her exact carbon copy. She was the tallest in the family and the prettiest of her girls. She smiled, but it faded when she noticed her first daughter’s empty seat. Where was Osayuki? “Did Osayuki call anyone of you?” Nosakhare glimpsed at his third child’s empty seat. Where was she? It was unlike her to be late. He hoped she was all right. Osarodion was unconcerned about his younger sister’s absence. The last time he saw her was at the office on Friday. She was an adult. She was old enough to take care of herself. Osaretin wondered why his mother had brought his younger sister’s absence up. He was enjoying his meal, but, now, he had lost his appetite. She was thirty for Pete’s sake, not two years old. He picked up his glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and took a long drink. Osabohen eyed her mother. Osayuki, Osayuki, it is always Osayuki. Osayuki this, Osayuki that, is she the only one? Haba! She was glad that her elder sister wasn’t around. It would sink in the notion that she wasn’t perfect after all. She had, had enough of her at the office. Why should the trend continue in her parents’ home? She hissed and dropped the fork and knife. She pushed the half-eaten plate of food away. “I believe I am speaking to people that have ears,” Etinosa snapped. Osarodion cleared his throat, “Mum, she is not a baby. She will show up if she wants to.” “Exactly,” Osaretin added, “She will probably call you later tonight or tomorrow and explain why she couldn’t make it.” “She is on her way,” Nosa butt in. His children looked at him with raised eyebrows. Trust their father to come to Osayuki’s defense. “She has never missed a family dinner,” Nosakhare chimed in. “This is definitely her first time,” Osabohen played with her fork. He eyed her. He picked up his Iphone on the table and dialed her number. It kept ringing. He sighed and dropped the phone on the table. He looked up and met his wife’s questioning gaze. “She didn’t pick the call,” Nosakhare shook his head. Osabohen chuckled. It seemed her wishes were coming true. Etinosa frowned. It was unlike her daughter not to pick her calls. Where could she be? be continued
17 May 2017 | 13:21
Just One Click Episode 2
17 May 2017 | 13:38
@denciebabe last episode of oropo is out!!!
17 May 2017 | 13:54
Hmmmm she is with a boo enjoying her life, pls girl after all those social media he requested frm u, dnt fall to add ur whatsapp nd ur 2go act join ok.
17 May 2017 | 14:37
Episode 2 He pulled her into the bamboo hut. It was dark, quiet and empty. She squinted her eyes. There was no form of furniture in the small space. She wondered what sort of religious meeting was held in the hut. “Can we go now?” He shook his head and pushed her. She fell on the sand with a thud. He snatched her bag, flung it, grabbed her shoes, threw it and pinned her down with his weight. Fear gripped her. What is he doing? Gone was the friendly look in his brown eyes. It had been replaced by a dark sinister stare. “Tonight, you are all mine,” he made a devilish throaty laugh. It sent shivers down her spine. She struggled for freedom beneath him, but his grip on her was firm and steel-like. The thought of what could happen to her that night made her to break out in sweat, despite the dry cold air. Oh God… Please help me! He ripped her blouse apart with one hand and raised her short brown skirt. Her fear multiplied. She whimpered and fought him. “Be still!” he struck her on the side of her face. The stinging pain made hot tears to gush out of her eyes and spilled all over her face. “Please… I beg you… let me go…” she sobbed. “Hey… ssssh… don’t cry,” he wiped her wet face with her torn blouse. “Please…” she pleaded. “Ssssh… don’t worry, I will be gentle,” he licked her face. She felt sick in the tummy. No man had ever gotten that close to her. She had decided a long time ago to preserve herself and give her virginity to her husband as a gift. Regardless of the temptations she had faced, she had never gone beyond kissing a guy. The thought of losing her virginity to a total stranger made something snap within her. “Somebody help me!” Her shriek caught him unawares. He tried to cover her mouth, but she bit him. “Ouch!” “Somebody heeeeelp!” He slapped her twice on both sides of the face, cutting short her screams. He looked towards the entrance. There was no sound. He relaxed. No one heard her. “No one is going to save you, you are all mine,” he pulled off her bra and stuffed it into her mouth. The lascivious look in his eyes made her heart to pound erratically against her chest. He dropped his head and chewed at her bosom, one after the other. The sound of her cries was stifled by the cloth in her mouth. He held her hands above her head and tore off her underwear. He kicked her thighs apart and drove into her. He met a resistance within. He pushed in further and rode her like a horse. Excruciating pains attacked her nerve cells and spread all over her body like wild fire. xxxxxx Osabohen sipped at the glass of wine and sat cross legged on the sofa. She stared at the television but paid no attention to it. She saw her parents talking in whispers at a corner. Were they still worried about her sister? She laughed lightly. Their perfect daughter wasn’t that perfect after all. As far back as she could remember, her parents, especially her father had dotted on Osayuki. She wasn’t as dark, tall and big as they all were. She was different. What was so special about her? She had heard that her elder sister looked like her late paternal granny. What does that have to do with anything? Could the resemblance be the root of her father’s favouritism towards her? Hogwash! She drained her glass and felt like smashing it on the white painted wall. It would cause a scene. Her father would scold her and her mother would never let her hear the end of it. Mrs. Prim and Proper. She hissed and hissed again. Dinner was over; she might as way head home. Osaretin glanced at the gold plated wall clock. It was half past nine. It had been a good dinner. It was even better since Osayuki didn’t show up at all. She didn’t even bother to call. At least, their parents had more time for them. If she had been around, it would have been all about her. He would have been invincible. He leaned back on the chair and tried to listen to the CNN program on the television. Osarodion approached his parents. They stopped talking. “I have to leave now. You know how the traffic is at Lekki.” “All right son,” Nosakhare looked up at him. “Drive safely,” Etinosa smiled at him. He leaned towards her and pecked her on both cheeks. “I have to go too,” Osaretin came up behind his elder brother. “But, you live on the Island. Why do you have to leave now?” she directed her gaze at him. “I have some things to do before midnight mum,” he pecked her on both cheeks. “I think I will call it a day too,” Osabohen approached her parents. “I can’t believe they are all deserting us,” Etinosa glanced at her husband. He squeezed her shoulder gently. “Dad, mum, goodnight,” she waved at them and followed her brothers to the front door. “Drive safely angel,” Nosakhare waved back. They watched their children leave. “I will call Osayuki again. She has some explaining to do.” Nosakhare smiled and leaned back on the chair. Wherever his daughter was, he was sure she had a good reason for not showing up that night. “She should have called if she knew she wouldn’t be able to make it,” she mumbled and stood up. He looked up at her. “Look at the stress Mrs. Grace went through today to make sure that dinner was perfect. Her behavior is unacceptable.” He shook his head and held his tongue. Women! xxxxxx She lifted herself and sat up. Her torn blouse hung on her frail sandy chest like a piece of rag. Her skirt was rumpled and covered with her own blood. She began to cry. She looked around the dark hut and searched for her shoes and bag with her freezing hands. She found them and tried to get up. Her knees buckled. She fell on her buttocks and lifted herself up again and stood. She held her shoes and pouch with one hand and tried to hold the torn blouse together with the other hand. She staggered out of the hut and saw two figures a few feet away. She leaned against the bamboo pillar and cried out for help. They looked in her direction, contemplating whether to approach her or walk away. “Pleeeaasssse… help me…” They exchanged glances and walked towards her. “Who you be?” one of them seized her up. “Wetin you dey do for here?” the other stared in her face. She didn’t quite understand what they were saying. She needed them to help her get to the nearest hospital. How does she communicate what she wanted them to do? “Abi this one na ashawo?” They exchanged glances again. “Maga no pay?” “Bros, make we chop our own clean mouth.” “Correct,” they shook hands and pushed her back into the hut. She panicked and screamed. They held her down and shredded the rest of her clothing. The reality of her situation dawned on her. “Please… no! Please…” One of them held her hands while the other mounted her. She noticed that he had a deep scar on the left side of his dark face. The other had a disfigured right ear. They both looked like hoodlums. She must have attracted riffraffs. Oh God! Save me! The man with the scar rammed into her like a cow on heat, with the intensity of bullets flying out of a machine gun. At some point, she passed out and woke up when the second man took over. His hands were all over her, like a treasure hunter. He turned her over and possessed her from behind. Blinding pain made her gasp for breath. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she gave in to the darkness that engulfed her. _____ She regained consciousness. It was dark and very cold. She tried to move but severe pains attacked her body. She needed to leave the beach. She didn’t want to fall into the wrong hands again. She got on her knees and used her hands to search for her clothes, shoes and bag. She found nothing. She started to sob. She couldn’t leave the hut Unclad. She thought of the dusty dirty blankets that covered the hut. She crawled to the entrance and pulled at one of the blankets with all her might. One fell on the sand. The dust that emanated from it made her to start coughing. She wrapped it around her body and pulled her weight up by holding the wooden frame firmly. One step after the other, she walked towards the exit. She made it to the roadside and stopped the first taxi that she saw. “Madam, where you dey go?” She thought for a while. Should she go home? Should she go to the police station? She needed medical attention. Their family doctor worked at Saint Nicholas hospital. It was close enough. She hoped he was still on duty. “Take me to Saint Nicholas.” “Hospital?” “Yes.” He unlocked the back seat door. She opened the door and climbed into the car. She closed the door and lay back on the seats. “Madam, you dey okay?” he watched her through the mirror. “Take me to the hospital, fast.” He nosed the car into the road and drove off. Ten minutes later, he parked at the hospital gate. “Madam, we don reach.” “Go in and ask for Doctor Bia.” “Wetin be all this wahala sef. Abeg pay me my money make I commot for here.” She sat up, “Please, go in and ask for Doctor Bia. He will pay you any amount you want.” He hissed and killed the engine. He got down, mumbling to himself, closed the door and hurried into the large compound. He returned with an elderly man in his fifties. The moment the doctor saw her, he ran back into the hospital and returned with two nurses carrying a wheel chair. xxxxxx The ringing of his phone woke him up. He heard his wife hissed. It must have woken her too. He sat up and switched on the bedside lamp. He reached out for the phone which was on the bedside drawer and picked the call. “Hello…” “Sorry to disturb you Mr. Ehaekpen.” “Doctor Bia… morning,” he recognized the family doctor’s voice. “Morning sir, sir, Osayuki is right here with us.” His heart beat accelerated. “Sir, she is in a critical condition.” “What happened to my daughter?” “Sir, you need to come right away.” “I am on my way.” Etinosa sat up and saw the panic on her husband’s face, “What is it?” He turned to look at her, “Osayuki is in the hospital.” “What?!” “Call the driver; we need to get there right away.” She nodded and fished for her blackberry phone which was under her pillow. “Call the children too. They need to meet us at the hospital.” She nodded in agreement. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. xxxxxx Osabohen picked up her blackberry phone. It seemed whoever was calling her was desperate to get her attention. She checked the caller’s I.D. It was her mother. She glanced at the wall clock. It was past two. What was so important that couldn’t wait till the sun rose? “Hello…” “Sabby, you need to meet us at St. Nicholas hospital.” She sat up. What was going on? Was she ill or worse, did her father fall sick? “Sabby…” She liked it whenever her mum called her ‘Sabby’. It felt like an endearment, “Mum, what is going on?” “Your sister has been admitted?” “Osayuki?” “Do you have any other sister?” Was her sister sick? Was that why she didn’t show up for the family dinner? “Your father and I are on our way to hospital. Meet us there.” She climbed down from the bed. It would take her about fifteen minutes to get to the hospital from her place in Lagos Island. She thought of calling her brothers. Her mother would have called them. She looked around for her car key. Where did she drop it? xxxxxx Osaretin got out of bed. He had just received a call from his mother that his younger sister had been admitted into the hospital. He didn’t understand why he should be dragged there as well. Was he a doctor? He flung his wardrobe open. What was he going to wear? Osayuki, Osayuki, Osayuki. It was always Osayuki. He hit his fist on the wooden door. “Ouch!” he held his hand in pain. He could sense it already; it was going to be a very long day. xxxxxx Osarodion joined his parents and younger sister in the waiting room. It turned out that he wasn’t the only one in pajamas. His father had a big black coat over his green pajamas. His mother had a red long coat over her blue pajamas. His sister had a blue jean jacket over her pink pajamas. They all looked like attendees for a slumber party. “Have you seen her?” he sat beside his mother. She shook her head in response. Her eyes were red. She must have been crying. He glanced at his father. He looked worse. He directed his gaze at his younger sister who was seated behind them, fiddling with her phone. Osaretin strolled in, in a red tee-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and matching blue boots. He had his phones in one hand and the key to his car in another. He greeted his parents and siblings and sat beside his sister. Nosakhare raised his head and saw the doctor approaching them. He took a long deep breath. “Good morning everyone,” doctor Bia addressed them. “Good morning doctor,” they chorused. “Osayuki came in a taxi before dawn, Unclad, bruised and… we discovered that she had been molested.” Etinosa covered her mouth with her right hand, stifling a scream. Tears rolled down her smooth dark face. “Molested…” Nosakhare repeated. It was hard to believe that something that gruesome could happen to his daughter. “The extent of the injuries in her private part showed that she had been molested by more than one person.” “What?!” Osaretin jumped to his feet. Osabohen felt goose bumps crawling all over her body. She wrapped her arms around herself and tried to block the scary thoughts that flooded her mind. “She was able to confirm the sexual assault before she drifted into unconsciousness.” “Where did the taxi driver pick her up from?” Osarodion boiled with anger. He hated weaklings who called themselves men, men who took advantage of women to satisfy their despicable sexual pervasions. “He claimed that she stopped him along the roadside, by Bar beach.” “Bar beach?” Osarodion and Osaretin chorused. Doctor Bia faced Nosakhare, “I have notified the police. The taxi driver has taken them to the spot he found her. They promised to continue their investigations from there.” He pulled his wife into his arms. She started to cry out loud. She felt as if she was going to die. Osabohen stared at her parents with pity. She couldn’t imagine what they were going through. “If you are ready, you can all see her now.” He helped his wife to her feet. They followed the doctor down the hall. Their children walked behind them with unsteady steps. The doctor led them into a private room. They found Osayuki covered up with bandages. Osabohen sat at the bedside. She couldn’t imagine what her sister had been through. She would not wish such a thing on her worst enemy. She hated rape stories. She felt angry, hurt and helpless all at once. She hoped her sister’s attackers would be caught and brought to justice. “Thank you for everything,” Nosakhare shook hands with the doctor. Doctor Bia nodded and left the room. Etinosa sat at the other side of the bed, “Oh God… look at my baby,” she wept. Nosakhare folded his hands across his chest. He couldn’t hold back the tears again. He let it flow freely. His chest tightened in anguish. “Those bastards are going to pay. I swear on everything I hold dear, they will pay!” Osarodion seethed. Osaretin glanced at his elder brother, his anger was infectious. be continued
19 May 2017 | 10:25
not good at all. ride on
19 May 2017 | 12:58
y u change d name I fink have seen diz story b4 gud it finally here
19 May 2017 | 14:05
19 May 2017 | 14:47
so bad
19 May 2017 | 15:41
Gosh...rape is very bad
19 May 2017 | 16:35
God forbid bad thing.. I feel sorry the innocent girl
19 May 2017 | 16:44
she made a very big mistake following a stranger to a secluded place. so sorry dear! next please!
20 May 2017 | 03:54
Adventure turned bad.... I can't stop myself from thinking the guy had been stalking her before
20 May 2017 | 07:18
Oh no! Very why shld she follow a stranger dat far
21 May 2017 | 02:34
he opened her eyes. She felt she was somewhere familiar. Was she home? She tried to turn on her side, but the pains that attacked her made her to groan. “She is awake,” Osabohen announced. Her parents and brothers gathered around the bed. “How are you doing darling?” her father’s voice felt like a balm, soothing all her aches. “Daddy…” she croaked. Her throat felt very dry. She started to cough. “I think she need a drink,” her mother stared at her youngest daughter. Osabohen frowned. Why was she looking at her? Why can’t someone else get the drink? “Sabby…” her father signaled to her. “A drink it is…” she got up and hurried out of the room. “How are you feeling?” Etinosa sat beside her daughter. She turned to look at her mother. Her eyes were red and she had a sad look on her face. “I am… in pains,” she started to cough again. “Where is Osabohen?” Osarodion looked towards the door with irritation. “You are going to be all right darling,” Nosakhare sat beside his wife and reached out for his daughter’s hand. Osaretin stood at the edge of the bed. He kept looking at his sister. She seemed thinner, frail and fragile. He saw Osabohen with the corner of his eye; she was carrying a glass of water. Her mother collected it from her. Nosakhare helped Osayuki to sit up, while his wife gave her a drink. Osarodion watched his parents. Trust them to dot on their favourite child and pamper her to stupor. He shook the thoughts away. He was supposed to be praying for her quick recovery, not licking old wounds. She drained the glass and lay back on the bed, “My car… I parked my car outside the beach.” Nosakhare glanced at his first son. He met his father’s gaze and nodded, “I will go and get it this evening.” The thoughts of what happened at the beach clouded her mind. She closed her eyes and tried to shut out the memories. The sinister look in Stephen’s eyes, the way the hoodlums ate her up, the fear that consumed her mind and the pain that took over her body exploded in her mind. She began to scream. “Osayuki…” Etinosa shook her by the shoulder. She didn’t respond, her eyes seemed lost and distant, like she was somewhere else. She panicked and turned to her husband. Osayuki continued to scream, holding her head and trying in vain to stop the trail of her torturous thoughts. “Darling…” Nosakhare climbed the bed and tried to hold her. She flinched at his touch and sat up. She held her head with both hands and her shrill filled the room. “I think we should call the doctor,” Osabohen joined her brother at the edge of the bed. Her sister’s sudden reaction had scared her. Nosakhare motioned to his first son. Osarodion dialed Doctor Bia’s number on his phone and dashed out of the room. “Osayuki…” she moved closer to her daughter. She recognized her mother’s voice and flew into her arms. “Mummy!” She held unto her like her life depended on it. “Yes, darling. I am right here. I am not going anywhere.” “Mummy…” she sobbed, “I see them… I see all of them,” she wept. “It is going to be all right darling. Mummy is here. I promise you, I won’t allow them to hurt you ever again.” “Promise?” “Yes, darling, I promise.” His eyes smarted with tears. He got up and staggered out of the room. Osaretin watched his father leave. He felt saddened by his discomposure. Osabohen examined her mother as she consoled her elder sister. None of them had eaten or slept a wink since they returned from the hospital that afternoon. How were they going to cope with Osayuki’s situation? She doubted if things would ever return to normal. xxxxxx Doctor Bia sedated Osayuki and she fell asleep almost immediately. He turned around and looked at them, from one to the other. “You all need to rest, eat and rest.” “How is she?” he was worried about his daughter. The doctor sighed and turned to the sleeping beauty, “She will be fine. She will have a lot of episodes like the one you just witnessed… nightmares inclusive.” “Ah!” Osabohen panicked. “For how long?” Etinosa wiped the tears on her face with the back of her hand. He stood, “I cannot say.” “What does that mean?” Osarodion folded his arms across his chest. He directed his gaze at the young man, “I suggest you employ an in-house nurse.” “What for?” Osaretin eyed the doctor. He stared at the younger man, and then faced their father, “The nurse will sedate her with a tranquillizer whenever she has an episode or a nightmare.” “For how long?” Etinosa paled. He turned to look at the elderly woman, “Until the episodes and nightmares stop.” “Wow!” Osabohen leaned against the wall. Things were worse than she thought. “Can you help us to get an in-house nurse?” Nosakhare faced the doctor. He was ready to do whatever it took to help her to recover as fast as possible. “Yes. She also needs to see a Psychiatrist once she is up to it.” “Whatever for?” Etinosa got to her feet and faced the doctor. “Talking to a Psychiatrist will help her to off-load the weight on her mind and bring her some form of closure.” Etinosa began to shake her head. Her daughter didn’t need a shrink. She wasn’t crazy. “Ma, she needs to speak to someone about what happened to her.” “We are her family. She will speak to us,” Osaretin walked up to his mother and placed a hand around her shoulder. She found comfort in his gesture. The doctor glanced at the head of the family, “She needs a neutral person.” Nosakhare nodded in agreement. The detective assigned to his daughter’s case also wanted to speak with her. He doubted if she was ready to share her experience. Her mind seemed fractured. He couldn’t fathom how long it took for the human mind to heal and recover from such ghastly experience. “I will make arrangements for the in-house nurse. She will be here first thing tomorrow morning,” doctor Bia headed towards the doorway. “I will see you to your car,” Osarodion saw the doctor out. He had a lot of questions to ask. “I think you should both go home. You can check up on your sister tomorrow,” Etinosa patted her son on the back and glanced at her daughter. Osaretin kissed his mother on both cheeks and hugged his father. He needed to rest. He might not go to work the next day. He was the head of the Accounts department in his father’s company. He might call his assistant and intimate him on how to oversee things in his absence. Osabohen followed her brother out of the room. They met their eldest brother at the car park. He was also on his way out. Nosakhare and his wife walked out of the room and closed the door gently. They hoped that Osayuki would remain sedated throughout the night. “Are you going to work tomorrow?” He placed a hand around her shoulder, “As the CEO of Goldenberg Insurance Company, I have to be there, come rain or shine.” She sighed heavily. “I will go mad with worry if I stay back at home.” “I will stay. I want to meet the nurse and help her to settle in.” “Okay.” “I can’t stop wondering…” “About?” “Where was God when our daughter was been molested?” He sighed and pulled her close in a hug, “God is ever present.” “But…” “Ssssh… there are things we might never fully understand, but, that doesn’t mean that God wasn’t or isn’t there. She exhaled loudly. “He never leaves or forsakes us.” She knew he spoke the truth, but, it was a bitter pill to swallow at that very moment. “We will trust in the Lord with all our hearts and depend not on our own understanding. In all our ways, we will acknowledge Him and He will direct our paths,” he paraphrased the third chapter of the book of Proverbs, verse five and six. She would try as much as possible to trust in God and rest in Him. After all, He sees the end from the beginning. Her daughter was safely in his arms, regardless of what she had gone through. XXXXXXXXX Doctor Bia sat in the living room with his wife’s younger brother. They had been waiting for Mr. and Mrs. Ehaekpen for more than fifteen minutes. The House manager, Mrs. Grace, had told them that the couple had just woken up. He knew how exhausted they were the day before. He expected them to stay indoors and rest. Nosakhare and Etinosa walked into the sitting room. They looked a bit refreshed and visibly tired. “Good morning doctor,” they chorused. Doctor Bia and his brother-in-law got up and greeted the couple. They returned to their seats, while the couple sat opposite them. “I thought you said the nurse will resume this morning,” she looked at the doctor then at the fair young man seated beside him. He cleared his throat, “Yes, em… this is Omefe Esiri, my wife’s younger brother. He studied Nursing in London and he also has a diploma in Psychology.” Her dark brows creased in a frown. She caught a glimpse of her husband. His facial expression depicted displeasure. They had both expected a female nurse. The doctor cleared his throat again, he could sense their disapproval, “Omefe is very good at his job. He will offer both medical and psychological help to your daughter.” Nosakhare and his wife sized up the young man. They felt that a female nurse would have been appropriate. “Can’t you get us a female nurse?” Etinosa directed her gaze at the doctor. “I can vouch for Efe. Let him take care of your daughter for a couple of days, if you are not satisfied, I will go out of my way to search for a female nurse.” Nosakhare assessed the young man. He looked as old as his first son, “Why didn’t you stay back in London?” “I worked in different hospitals back in London, but, I decided to come home to give back to my country.” He snorted and got to his feet, “I am off.” Doctor Bia and Efe rose. “Let’s see what the young man can offer.” “Thank you sir,” the doctor relaxed. Efe sensed that the middle aged woman was staring at him. He needed the job. Since he returned to the country two years ago, his earnings were nothing compared to what he earned in London. His sister’s husband had assured him that the Ehaekpen family would pay handsomely. Mrs. Grace walked in briskly, “Sir, ma, she is awake.” They all turned around and looked at her. “She is screaming her lungs out.” Etinosa panicked. Nosakhare grimaced and glanced at the doctor. “Where is she?” Efe picked up his small bag and approached the woman. “Come with me,” they hurried out of the room. “She will be all right. He will take good care of her,” the doctor assured them. He relaxed and pecked his wife on the cheek, “See you in the evening.” She sighed and watched them leave. xxxxxx Osabohen met her parents taking their dinner when she arrived at the Ehaekpen’s ten bedroom mansion that evening. She chatted with them for a while before leaving for her sister’s bedroom. She met a fair young man attending to her. She was taken aback. Where was the nurse? The man was clad in a white short-sleeve shirt and trousers. He looked like one of the male nurses in the sitcom ‘Grey Anatomy’. He noticed her presence and greeted her. She gave a nod and left the room. She hurried back to the dining and took a seat. “I thought Doctor Bia was supposed to bring a female nurse,” she looked from one parent to the other. “Male or female, as long as he or she is a nurse, I am fine with it,” there was a note of finality in his voice. “If you say so,” she eyed him and caught a glimpse of her mother. She looked weary. “I didn’t see you in the office today,” Nosakhare took a long drink. “I couldn’t lift a finger when I woke up this morning. I needed the day off.” Her brothers walked into the room. They greeted their parents and stood by the dining. “Have you both had your dinner?” Etinosa searched their faces. They nodded in unison. “Should Mrs. Grace bring you something to eat?” “No, mum, thanks,” Osarodion took a seat. “I had dinner with some friends on my way here. I am stuffed,” Osaretin smiled at her. Mrs. Grace came in, greeted her employers’ children and cleared the table. Efe joined them and informed his new employers that their daughter had been sedated for the night and would soon fall asleep. They thanked him. He said his goodnight and returned to his quarters, a room directly opposite his patient’s room. “I thought Osayuki’s nurse was supposed to be a woman?” Osaretin sat beside his brother. “Is it wise to employ a male nurse?” Osarodion looked at both parents. “My point exactly,” their sister added. Nosakhare assured his children that the male nurse was highly recommended by their family doctor. They should all concern themselves with their sister’s quick recovery and not the person taking care of her. xxxxxx She lay on the bed in her pajamas. She had, had her dinner and was waiting for sleep to overtake her. It had been two weeks since the incident at the beach. Her nightmares came every single night. She hoped it would stop soon. Whatever the male nurse sedated her with always calmed and lured her back to sleep. Her dreams were usually centered on the faces of the men that violated her. The torment gnawed at her soul and made it impossible for her to sleep. Lord Jesus... will I ever get over this bad experience? Heal me Lord. Make me whole again. Someone knocked. She looked towards the door. The male nurse opened the door, walked in and took a few steps towards the bed. “You are still awake. I thought I should check up on you.” She sighed and turned on her side. He folded his hands across his chest. His elder sister’s husband had told him about her condition. He had treated people like her in the past. Many rape victims lose their minds due to their ugly experiences. Some find it hard to relate with men. Some became men haters. Others find solace in lesbianism and a great number turned to nymphomaniacs. He prayed that his patient would recover with all her faculties intact. It was a good thing that she was a believer. Her faith in God would help her heal physically, emotionally and psychologically. It would also help her through every challenge she might encounter. “Good night,” he turned around and saw himself out. She heard the sound of the door. She sighed again and lay on her back. Efe had been very kind to her. At times, she heard him praying for her. He was always at her side whenever she had nightmares. He would stay in her room until she drifted off to sleep. His presence was comforting. She let out a loud yawn and turned on her tummy. She blinked several times and dozed off. be continued
25 May 2017 | 03:09
Hmmm, I hope she recovers quickly ooo
25 May 2017 | 04:37
Same here
25 May 2017 | 04:59
Where was God wen ur daughter was molested y nt ask her were she was , anyway baby dat's one of those tins, very soon u 'll b ok, Dr Efe is a gud man nd kns his work.
25 May 2017 | 05:18
I just hope he succeeds in this one
25 May 2017 | 05:19
I hope so
25 May 2017 | 05:38
Get well soon
25 May 2017 | 10:08
eh ya,
25 May 2017 | 18:43
Next plz!
26 May 2017 | 02:47
Nice story here
26 May 2017 | 18:15
[b]episode 4 Nosakhare sat in his large office. He had been running Goldenberg Insurance Company since he completed his youth service. He inherited the firm from his late mother. It used to be a small company, but, over the years, it had grown into an international establishment reckoned with worldwide. One after the other, his children joined him in running the company immediately they completed their service year. He had placed them in charge of different departments, within the sphere of their capacity. Osayuki had been outstanding. It didn’t matter where he placed her, she always excelled. Her intelligence and knack for business had encouraged him to put her in charge of everything. She was like his second in command. His sons had shown their disapproval, but, he had no choice. No one could handle the reins of the firm like she did. It had been four weeks since she was attacked. She seemed to be getting better, but, she couldn’t resume work in her frame of mind. He had decided to share her duties amongst all his children. He believed with time, one of them might be able to fill in her position until she gained full recovery and was ready to return to work. He hoped that by the time he retired at eighty, she would take over the company as the CEO. He heard a knock and looked towards the door. His wife, sons and youngest daughter walked in. The women sat on the seats opposite the table while the men stood behind them. “I feel that one of you should take over your sister’s position, until she returns to work.” Osaretin smiled from ear to ear. He had been waiting for his father to make that decision for weeks. He believed that he was capable of handling the position as the second in command. His elder brother nodded in agreement with their father. As the first son, he was supposed to be charge, not his sister. Her situation had created an opportunity for him to show his father that he was capable of running the company. He noticed that his younger sister was nodding her head. Osabohen was glad that her father had come to terms with what happened to their sister. She believed that she was capable of taking over from her. “But, the second in command position cannot be taken lightly. There is a lot at stake. This made me to decide that it is best if your sister’s position is shared amongst the three of you.” His first son frowned. Osarodion didn’t like the idea of sharing titles and powers with his siblings. As the first child, it was his right. His younger brother’s smile faded. Osaretin had thought that their father would choose him. Their sister folded her arms across her bosom. Osabohen didn’t mind sharing powers with her brothers. Overtime, her father would see that she was his best option. “Thank you for coming. You can all return to your offices,” Nosakhare leaned against the leather seat. His children walked out of the large room one after the other. He met his wife’s pleased gaze. He smiled back at her. xxxxxx Efe woke up in the middle of the night. There was a faint sound in the background. It sounded like someone was sobbing. Osayuki! The thought of her in distress made him to jump out of bed and dash out of the room. He knocked on her door and opened it. He walked in and saw her seated on the bed crying. The room was illuminated by the bedside lamp. He approached her and sat at the side of the bed. “Are you okay?” “No!” Her anger didn’t come as a surprise to him. Her constant nightmares were enough to drive anyone nuts. “Do I look okay to you?” she glared back at him. He swallowed hard, his eyes darted sideways. If lashing out at him would make her feel better, he was ready to be her punching bag. “Will I ever be okay?” her tears-stained eyes focused on his sad ones. He felt sorry for her. He wished he could take away all her pains. “I keep seeing their faces… I keep dreaming about what happened… I feel like I am going crazy… sometimes, I think… suicide might be the best option.” He shook his head, “No! No…” he drew closer, “Don’t ever think about doing that,” his firm voice got through to her. “But, it is better than…” “No!” “I feel useless, rotten, wasted, wrecked…” she placed both hands on her head. “Hey… don’t say that.” “I am tired,” tears began to flow again. He pulled her into his arms and rocked her liked a baby, “Ssssh… it is okay. It is going to be all right.” “Where was God when I needed Him most?” “He was right there with you.” “Watching?” her voice raised a pitch. “Yes, watching and making sure that you didn’t die in the moment of your affliction.” Her wet eyes brightened, “He saved me from death.” “Yes he did.” “Why didn’t he stop them?” “There are some things we might never fully understand in this lifetime.” “Why?” “I don’t know Osayuki.” The sound of her name on his lips had a soothing effect on her fried nerves. She leaned into him, taking comfort in the warmth of his arms. “I want you to know that God will never leave you or forsake you.” “Hmmm…” “He feels your pains…” “Ehn-hen…” “He knows exactly what you are going through.” “O-kay…” she sounded drowsy. Is she sleeping? He pulled away and found out that her eyes were closed. He placed her on the bed gently and tried to get up. She stirred and opened her eyes. “Don’t go… stay with me,” the fear in her voice tug at his heart. “Okay,” he sat back on the bed. She closed her eyes and coiled into a ball. He sighed heavily. He would do anything to make her bad dreams to disappear forever. It had been eight weeks since he had been taking care of her. Her family seemed satisfied with his service. His probation period was definitely over. At thirty-five, he hoped to work and make good money as a nurse and a psychiatrist. Someday, somehow, he would set up his own clinic and psychiatric centre. God it is all in your hands now. He looked down at her. It seemed she had fallen asleep again. He got up and sneaked out of the room. xxxxxx The Ehaekpen’s family sat at the dining, enjoying a delicious meal of pounded yam and egusi soup with assorted bush meat, smoked cat fish and grilled pepper chicken. Silence descended on the room when she walked in, clad in a black and red short evening gown with matching red low heeled gladiator sandals. She had on a shoulder length braids curled at the tips; the attachment was a selective shade of brown. She greeted her parents and siblings, took a seat at the dining and began to dish her food. Her parents exchanged glances. It had been three months since the incident. They were pleased that she looked well and had decided to eat with them. “How is the company?” she directed her gaze to her siblings, one after the other, “I heard that my duties have been divided amongst you all,” she sipped at her drink. Osarodion glanced at his father then back at his sister. If they think he would give up his current position as the second in command of the company, although he was sharing the title with his siblings, they had something else coming. He was the first child; he was where he was supposed to be in the first place. Osaretin stopped eating. He pushed the plate away and caught a glimpse of his parents. They were excited that their favourite child was back on her feet. If she thought she could return to work and take over the reins of the company, she better think again. He wasn’t relinquishing his present position to anyone. Osabohen dropped her fork and knife on the plate and stared at her elder sister, “You look well…” “Thank you,” Osayuki smiled at her. “But, do you think your mind is sane enough to handle the company’s business?” Osabohen searched her face. Her smile faded. She swallowed the food in her mouth and took a long drink. “Sabby, that is no way to speak to your elder sister,” her mother rebuked her. Nosakhare shook his head. At times, his youngest daughter vomited a lot of rubbish. “Let her be mum. She speaks the truth,” Osarodion held his mother’s shocked gaze. “I concur,” Osaretin added. Osabohen smiled. She was pleased that her brothers supported her. Nosakhare and his wife exchanged glances. Were their children ganging up against their sister? Weren’t they happy that she was recovering? Osayuki pushed her plate away. She could sense the heat at the table. There were times she wondered if they wanted her to be bedridden for the rest of the year. Heavens forbid! “Well, well, well, so what I heard is true,” she stared at them. Her younger sister eyed her. What had she heard? She glanced at her brothers. Osaretin didn’t care anymore. He was ready to fight for what was rightfully his. Osarodion was tired of the favouritism in the family. He was ready for war. “I heard that you all convert my position in the company, you have also seized my car and converted my apartment into a guest house.” “Your car and the apartment are part of the benefits of your job title…” Osabohen rattled off. “Shut up!” her shrill tone cut off her younger sister’s defense. “Don’t tell her to shut up. She is right. You are in no state to run the company. We have taken over,” Osaretin slammed his fist on the table. “True, your things have been moved back to your father’s house. He can buy you a new car and rent another place for you,” Osarodion added. She pushed the chair backwards and got up, “You have no right… none of you… no right at all,” Osayuki stared at them stonily. “Enough!” Nosakhare thundered. She looked at her father, “You allowed them to do this.” “It is not like that,” the hurt in her eyes saddened. She shook her head and marched out. “Osayuki…” her mother called after her, but, she didn’t respond. Etinosa turned to look at the rest of her children. What had gotten into them all? Osaretin started to eat. He liked the way things had turned out. Osabohen smiled and hummed to herself. The favourite child should go back to her shell. She wasn’t wanted in their midst. Her tenure was over. Osarodion met his father’s angry stare. He looked away and sipped at his drink. He believed that if he allowed his father to have his way, he would make his younger sister the CEO of the company when he retired. It was time to stop that from happening. XXXXXXXXX Osayuki found her father’s car keys in his bedroom. She took it and headed out. She found her father’s black Hummer jeep parked in the usual place, got in and drove into the dark quiet street. It was past eight. An hour drive would do her some good. She had one of her new phones with her. She would be able to reach Efe if need be. She should have called him earlier, but, she had a feeling that he might convince her not to leave the house. Her vision became blurry. She wiped her wet eyes with the back of her hand. She was angry at every single member of her family. Moments later, she realized that she was on the road leading to Eko Hotel and Suites. She became alarmed when she remembered that the beach was also close by. She had been attacked on the beach by someone she hardly knew and two hoodlums. The darkness of the night intensified her realm of thoughts. Her heart raced wildly. She found a spot at the parking lot outside Kuramo beach and parked the car. She got out and paid one of the boys hanging around to watch it. Her erratic thoughts pushed her towards Bar beach. She removed her red gladiator sandals and climbed over the huge rocks. The sand felt cool beneath her feet. Her heart thundered against her chest. She began to feel a nagging headache. She walked around, looking for the bamboo hut that was covered with blankets. What am I doing here? Why did I come here? I shouldn’t have left the house. She sighted the hut at a distance and froze. She fell on her knees and throw up. She took in long in-take of breath and exhaled, it had a calming effect on her nerves. She dialed Efe’s number on her phone and waited for it to ring. “Hello…” The sound of his voice eased her chaotic thoughts, “Efe… come and get me.” “Osayuki, where are you?” “I am at Bar beach.” “What in the world!” “Come and get me.” “When did you leave the house? I thought you were having dinner with your family.” “Efe…” “I am on my way. Try and relax and breathe, okay, deep breaths.” “Deep breaths…” she repeated and inhaled. She sat on the sand and hoped that he would come soon. She wasn’t sure she would be able to walk back to the car. She checked the time on her phone; it was nine o’clock on the dot. xxxxxx Efe found the Ehaekpen family in the dining room, arguing. “I am sorry to disturb you sir…” he approached Nosakhare. “It’s okay,” he motioned for him to come. He bent down and whispered into the sixty year old man’s ear. His dark eyes widened in shock. He got up immediately and picked up his phone. Efe took a step back. “Honey what is it?” Etinosa worried look captured his alarmed face. His eyes darted at her, then across the table. He pointed an accusing finger at his children. “Your sister has put herself at risk because of all of you.” Etinosa got to her feet. She glanced at Efe, then back at her husband. She hoped Osayuki had not come to any harm. “I will be right back,” he gave his wife a peck on the cheek and hurried out of the room with the male nurse. She turned to her children, “If anything happens to your sister, I am holding each one of you responsible,” she eyed them and walked out of the room. Osabohen hissed. She wished she could leave. She would rather be home browsing or watching Telemundo. Osarodion sat back on his seat. He hoped his sister wasn’t in any kind of danger. She had gone through enough. Osaretin crossed his arms and stared at his empty plate. He was still boiling within. He didn’t care what happened to his sister. He was tired of his parents’ constant attention towards her. xxxxxx Nosakhare and his daughter’s nurse arrived at the beach. He dialed her number and got a description of where she was. After about ten minutes, they found her seated on the sand crying. Efe lifted her and swept her up in his arms. He carried her back to his car while her father searched for his Hummer jeep. He found it and paid off the boys that were watching it. Efe called Doctor Bia and intimated him of her present condition. The doctor suggested that they should bring her to the hospital immediately. Osayuki heard people arguing and fighting at a distance. She looked out of the window and watched them. Efe noticed the expressions on her face. At first, it was a curious look, then recognition, but, it was replaced by fear, pain then anguish. He followed her gaze and saw two men fighting. Suddenly, she started to scream. He jumped out of the front seat and joined her at the back seat of the car. She held her head with one hand and pointed at the men with the other. Her father hurried to her side. “What is happening?” Efe pointed at the hoodlums that were fighting. He followed his direction. “I think she recognized them.” Nosakhare nodded and dialed the number of the detective in charge of his daughter’s case. Efe tried to calm her but to no avail. He wished he had brought along a tranquilizer. “Breathe… take long deep breaths.” She nodded and shut her eyes. Her breathing came fast and hard. She had just seen the men that attacked her. Her mind was going crazy. Fourty-five minutes later, two uniformed men arrived. Nosakhare approached them and pointed at the hoodlums. They were still arguing and other riffraff gathered around them. The policemen separated the men and dragged them towards Efe’s car. “Do you know these men?” her father pointed at the hoodlums being held by the policemen. She looked at them. One of them had a deep scar across his face and the other had a disfigured ear. She nodded quickly. “Daddy… they raped me. I asked them for help, but, they raped me,” she began to weep. He pulled her close and hugged her. He felt his blood boiling with fury. If not for the presence of the policemen, he would have taken laws into his own hands. “It is okay darling. They are going to pay for what they did to you,” Nosakhare signaled to Efe and got out of the car. The male nurse drew her close and comforted her. Nosakhare called the detective again and intimated him on what had happened. He gave one of the policemen his phone and watched him communicate with the detective. The officer returned the phone and dragged one of the hoodlums to their vehicle. His colleague dragged the other along. Efe and his boss set off for Saint Nicholas hospital. Doctor Bia attended to her that night and discharged her after he had confirmed that she was in a good frame of mind. Nosakhare was surprised to meet his children in the sitting room when he got home at about eleven. He thought they had gone home. They circled around him, hungry for news. Etinosa followed Efe to Osayuki’s room and helped him to settle her in for the night. “Just thank God for your sister’s life. The two hoodlums that raped her that night have been caught.” “Wow! Praise the Lord!” Osarodion was relieved at the news. “I am going to see the detective tomorrow morning. Those men are going to pay for the misery they caused my daughter,” Nosakhare said with determination. “I will come with you dad,” Osarodion volunteered. “Okay, okay,” he settled on a chair. He was tired, but relieved at how the night had turned out. “I am going to check up on her,” Osabohen left the room. Osaretin was still angry at how the family dinner had ended. He wondered if Mrs. Grace had turned in for the night. He thought of going to look for something to chew in the kitchen. He would have to spend the night in his parents’ place. He couldn’t go home, it was already late. Etinosa sat beside her daughter. She had not said a word since she was brought home that night. Efe had narrated what happened. She was grateful to God that two out of the three men that molested her had been caught. She decided to sleep in her daughter’s room that night. She wanted her to feel safe. be continued[/b]
27 May 2017 | 18:20
[b]episode 5 She woke up and found her mother sleeping beside her. She yawned and stretched out her hands and legs. It had been a long time since she had slept well. It occurred to her that she didn’t have any nightmare. She had slept like a baby. Thank you Jesus. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened it. If her nights continued that way, her full recovery was manifesting sooner than she thought. Someone knocked. She looked towards the door. Efe opened it and walked in. “Morning.” “Morning,” she sat up. “Did you sleep well?” “Yes, thanks,” she grinned. “Should I ask Mrs. Grace to bring you breakfast in bed?” She shook her head, “I will take my bath first. I think I will eat at the dining.” “Okay, good.” “Thank you for coming to get me last night.” “You are welcome. But, the next time you want to leave the house, for whatever reason, just call me.” “Okay. I will.” He stepped closer, “I am glad that you are all right. I was worried about you.” She nodded, “I didn’t have any bad dream last night.” He smiled, “I noticed.” “I slept like a baby.” “I am glad,” he could see the excitement in her eyes. “God has answered our prayers.” “Yes, he has.” Their gazes locked. He was sure that in a matter of weeks, she would be able to go back to her normal routine. He had noticed that no man had come to check up on her. Was she single? He had seen in her hospital records. She was thirty. Why wasn’t she in a relationship at that age? Maybe she allowed work to take over her social life. He had noticed that her siblings were also single and work-driven. They all needed to do a rethink. Life wasn’t all about work, money and fame. There were other things that made it beautiful and worthwhile. Etinosa stirred and opened her eyes. She turned on her side and noticed that her daughter was awake. She followed her gaze and saw Efe standing by the doorway. Why were they staring at each other like that? She looked from one to the other. Have their relationship gone beyond nurse and patient to a more intimate one? Was there something else going on between them? The young man was decent and hardworking. He would make a fine husband for her workaholic daughter who had not dated anyone since she graduated from the university. She cleared her throat thrice. Osayuki blinked and turned away from the intensity of his gaze. She perceived that her mother was awake. “Morning darling.” “Mum, morning,” she glanced at her. “Good morning ma.” She threw a glance at him and smiled, “Morning Efe.” Why was she smiling at him like that? She was looking at him as if she had discovered something. “Please, excuse me,” he retreated and walked out. “Fine young man, isn’t he?” She raised an eyebrow and her puzzled stare captured her mother’s excited ones. “I think he is single.” She shrugged. She didn’t know what her mother was driving at. “He will make a fine husband for a lucky woman.” Osayuki blinked, she was not sure why her mother made such comment. The elderly woman started to laugh. It was possible that the nurse and his patient had no idea about what was going on between them. If it was meant to be, they would find out for themselves. She decided to stay out of their business. “What are you having for breakfast?” “I don’t know. I will like to take my bath first.” “Okay. I will tell Mrs. Grace to make you pancakes and oatmeal.” “Sounds perfect,” she got down from the bed and headed for the bathroom. She lay back on the bed. It would be wonderful if her eldest daughter got married. Her dreams of being a granny would finally materialize. It might encourage her other children to settle down. Her first son was thirty five. Her second son was thirty three and Osabohen was twenty eight. She couldn’t remember the last time they introduced anyone as their intended. They were focused on work, power and positions in her husband’s company. Did they make a mistake in involving the children in the family business? She turned off her line of thoughts and pulled her weight up. She climbed down from the bed and yawned. Her husband would have woken up. He must have noticed her absence from his side the other night. She smiled; he could do without her once in a while. XXXXXXXXX Nosakhare stood at the window, gazing at the busy street. He heard a knock on the door and turned around. Osayuki opened the door and stepped into her father’s office. “Darling,” he stretched out his hands. “Daddy,” she hurried into his arms. He gave her a bear hug, “What are you doing here?” “Visiting my daddy at work.” He released her, “Come…” he led her to the sitting area opposite his desk, “How are you doing?” “I am good. I am here with Efe.” “Oh! Really?” She nodded, “He is waiting for me in the car. He is resuming work at Saint Nicholas hospital tomorrow.” “So I heard. He has been very helpful.” She nodded in agreement. “Are you also planning to resume work?” “Yes, daddy.” “Good, good. I have a proposition for you.” She raised an eyebrow. What was he up to? “I want you to work for us as a consultant.” Her brows creased in a frown. “Hear me out,” he raised a hand. She folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the seat. “As a consultant, you can work for as many firms as you can handle. Your experience in the industry has coined you as a very hot cake.” She chuckled. “Many of my friends have asked me times without number to loan you to them.” “Wow!” “You have helped us to grow and I believe that it is high time you carve a notch for yourself in the business world.” She sighed. She had never thought about building her career that way. “But, you must remember, Goldenberg Insurance Company comes first.” “No problem.” “Thank you for understanding.” “Thank you daddy,” she embraced him. “Where are you and Efe off to?” She released him, “Lunch.” “Lunch? At six in the evening.” She shrugged and got to her feet. “O-kay. I guess I will see you at home before midnight.” “The fact that I am living under your roof for the time being doesn’t mean that you can dictate how I come and go.” He placed both hands on his tummy and began to laugh. “I am not sixteen dad, I am thirty.” He continued to laugh. “See you at home, whenever…” she marched out. “Hey! These children will not be my undoing.” Etinosa walked in, “Honey, are you ready?” “Ah… yes dear.” “I saw Osayuki.” “Yes. She stopped by.” “Did you tell her?” “Yes, she accepted.” She came to sit by his side, “Wonderful.” Someone barged into the office. They turned around and saw Osayuki by the door, breathing fast and hard. He leapt to his feet. “Darling, are you okay?” She glanced back at him. Her eyes were shriveled with fear, as if she had just encountered her worse nightmare. Her mother ran to her side. “What is it? What happened?” She held her mother by the hand and pointed at the opened door. “Speak up. What is it?” Nosakhare’s impatience wasn’t lost on her. She swallowed hard, “I saw him…” she whispered. They exchanged glances. “Who?!” Etinosa panicked. “He is in Osaretin’s office,” she held her chest, in an attempt to still her racing heart. It dawned on them that she was talking about the person who lured her to the beach and raped her before the hoodlums found her. “Are you sure?” her mother placed a hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. She nodded, stepped forward and collapsed in the chair. “Stay with her,” he instructed his wife and dashed out. A few feet away from his son’s office, he heard loud voices. He quickened his steps and opened the door slightly. He saw Osaretin and a taller man holding each other by the collar. He eavesdropped. “I have already paid you.” “I need to travel out of the country.” “Do I look like a bank?” “You are going to give me every penny I want, whether you like it or not.” “I have already paid you for the job. You messed things up. Did I ask for a refund?” “How was I supposed to know that those hoodlums will find her and do whatever they wanted with her?” “It is all your fault. What if they had killed her?” “But, they didn’t!” “You need to leave and never come back.” “Give me the money I asked for and I will disappear.” “You will not get a kobo from me.” “You lie!” Nosakhare stepped back. He couldn’t believe the conversation he had overheard. He dialed the detective number on his phone and spoke with him in a low tone. He hung up and opened the door. Osaretin let go of the man when his father walked in. “What is going on here?” “Nothing dad,” he adjusted his collar. “Are you sure? You were both about to strangle each other a moment ago.” “We will continue this later,” the taller man tried to leave, but, Nosakhare blocked his way. “No one is going anywhere.” The man looked back at Osaretin. “Dad, let him go.” “No one is leaving until I know why you have decided to turn my company into a boxing ring,” he closed the door and leaned against it. “It is a private matter dad.” “Sir, I have to go,” the man pleaded. “No one is going anywhere.” Osaretin swallowed hard and met the taller man’s glare. Several minutes later, someone knocked. Nosakhare stepped away and opened the door. Two uniformed men walked in, followed by a man in black suit, about six feet tall. “Thank you for coming detective,” Nosakhare shook hands with the six footer man. Etinosa and Osayuki followed them in and stood by the doorway. “Miss. Ehaekpen, can you point out the man who raped you at the beach?” the detective asked her. She pointed at the young man standing two feet away from her father. “Good, young man, you are under arrest,” the detective faced the young man. Stephen fled. The two policemen ran after him and caught up with him down the hall and brought him back to the office. “Mr. Osaretin, what is your relationship with this man?” the detective asked him. He broke out in cold sweat, “He is an old friend.” The detective faced Stephen, “Who is Mr. Ehaekpen to you?” “He was my course mate back in the university. We reconnected at a friend’s party last year and he asked me to help him get his sister out of the way so that he can become the second in command in his father’s company.” Etinosa and Osayuki glanced at Osaretin. He bowed his head in shame. “He paid me a million naira.” “You are coming with us to the station. You are an accomplice to the crime committed eight months ago at the beach by this man,” the detective walked up to him and took him by the hand, “If you become hostile, I will handcuff you and drag you out of here like an animal.” “Dad…” his voice trembled with fear. His father turned away and walked out. “Dad!” Osaretin cried out, shocked that his father wouldn’t come to his rescue. Etinosa pulled her daughter closer and led her out. be continued[/b]
27 May 2017 | 18:28
@denciebabe @jummybabe @oneal @other's updates oooooooh
27 May 2017 | 18:29
Osaretin, you are a disgrace to your family
28 May 2017 | 03:32
I suspected him and its true
28 May 2017 | 05:21
next epic is 2morrow
28 May 2017 | 06:07
Osaretin dats very bad of you... You went too far, jealousy is a very bad thing
28 May 2017 | 06:39
Osaretin, you are a wicked and evil brother
28 May 2017 | 06:45
Osaretin is envious of his kid sis,thank God he didnt have her killed. Mr Nosakhare i think its time you focus on your children and straighten things out between them.
28 May 2017 | 07:55
Hmmm, some guys can be wicked o, just because of position u let your own sister passed thru rape! Next plz!
28 May 2017 | 15:00
Osaretin why will you do that to your own sister just because u want fame and power shame on you
28 May 2017 | 15:47
Wow! I like the way its going
29 May 2017 | 02:58
Stupid Greedy Human being
29 May 2017 | 03:01
Nonesense boy look at wat greed has caused u, my sist ur siblings ar magas joor bt thank goodness 4 ur recovery.
29 May 2017 | 07:34
bro this,osa u name all of d children wants to be confusing me... .all bcus of position, nawa ooo
29 May 2017 | 09:45


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