If I was to make my suggestion the way I saw the question...here is my view...
Assuming there were two houses being own by one man...and the houses wasn't built at the same day...one took some months when the other had already been finished before it was completely built...at the long run, the owner of that house was looking for people that would rent the two vacancy buildings...and faith has it that the one that was completely built after so many month the first one completed was the first building to be occupied...the man started gaining money from that 2nd building...but God so good...the man finaly find someone to occupy the 1st completed building after many months he has being gaining from the second building... EVENTUALY, someone then ask the man that...if atall you are asked to praise one out of the two house...which one will you choose???...if you were the man...answer that question...---I hope that will answer your question the way I saw the question---...BUT
Assuming I'm one out of the three(Father , First Son & The 2nd One)....A Brother will forever be a brother no matter what...as it was suppose to be if it was the brother that married first or gave birth to a male child first, so shall it be as it turns out that the brother wasn't the first to does that,.the brother's wife is the senior as its suppose to be...and his son is the first son no matter when he came...