To help the World
Bank Africa team do
more to reduce
poverty and create opportunity for the
people of Africa, the World Bank’s Africa team is looking for two social media interns who are
creative, smart, and committed to
These paid interns will join the
World Bank’s Africa
Communications unit, a team of
hardworking professionals, who
love Africa and want to see it
thrive and grow.
If you love Africa and are willing
to work hard, come join our
team! The World Bank Group is
an international development
bank that works for a world free
of poverty, with opportunity for
The World Bank works in 48
nations on the continent, putting
our expertise, know-how, and
financing behind the
development plans of African
countries and the communities
themselves. Modern strategic
communications are vital to the
World Bank’s development
mission in Africa.
Get Started
Follow @WorldBankAfrica or
@BM_Afrique and tweet your
response to this phrase: #
iwant2work4africa because…
Based on your response and if
you make it to round 2, you
will be sent a Direct Message
with additional instructions
What You’ll Receive
An internship at World Bank
headquarters in Washington
A monthly stipend
What You’ll Be Doing
Conceptualizing new ways for
the World Bank Africa to
engage in social networks
Adding a more “social layer”
to the World Bank Africa’s
corporate websites
Helping manage blogs
Writing social media press
Tweeting from @
WorldBankAfrica and @BM_
Engaging with fans on the
World Bank Africa Facebook
pages and Livestream channel
Sharing World Bank-produced
multimedia, blogs, and other
material on social networks
You Should Apply If…
You’re a student currently
enrolled in a Bachelor’s or
Master’s degree university
program, or the equivalent
You have a deep knowledge
and understanding of social
media tools – including
bookmarking, tagging,
tweeting, blogging, etc. – and
you use them regularly
You’re an excellent writer
You speak English or French
For more information, contact
[email protected]