Who is a woman? She is Abigail,
beautiful and full of wisdom; wealthy,
yet so humble; submissive, yet sensible
enough not to follow her husband on
the path of foolishness; a peacekeeper,
ready to intercede to avert the
destruction of her household.
Who is a woman? She is Deborah,
strong, courageous, observant of
happenings around her and ready to
step up to the task, even when men
have abandoned their duties and
Who is a woman? She is Esther,
beautiful; humble with a teachable
heart; comfortable and secure in her
husband’s love and wealth, yet willing
to sacrifice all for the sake of what she
believes in, even to the point of death.
Who is a woman? She is Sarah, a
woman of faith, who even in old age,
received strength necessary to
conceive and bring her husband’s
promise and vision to life.
Who is a woman? She is Hannah,
focused, full of faith; she knew what
she wanted – she said to God, “give me
a man child and I will give him back
to you”; powerful enough to determine
the destinies of her generations
Who is a woman? She is Jochebed, full
of faith and sensitive to identify her
child’s purpose and doing all within
her power to protect the fulfilment of
that purpose.
Who is a woman? She is Lois and
Eunice, strong women of faith with
enough wisdom to pass on their faith
to the next generation.
Who is a woman? She is Leah, written
off by everyone, including those
closest to her, even her own father;
told that she will never amount to
anything; seeking validation from her
husband until she finally realizes that
her worth and value is not from man,
but God only.
Who is a woman? She is the woman
with the issue of blood, focused,
persistent; pushing forward and
willing to overcome every obstacle;
patient until she receives her miracle.
Who is a woman? She is the woman
with the alabaster box, willing to give
her all in appreciation of all the
Master has done for her.
Who is a woman? A woman is you and
I, beautiful inside and out; physically
weak, yet so strong. You are a doctor,
counsellor, teacher, driver, cook,
coach, and many more; always looking
out for others, yet neglecting your own
You have fought many battles, bear
many scars, yet still standing tall;
broken into pieces, yet not destroyed.
You are full of love, faith, strength and
wisdom; a woman of influence, the
fulfilment of many destinies – your
husband, children and generations
unborn – rests upon you. Use your
strength and influence wisely!
You are special, woman; fearfully and
wonderfully made; love yourself and
know your worth!
Don’t give up on yourself, stay strong
and remain positive. Hold your head
up high, you are royalty.
Yes, your troubles and afflictions may
be many, but the victory is already
won; believe this and walk in the
victory of the Spirit.
I celebrate you woman, for you are
more than a conqueror.